Why massachusetts is cool in spite of its liberalism

If Massachusetts Were A Country, Its Students Would Rank 9th In The World

By digging deeper into the Free Enterprise analysis, I found that if Massachusetts were allowed to report subject scores independently -- much the way that, say, Shanghai is allowed to do so -- the Bay State would rank 9th in the world in Math Proficiency, tied with Japan, and on the heels of 8th-ranked Switzerland. In reading, Massachusetts would rank fourth in the world, tied with Hong Kong, and not far behind third-ranked Finland.

9th in the WORLD. not state by state or by country. We are TOP TEN IN THE WHOLE GOD DAMN WORLD. Our small little state completely rocks it on the stage of countries with billion (trillion?) dollar GDP's. Because we are elite as FUCK

We have no poor uneducated trash to bring down our state rankings :D


I dated a girl from Canada and she took me to some small town north of Calgary, in late May, and it was freaking cold.

I politely requested we return to the central coast of California as soon as possible. We did not last long after that trip.
I dated a girl from Canada and she took me to some small town north of Calgary, in late May, and it was freaking cold.

I politely requested we return to the central coast of California as soon as possible. We did not last long after that trip.

So, ah, you are going to have to change your tag line. You are not willin to be chillin.........HA!
I dated a girl from Canada and she took me to some small town north of Calgary, in late May, and it was freaking cold.

I politely requested we return to the central coast of California as soon as possible. We did not last long after that trip.

I said he couldn't last a Northern Winter.
um no? you are comparing mass to mass, not mass to the usa. Mass is a super safe and clean, elite, rich, and healthy state. we are the top of almost any positive ranking category you could come up with.

um, no? Let's look at exactly what you said and what I refuted in my response.

Note bold text...

the answer is pretty simple

the trashy poor people are simply price out :)

they can't even afford to put their tent in mass, we'll tax that too.

so no shitholers, no trash. we dont really even have shitty neighborhoods anymore. we gentrify everything without remorse. worcester I guess sucks. that aside, We may be liberal, but we are of noble american blood. We built this nation and started the revolution.

mass survives in spite of its liberalism, not because of it.

According to the site I linked and a couple of others that I looked at, there are PLENTY of shitty, crime-ridden neighborhoods located in shitty, crime-ridden cities in Massachusetts.

As for making it a liberal vs conservative question, that's just asinine and typical of right-wingers whose sole mission in any argument has always been to oversimplify problems, then offer up some simplistic, bullshit explanation or half-assed "solution" in order to put their side in a better light than it deserves.

And since you offer no detailed analysis for why your premise that "mass survives in spite of its liberalism, not because of it" should be taken seriously, I can just as easily say "Thank you for starting this thread because it points out how one of the most liberal states in America has one of the (not THE) lowest crime rates in the nation, and in doing so, you've also Illustrated the positive power of liberal policies and the positive effects of higher taxation."

Thanks to your example, I think everyone here at JPP can now agree that EVERY state should raise taxes, especially on the wealthy!!!

Nice job!!!!! :thup:

the answer is pretty simple

the trashy poor people are simply price out :)

they can't even afford to put their tent in mass, we'll tax that too.

so no shitholers, no trash. we dont really even have shitty neighborhoods anymore. we gentrify everything without remorse. worcester I guess sucks. that aside, We may be liberal, but we are of noble american blood. We built this nation and started the revolution.

mass survives in spite of its liberalism, not because of it.

Meh...I've been to Massachusets. Tell that line to someone else. There's a lot of small shithole towns that used to be prosperous mill towns there but No more.
you really don't know me well, I have said this stuff for years. And no, I am not a christian so I don't care about christian values.

I believe there will always be winners and losers, there is no escaping it. Keeping the poor tent people around benefits no one. they should be left to the cold.
You're doing a shitty job then. There are more heroin addicts in the shit hole town of Quincy alone than in all of Indiana.
I know you're not a Christian, that's why I'm not holding you to the standard. Republicans seem to want to run, that Christian values is their policy. The Christian doctrine is about loving your neighbor, feeding the hungry, sheltering the vulnerable. They fail there, as well as many other Christian standards.

He's not a Republican either. He's more like a weed smoking Libertarian psychopath with delusions of grandeur and a Cheeto addiction.

Just to give you an idea how sick Grind really is the little fuck eats Cheetos with chop sticks. How sick can you get?
Obviously you've never been to East Boston.

I realize that it's only anecdotal, but of most of my HS friends that I follow on FB, the ones who have became the most successful have all left the northeast. Several are not able to afford homes in neighborhoods where they grew up in, so live in southern New Hampshire. Out of my four siblings, three still live in Mass. My kid sister and her husband are the most comparable in careers as my wife and me, and they live within 200' of Rte 128 in a house less than 1/2 the size of mine. And of the 15 cousins, our kids are doing the best in their careers.

Five things that Massholes believe:
1. The South is backwards, in every way.
2. Mt. Washington is the tallest peak east of the Mississippi.
3. Massachusetts public schools are the best in the world.
4. The Kennedy's were gods.
5. A two-hour rush hour commute is normal.

I've actually ridden up Mt. Washington and Clingman's Dome in TN. Clingman's dome is the highest point east of the Mississippi but Mt. Washington was way harder to climb and the fucking winds on that mountain are unbelievable.
East Boston, where they pave their front lawns to park cars then paint the asphalt green and call it a lawn.

Meh, Mass schools, they can't be that great, since I passed every grade K-12, then 13-16 with honors lol.

Again, anecdotal, my father told me that of all his 15 grandchildren, mine seem to be the best educated, and they both went K-16 in North Carolina.

Specifically to me engineering edumacation, I had some ball buster profs who were way too theoretical. The NC State grads that I know never learned, for example, some of the theoretical hydraulics that I was taught, but I don't count that as a good measurement for quality since none of that stuff has any practical use.
I know exactly what you mean. Ohio State engineers dominate in sheer numbers in Ohio but their education is more theoretical than applied and the engineers around here who can really build shit tend to be Ohio University grads.
staples? what do you mean "staples?" we have some of the best italian food in the country. try going to the north end.
I was actually very surprised that you can actually get very good steaks in Mass at a darned reasonable price. Not quite in the league as what you can get in Iowa or Colorado but still pretty good and reasonably priced.
There are some amazing restaurants in Boston. Their delis are incredible, too. I don't remember names, but just look for the places with the longer lines. LOL! They will be the best.

That's the one thing,I miss from Toledo!Great deli's!
Toledo has a large Jewish population,so that means Jewish deli's
Down here in corn country,we have no deli's.
I can only get good corned beef,when we go to Toledo!
He's not a Republican either. He's more like a weed smoking Libertarian psychopath with delusions of grandeur and a Cheeto addiction.

Just to give you an idea how sick Grind really is the little fuck eats Cheetos with chop sticks. How sick can you get?



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