Naw, I grew up elsewhere - not so much...Arizona's cotton fields be damned.
But make believe land doesn't count and I've lived in several States, besides AZ.
Naw, I grew up elsewhere - not so much...Arizona's cotton fields be damned.
After all, your hero Lanza used a semi-auto, didn't he?
If you're using an AR-15 to hunt, that says you already are worried about aesthetics...but for the wrong reasons.
You need to get off the crack if you think a simple bolt action gives the performance of an Armalite, Colt, Larue, or Wilson combat weapon.
This is the same mind set that runs large flocks of sheep on federal land and poisons wolves and coyotes rather than spend the money to actually husband their animals. If you have a coyote problem you need to assume responsibility for securing your's really simple. Lazy fuckers!!
Actually, a good bolt action will exceed the accuracy of most autoloaders.
How does the action have anything to do with accuracy?
It does have something to do with it, and for most of the 20th century the bolt action was the king of accuracy. But better manufacturing techniques and closer tolerances have cut the gap down considerably.
Accuracy versus what, a semi-automatic made for law enforcement assault rifle? A bolt action rifle is inherently more accurate than a semi-automatic.
Actually, a good bolt action will exceed the accuracy of most autoloaders.
I had no intentions of attempting argue semantics with someone as uninformed as he is.
he is a trolling idiot
that only covers one part of performance
Are you serious? Fire formed brass for starters, more gas expansion out of the muzzle for another.
How does the action have anything to do with accuracy?
You are the site idiot. Is a village missing you somewhere?
do you still troll the cemetary looking for dates?
What a very stupid thread.
The whole internet has become stupid since Friday. The combination of winter break and this has made it near impossible for me to tolerate being online. I honestly hope the world does end on the 21st.