Why massachusetts is cool in spite of its liberalism

The definition I posted is the one that applies to you.

The one you THINK applies to you is the one that ACTUALLY applies to Biden.

Biden is just a regular guy.

Like Biden, I'll decide what definition applies to me, thanks.
Obviously you haven't been to East Boston for a long time or you just don't understand gentrification.

I've managed to avoid it for a long time, but this guy hasn't, and agrees with me.
re: east boston... actually I have... for a school project. It totally fucking sucked. Yeah.. east boston blows.

Perhaps you prefer towns that blow...
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It really does not take much to get Dainty Hands going. I think it is just grateful anyone responds to it.

If she wanted to insult me, she shouldn't have used the same word to describe me as her hero, Creepy Biden, uses to describe himself. LOL