Why Joe, not Bernie

He's running for the Democrat nomination, duh.

I know,that doesn't make him a Democrat,especially in the eyes of traditional Democrats like Hillary and Joe.
And even more so by Bernie 's Democratic Socialist base,most of who hate Democrats especially the DNC,and most plan on writing in Bernie rather than vote for Biden
What the fuck difference does that make? Trump isn't a republican either, he is an ignorant asshole. A democratic socialist beats ignorant asshole in my book.

The difference is Bernie supporters won't vote for Biden!
Republicans goose stepped behind Trump and will again.
Bernie splits the Democratic vote even if Biden wins,throwing the election to the Orange Messiah
It doesn't make any difference if Bernie or Joe win the nomination the dumbshit is going down. I don't know a single person who wants one but won't hesitate to vote for the other. They just want to be rid of the dumbshit.

Ok, dumbshit.
Somebody burned the Constitution?

Not just somebody, but a lot of them stealing & burning National Archives replica artifacts over the years just as their self determination where an interpretation of one nation under God doesn't include the law of the land nor does it include Einstein's time travel theories within the laws of nature & natures God in order to make space the place for the human race fried & freeze dried all over space in jihad crusade to prove a fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception as this national religion reason of why Joe....
Plenty of democrats don't want Bernie to have the nomination, saying the DNC does not want him is only because they believe Biden has a better chance of beating the dumbshit. What the fuck is wrong with that? Isn't that what the fuck they are supposed to be doing?

The DNC, if they allow Bernie to get the nomination if he earns it, would mean the label of SOCIALIST would be attached to them. While they may like socialist ideas, they don't have the guts to admit what they are.

You sound like a good little left winger right in line with what I said. Instead of wasting your time on here, shouldn't you be out finding something else for those you think have too much money to fund on your behalf?
I'd say that's entirely possible. Although some of the southern states full of ignorant rednecks may go his way he certainly won't realize the rust belt states and without them he is toast. He won't win a single state that he lost last time and he will lose plenty that he won.

I love it when lying leftist losers insult over 63 million Americans. That's a winning message. ;)
Yeah but we all know you are an ignorant dumbshit just like your Fuhrer so not many with any sense are going to listen to you. Hell, Trump has already destroyed the republican party.

^Triggered low IQ, leftist loon. :laugh: I hope you have a suicide watch scheduled on November 3rd. ;)
The difference is Bernie supporters won't vote for Biden!
Republicans goose stepped behind Trump and will again.
Bernie splits the Democratic vote even if Biden wins,throwing the election to the Orange Messiah

^A loony, low IQ, lying leftist who has seen the light. ;) :thumbsup:
The Party presidential nominee, heads up the DNC. Right now that is The Obama. Meaning of course Clinton, and all the other establishment Democrats.

So if Bernie ever got the nomination, he would head the DNC. Since he is not a team player, but a revolutionary, he would destroy the establishment.

This is why the establishment is working so hard not necessarily for Joe, but against Bernie. Joe simply is in the right place at the right time.

Exactly, but it's not just the DNC, if Bernie Sanders wins the Presidential nomination be will become titular head of the entire Democratic Party, and most importantly, the Democratic establishment.. The Democratic nominee that is, immediately becomes the Democrat's "head honcho and the prospect of this happening terrifies the democratic corporate and political establishment (with good reason).

You saw how the Democratic establishment swung into action to back Joe Biden in North Carolina; it was easy to see what was going on. Very quickly, after Biden's win, Pete Buttigieg, Klobachar and Beto O'Rourke withdrew from the race and all endorsed Biden. The next domino to fall was Bloomberg who likewise gave Biden his endorsement. Now Elizabeth Warren has dropped out as well, but she is a "progressive" and it is uncertain whether she will endorse Biden or Sanders.

The Democratic Party have realised that they can not win the November 2008 election against Trump, so they had to decide who it would be best for them to LOSE with and they decided on Biden, a lacklustre, cognitively impaired, 77 year old, middle- of- the- road moderate as the best sacrificial lamb. The Washington establishment will now focus their efforts (and considerable financial and political resources) on trying to ensure that Biden wins the Democratic nomination and not Sanders. Biden, as I say has not a hope in hell of taking on and defeating Trump. But losing with Biden means the current Democratic establishment will more or less survive in one piece. Remember that the Democratic establishment includes not just the DNC but elites from the media, newspapers (The Washington Post, New York Time, etc) the finance , banking, insurance, tech sectors, Big Pharma and so on - lots of very wealthy people who wield substantial power in the the politics of the Democratic party.

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The DNC, if they allow Bernie to get the nomination if he earns it, would mean the label of SOCIALIST would be attached to them. While they may like socialist ideas, they don't have the guts to admit what they are.
You sound like a good little left winger right in line with what I said. Instead of wasting your time on here, shouldn't you be out finding something else for those you think have too much money to fund on your behalf?

As if they haven't funded the national religion problems in American politics as this not so new Christian Nation standard megalomaniacal crusade jihad to rule the earth & destroy the world survival of the fittest fascists pyramid scheme of Jesus the Christ existed diatribe where utilizing time travel in disregarding Einstein's laws of nature & nature's God theory where time travel is not possible as reason for the Catholic Church to broker more deaths as with the Holocaust Arab Islam oil for Jewish deaths by Nazis & SCOTUS Rehnquist's interpretation of one nation under God with equal justice under law lynching enforcement standing for thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists "man is God" supreme swastika up Uranus court tautology in suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super ego homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming patriot act continuation.