Why massachusetts is cool in spite of its liberalism


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the answer is pretty simple

the trashy poor people are simply price out :)

they can't even afford to put their tent in mass, we'll tax that too.

so no shitholers, no trash. we dont really even have shitty neighborhoods anymore. we gentrify everything without remorse. worcester I guess sucks. that aside, We may be liberal, but we are of noble american blood. We built this nation and started the revolution.

mass survives in spite of its liberalism, not because of it.
the answer is pretty simple

the trashy poor people are simply price out :)

they can't even afford to put their tent in mass, we'll tax that too.

so no shitholers, no trash. we dont really even have shitty neighborhoods anymore. we gentrify everything without remorse. worcester I guess sucks. that aside, We may be liberal, but we are of noble american blood. We built this nation and started the revolution.

mass survives in spite of its liberalism, not because of it.

"No Irish need apply"!
the answer is pretty simple

the trashy poor people are simply price out :)

they can't even afford to put their tent in mass, we'll tax that too.

so no shitholers, no trash. we dont really even have shitty neighborhoods anymore. we gentrify everything without remorse. worcester I guess sucks. that aside, We may be liberal, but we are of noble american blood. We built this nation and started the revolution.

mass survives in spite of its liberalism, not because of it.

So you don't care about your fellow people? Good of you to just admit it, and not try to claim Christian values like some. As long as someone doesn't tout those things, I won't hold them to it. Those on the right, that want to claim Christian values, and still try that way of thinking, will be told how much that bullshit reeks.
So you don't care about your fellow people? Good of you to just admit it, and not try to claim Christian values like some. As long as someone doesn't tout those things, I won't hold them to it. Those on the right, that want to claim Christian values, and still try that way of thinking, will be told how much that bullshit reeks.

you really don't know me well, I have said this stuff for years. And no, I am not a christian so I don't care about christian values.

I believe there will always be winners and losers, there is no escaping it. Keeping the poor tent people around benefits no one. they should be left to the cold.
you really don't know me well, I have said this stuff for years. And no, I am not a christian so I don't care about christian values.

I believe there will always be winners and losers, there is no escaping it. Keeping the poor tent people around benefits no one. they should be left to the cold.

I know you're not a Christian, that's why I'm not holding you to the standard. Republicans seem to want to run, that Christian values is their policy. The Christian doctrine is about loving your neighbor, feeding the hungry, sheltering the vulnerable. They fail there, as well as many other Christian standards.
Proverbs 12:11 - He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment.
the answer is pretty simple

the trashy poor people are simply price out :)

they can't even afford to put their tent in mass, we'll tax that too.

so no shitholers, no trash. we dont really even have shitty neighborhoods anymore. we gentrify everything without remorse. worcester I guess sucks. that aside, We may be liberal, but we are of noble american blood. We built this nation and started the revolution.

mass survives in spite of its liberalism, not because of it.

that's sweet......so do you bus all your homeless to Connecticut?.....
the answer is pretty simple

the trashy poor people are simply price out :)

they can't even afford to put their tent in mass, we'll tax that too.

so no shitholers, no trash. we dont really even have shitty neighborhoods anymore. we gentrify everything without remorse. worcester I guess sucks. that aside, We may be liberal, but we are of noble american blood. We built this nation and started the revolution.

mass survives in spite of its liberalism, not because of it.

Obviously you've never been to East Boston.

I realize that it's only anecdotal, but of most of my HS friends that I follow on FB, the ones who have became the most successful have all left the northeast. Several are not able to afford homes in neighborhoods where they grew up in, so live in southern New Hampshire. Out of my four siblings, three still live in Mass. My kid sister and her husband are the most comparable in careers as my wife and me, and they live within 200' of Rte 128 in a house less than 1/2 the size of mine. And of the 15 cousins, our kids are doing the best in their careers.

Five things that Massholes believe:
1. The South is backwards, in every way.
2. Mt. Washington is the tallest peak east of the Mississippi.
3. Massachusetts public schools are the best in the world.
4. The Kennedy's were gods.
5. A two-hour rush hour commute is normal.
Obviously you've never been to East Boston.

