Why massachusetts is cool in spite of its liberalism

So IOW, you admit you STILL can't back up your claims with factual data. Ergo, we can all safely assume you just pulled it out of your fat, filthy, shit encrusted ass like you have always done with every other claim you've ever made.

Got it. :good4u:

And BTW - there's a good reason why dirtbags from your dirtbag state are known by the term...

The shoe fits.

Still melting down. And still not data. You flaming faggot.
Obviously you've never been to East Boston.

I realize that it's only anecdotal, but of most of my HS friends that I follow on FB, the ones who have became the most successful have all left the northeast. Several are not able to afford homes in neighborhoods where they grew up in, so live in southern New Hampshire. Out of my four siblings, three still live in Mass. My kid sister and her husband are the most comparable in careers as my wife and me, and they live within 200' of Rte 128 in a house less than 1/2 the size of mine. And of the 15 cousins, our kids are doing the best in their careers.

Five things that Massholes believe:
1. The South is backwards, in every way.
2. Mt. Washington is the tallest peak east of the Mississippi.
3. Massachusetts public schools are the best in the world.
4. The Kennedy's were gods.
5. A two-hour rush hour commute is normal.

Obviously you haven't been to East Boston for a long time or you just don't understand gentrification.
I know the definition that applies to me, and don't have to look it up...

BTW, doesn't your hero Creepy Joe describe himself as a "common man"? lol

The definition I posted is the one that applies to you.

The one you THINK applies to you is the one that ACTUALLY applies to Biden.

Biden is just a regular guy.