Mason Michaels
Verified User
Joe will retire as soon as the election is over, leaving The Obama in charge.
Maybe if you're going to write fiction,a novel might be fun.
Joe will retire as soon as the election is over, leaving The Obama in charge.
He's running for the Democrat nomination, duh.
What the fuck difference does that make? Trump isn't a republican either, he is an ignorant asshole. A democratic socialist beats ignorant asshole in my book.
Free speech protects citizens and non-citizens the same (in the U. S.).
Somebody burned the Constitution?
He's Canadian , "eh"!
I know, that is why I added (in the U. S.). My guess would have been Germany.
It's true. Hopefully when the Boomers are no longer in control of the DNC, we can have a real Social Democracy revolution.
It doesn't make any difference if Bernie or Joe win the nomination the dumbshit is going down. I don't know a single person who wants one but won't hesitate to vote for the other. They just want to be rid of the dumbshit.
What the fuck difference does that make? Trump isn't a republican either, he is an ignorant asshole. A democratic socialist beats ignorant asshole in my book.
Somebody burned the Constitution?
Plenty of democrats don't want Bernie to have the nomination, saying the DNC does not want him is only because they believe Biden has a better chance of beating the dumbshit. What the fuck is wrong with that? Isn't that what the fuck they are supposed to be doing?
Both of them are picked to win over the dumbshit and we just had record turnout across the country by the democrats. Trump hasn't gained any followers and he lost the popular vote last time even after so many stayed home because they didn't like Hillary. That won't happen again and I'd say either Bernie or Joe will crush the dumbshit.
I'd say that's entirely possible. Although some of the southern states full of ignorant rednecks may go his way he certainly won't realize the rust belt states and without them he is toast. He won't win a single state that he lost last time and he will lose plenty that he won.
It doesn't make any difference if Bernie or Joe win the nomination the dumbshit is going down. I don't know a single person who wants one but won't hesitate to vote for the other. They just want to be rid of the dumbshit.
Yeah but we all know you are an ignorant dumbshit just like your Fuhrer so not many with any sense are going to listen to you. Hell, Trump has already destroyed the republican party.
The difference is Bernie supporters won't vote for Biden!
Republicans goose stepped behind Trump and will again.
Bernie splits the Democratic vote even if Biden wins,throwing the election to the Orange Messiah
The Party presidential nominee, heads up the DNC. Right now that is The Obama. Meaning of course Clinton, and all the other establishment Democrats.
So if Bernie ever got the nomination, he would head the DNC. Since he is not a team player, but a revolutionary, he would destroy the establishment.
This is why the establishment is working so hard not necessarily for Joe, but against Bernie. Joe simply is in the right place at the right time.
The DNC, if they allow Bernie to get the nomination if he earns it, would mean the label of SOCIALIST would be attached to them. While they may like socialist ideas, they don't have the guts to admit what they are.
You sound like a good little left winger right in line with what I said. Instead of wasting your time on here, shouldn't you be out finding something else for those you think have too much money to fund on your behalf?