Why own a gun?

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Why do you want a gun?

  • I'm scared of being robbed

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • I'm scared of being killed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm scared of being raped

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm scared of being beat up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm scared of the government

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • I'm scared I won't be adequate without one

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
I own a gun for its collection historical and family signifigance, also because it looks cool on the wall.
Given me a very quick second shot? No, I doubt I could have. A double rifle would give me a fast second shot, but the accurate ones are very expensive. Plus the double rifles are rather heavy. Coyote hunting involves a lot of walking, so a lighter rifle is a plus.

WTF? For the near grand you dropped on that AR-15 you could've got a Browning ShorTrac...they've been around since the Stone Ages (or the 60's, the same thing really).
Not as far as I know. I know my grandfather trapped them as a boy, and he was born in 1897.

They are an introduced species to the Southeast, those god damned limeys brought 'em over back in the day when the U.S. was nothing but a colony. That's not saying they weren't around before that (the furthest fossil found in the South was in Arkansas) although twenty one thousand years ago doesn't count for much and they were a different variety of red fox.

Incidentally, coyotes and red foxes are natives from the same habitats elsewhere - in fact red foxes make for a great meal for the coyote as well as the bobcat (which are far and few between these days).
Maybe you should re-read it; because it's only vague to those who dismiss it.
I must then remind you of your children.

Nope, it was pretty vague.

Are you trying to bridge the gap between me making fun of you because you post like you'd eaten paint chips as a child and you attempting to insult my kids via the internet?
Nope, it was pretty vague.

Are you trying to bridge the gap between me making fun of you because you post like you'd eaten paint chips as a child and you attempting to insult my kids via the internet?

Once again; it was only vague to someone with the comprehesion level of you.
I never insulted your paint chip eating children.