I realize that it's only anecdotal, but of most of my HS friends that I follow on FB, the ones who have became the most successful have all left the northeast. Several are not able to afford homes in neighborhoods where they grew up in, so live in southern New Hampshire. Out of my four siblings, three still live in Mass. My kid sister and her husband are the most comparable in careers as my wife and me, and they live within 200' of Rte 128 in a house less than 1/2 the size of mine. And of the 15 cousins, our kids are doing the best in their careers.

Five things that Massholes believe:
1. The South is backwards, in every way.
2. Mt. Washington is the tallest peak east of the Mississippi.
3. Massachusetts public schools are the best in the world.
4. The Kennedy's were gods.
5. A two-hour rush hour commute is normal.

re: east boston... actually I have... for a school project. It totally fucking sucked. Yeah.. east boston blows.

btw massachusetts public schools ARE among the best in the world. I saw an article recently that if massachusetts were its own country we would be like 6th in the world for educational level. That's our little small state being compared to countries with trillion dollar GDP's.
re: east boston... actually I have... for a school project. It totally fucking sucked. Yeah.. east boston blows.

btw massachusetts public schools ARE among the best in the world. I saw an article recently that if massachusetts were its own country we would be like 6th in the world for educational level. That's our little small state being compared to countries with trillion dollar GDP's.

East Boston, where they pave their front lawns to park cars then paint the asphalt green and call it a lawn.

Meh, Mass schools, they can't be that great, since I passed every grade K-12, then 13-16 with honors lol.

Again, anecdotal, my father told me that of all his 15 grandchildren, mine seem to be the best educated, and they both went K-16 in North Carolina.

Specifically to me engineering edumacation, I had some ball buster profs who were way too theoretical. The NC State grads that I know never learned, for example, some of the theoretical hydraulics that I was taught, but I don't count that as a good measurement for quality since none of that stuff has any practical use.
Meh, they can't be that great, since I passed every grade K-12, then 13-16 with honors lol.

Again, anecdotal, my father told me that of all his 15 grandchildren, mine seem to be the best educated, and they both went K-16 in North Carolina.

Specifically to me engineering edumacation, I had some ball buster profs who were way too theoretical. The NC State grads that I know never learned, for example, some of the theoretical hydraulics that I was taught, but I don't count that as a good measurement for quality since none of that stuff has any practical use.

def anecdotal, because your father is a bit biased towards his own grandkids. mass is the most elite, it's not close or debateable. the stats bear it out.
def anecdotal, because your father is a bit biased towards his own grandkids. mass is the most elite, it's not close or debateable. the stats bear it out.

He's comparing my kids with the children of my siblings- all his grandchildren.

"Elite" is bullshit in the real world. I know kids that graduated from NCU and NC State that work for some of the top corps in the world.
def anecdotal, because your father is a bit biased towards his own grandkids. mass is the most elite, it's not close or debateable. the stats bear it out.

Well whats some good eats in Boston? A lot of the staples don't seem to appeal to me.
staples? what do you mean "staples?" we have some of the best italian food in the country. try going to the north end.

I was meaning iconic dishes. Many cities even have their own sandwich they become known for. Phili has the cheesesteak, Louisville has the hot brown, Chicago has Italian beef, etc. Does Boston have an Iconic sandwich.
I was meaning iconic dishes. Many cities even have their own sandwich they become known for. Phili has the cheesesteak, Louisville has the hot brown, Chicago has Italian beef, etc. Does Boston have an Iconic sandwich.

probably our chowder. i guess.. but we do everything well, so nothing stands out.
I know you're not a Christian, that's why I'm not holding you to the standard. Republicans seem to want to run, that Christian values is their policy. The Christian doctrine is about loving your neighbor, feeding the hungry, sheltering the vulnerable. They fail there, as well as many other Christian standards.

You're a whiney judgmental pussy.