Why massachusetts is cool in spite of its liberalism

He's not a Republican either. He's more like a weed smoking Libertarian psychopath with delusions of grandeur and a Cheeto addiction.

Just to give you an idea how sick Grind really is the little fuck eats Cheetos with chop sticks. How sick can you get?

I've taken milk, and cereal in a large glass, when I was stuck in bed. Just sipped, and crunched.
um, no? Let's look at exactly what you said and what I refuted in my response.

Note bold text...

According to the site I linked and a couple of others that I looked at, there are PLENTY of shitty, crime-ridden neighborhoods located in shitty, crime-ridden cities in Massachusetts.

As for making it a liberal vs conservative question, that's just asinine and typical of right-wingers whose sole mission in any argument has always been to oversimplify problems, then offer up some simplistic, bullshit explanation or half-assed "solution" in order to put their side in a better light than it deserves.

And since you offer no detailed analysis for why your premise that "mass survives in spite of its liberalism, not because of it" should be taken seriously, I can just as easily say "Thank you for starting this thread because it points out how one of the most liberal states in America has one of the (not THE) lowest crime rates in the nation, and in doing so, you've also Illustrated the positive power of liberal policies and the positive effects of higher taxation."

Thanks to your example, I think everyone here at JPP can now agree that EVERY state should raise taxes, especially on the wealthy!!!

Nice job!!!!! :thup:


Every one of those "shitty places" (even though they are equal to the best places in Florida still) are 100% Democrat controlled. Have been forever. Local government, state reps, Congressman. All Democrat. Thank you for once again proving that Democrat cannot do anything properly.
fuck man, i miss cheetos. I haven't had junk food in like a long time (grind is being much healthier)
That's the one thing,I miss from Toledo!Great deli's!
Toledo has a large Jewish population,so that means Jewish deli's
Down here in corn country,we have no deli's.
I can only get good corned beef,when we go to Toledo!

Oh, yes. Portland has its fair share of great delis. I don't get down there very often.
I've actually ridden up Mt. Washington and Clingman's Dome in TN. Clingman's dome is the highest point east of the Mississippi but Mt. Washington was way harder to climb and the fucking winds on that mountain are unbelievable.

Yes, they have winds up there of 100 miles per hour on a regular basis.
Every one of those "shitty places" (even though they are equal to the best places in Florida still) are 100% Democrat controlled. Have been forever. Local government, state reps, Congressman. All Democrat. Thank you for once again proving that Democrat cannot do anything properly.

Prove it, you lying shit sack.

Provide proof of everything you said or else you're a slimy lying scumbag.

Then explain why cities in red states have crime problems too, if conservatism is as effective as you say it is.
I've actually ridden up Mt. Washington and Clingman's Dome in TN. Clingman's dome is the highest point east of the Mississippi but Mt. Washington was way harder to climb and the fucking winds on that mountain are unbelievable.

I used to work with a guy that had pedaled from Boston to the peak of Mt. Washington.

Mt. Mitchell in NC is 41 feet higher than Clingmans. The border of TN and NC runs through the peak of Clings so both states claim it.

Mt. Washington is 396 feet shorter than Mitch. NC has 5 peaks that are higher than Mt. Washington.

There are no natural "balds" in the Southern Appalachians. The White Mountains in NH has the most acreage above tree line in the eastern US. That's probably why the winds are so wicked pisa on Mt. Washington.
I know exactly what you mean. Ohio State engineers dominate in sheer numbers in Ohio but their education is more theoretical than applied and the engineers around here who can really build shit tend to be Ohio University grads.

I specifically remember a lecture where my prof, MIT grad, spent the entire 90 minutes developing an equation for the slope of the water line in a ditch serving a parking lot carrying runoff from a certain theoretical storm. No student asked a question during the entire excruciating process, and when he was finally done we all just sort of looked at each other, thinking, what the fuck...
Prove it, you lying shit sack.

Provide proof of everything you said or else you're a slimy lying scumbag.

Then explain why cities in red states have crime problems too, if conservatism is as effective as you say it is.

^ Wants proof of common knowledge. :rofl2:
Prove it, you lying shit sack.

Provide proof of everything you said or else you're a slimy lying scumbag.

Then explain why cities in red states have crime problems too, if conservatism is as effective as you say it is.

I live in MA dainty hands. However, just to make you look even dumber than usual, if you can find links showing something bad about MA, do you have the intellect to actually look up data to refute me? Probably not.
I live in MA dainty hands. However, just to make you look even dumber than usual, if you can find links showing something bad about MA, do you have the intellect to actually look up data to refute me? Probably not.

So IOW, you admit you can't back up your claims with factual data. Ergo, we can all safely assume you just pulled it out of your fat, filthy, shit encrusted ass like you have always done with every other claim you've ever made.

Got it. :good4u:
So IOW, you admit you can't back up your claims with factual data. Ergo, we can all safely assume you just pulled it out of your fat, filthy, shit encrusted ass like you have always done with every other claim you've ever made.

Got it. :good4u:

Oh dainty hands. You can always tell when you get your ass beat with your own stupidity. Ask you to back up something, you piss yourself and moan. All really because you do not have the intellect or education to actually research something on the internet. Just copy and paste the first thing you find. The very few folks like you are the reason FLA is becoming known as an inbred state.
Oh dainty hands. You can always tell when you get your ass beat with your own stupidity. Ask you to back up something, you piss yourself and moan. All really because you do not have the intellect or education to actually research something on the internet. Just copy and paste the first thing you find. The very few folks like you are the reason FLA is becoming known as an inbred state.

So IOW, you admit you STILL can't back up your claims with factual data. Ergo, we can all safely assume you just pulled it out of your fat, filthy, shit encrusted ass like you have always done with every other claim you've ever made.

Got it. :good4u:

And BTW - there's a good reason why dirtbags from your dirtbag state are known by the term...

The shoe fits.