APP - Why people should believe in Liberalism!


Will work for Scooby snacks
What's with the mediocre president, the crappy footwear, and the awesome band (Green Day, not Grateful Dead)?

I should also point out that the Nineteenth Amendment passed after the Progressives (who gave us prohibtion, which kind of makes me want to criticize the bong) were ousted from power, and not before.

Lastly, Swedish girls are overrated because they are easy. If they didn't put-out more than their European counterparts, American men would not be so hot for them.
What's with the mediocre president, the crappy footwear, and the awesome band (Green Day, not Grateful Dead)?

I should also point out that the Nineteenth Amendment passed after the Progressives (who gave us prohibtion, which kind of makes me want to criticize the bong) were ousted from power, and not before.

Lastly, Swedish girls are overrated because they are easy. If they didn't put-out more than their European counterparts, American men would not be so hot for them.
Now 3D, before you say anything else that's dumb I want to you take a great big hit of the bong. Hold it let it say 3 times in a row...."Blow Jobs are Good!" "Blow Jobs are Good!" "Blow Jobs are Good" were you saying?
lol....the new liberal campaign slogan.....transition from "a chicken in every pot" to "pot in every bong.....a Swede in every thong.......rock all day long.....and everything else that's wrong"........
What's with the mediocre president, the crappy footwear, and the awesome band (Green Day, not Grateful Dead)?

I don't know man! Those are just some visceral and subconscious imagery that comes to mind with respect to the awesomeness of liberalism. I strongly suspect, but can't prove, that rad punk bands and awesome hippie jam bands are not in any way associated with southern evangelicalism, Tea Bag parties, or NeoCon think tanks. Green Day is rad, but how dare you diss the Dead!

I actually thought the awesome Whale Warriors are the quintessential liberal icon. And as for footwear, if you've never lived in Berkley, Santa Cruz, or Arcata I can understand why NeoCons aren't down with birkenstocks.

I should also point out that the Nineteenth Amendment passed after the Progressives (who gave us prohibtion, which kind of makes me want to criticize the bong) were ousted from power, and not before.

Lastly, Swedish girls are overrated because they are easy. If they didn't put-out more than their European counterparts, American men would not be so hot for them.

I don't know anything about swedish women, man. But I did have a super cool danish girlfriend. Again, it's just visceral imagery dude! I didn't want to post a pic of some southern republican Church ladies!

Finally, I think my outstanding pics of science and civil rights icons are totally right on. For some strange reason, sadly I don't associate science and civil rights with Ayn Rand, Ronald Reagan, TeaBagism, or Newt Gingrich. Weird, huh?
Now 3D, before you say anything else that's dumb I want to you take a great big hit of the bong. Hold it let it say 3 times in a row...."Blow Jobs are Good!" "Blow Jobs are Good!" "Blow Jobs are Good" were you saying?

This is relevant to me, how? When the fuck did I ever criticize fellatio? Quit being retarded, Moot...
I don't know man! Those are just some visceral and subconscious imagery that comes to mind with respect to the awesomeness of liberalism. I strongly suspect, but can't prove, that rad punk bands and awesome hippie jam bands are not in any way associated with southern evangelicalism, Tea Bag parties, or NeoCon think tanks. Green Day is rad, but how dare you diss the Dead!

I actually thought the awesome Whale Warriors are the quintessential liberal icon. And as for footwear, if you've never lived in Berkley, Santa Cruz, or Arcata I can understand why NeoCons aren't down with birkenstocks.

I don't know anything about swedish women, man. But I did have a super cool danish girlfriend. Again, it's just visceral imagery dude! I didn't want to post a pic of some southern republican Church ladies!

Finally, I think my outstanding pics of science and civil rights icons are totally right on. For some strange reason, sadly I don't associate science and civil rights with Ayn Rand, Ronald Reagan, TeaBagism, or Newt Gingrich. Weird, huh?

With regard to Birkenstocks, the only thing of substance from your post, I will concede two things about them. 1) They are way cooler than thongs/flipflops, and 2) They were a pretty neat fad up here in Seattle for a few years. I still don't like them, though, but as a guy who is easily entertained by the arrival and passing of new fads, I can respect them.
With regard to Birkenstocks, the only thing of substance from your post, I will concede two things about them. 1) They are way cooler than thongs/flipflops, and 2) They were a pretty neat fad up here in Seattle for a few years. I still don't like them, though, but as a guy who is easily entertained by the arrival and passing of new fads, I can respect them.
Oh Come on! Admit it 3D you're just easily entertained Period!

How is it relevent to you? Well you're being to uptite so I thought you should take a hit, get a blow job and chill the fuck out! :cool:

First, since you brought me out of my serene calm, its spelled "uptight."

Second, I may support the hell out of legalization, but that doesn't me I am common enough to actually use drugs. For one thing, the military will have something to say about it.

Third, the only person on this site that has ever criticized blowjobs is Southern Dumbass. I'll bet even Brent would accept one if that girl he used to fawn over was offering. I had my share in college, and it seems quite a few of the posters here have had their own personal stories to offer.

Lastly, this whole entire thread is your damn fault. Now, since most of what I ever do on this site is chillax and goof off, perhaps you could do us all the curteosy of being honest for the first time in weeks. Seriously, Asshate is more honest than you are. Of course, he's insane...
With regard to Birkenstocks, the only thing of substance from your post, I will concede two things about them. 1) They are way cooler than thongs/flipflops, and 2) They were a pretty neat fad up here in Seattle for a few years. I still don't like them, though, but as a guy who is easily entertained by the arrival and passing of new fads, I can respect them.

No doubt. Although the dirty hippies can keep their birkenstocks. I dug the Doc Marten craze. And I've never gotten over the Jerry Garcia tie craze. That sh*t looks dope with a charcoal grey business suit when I have to look fly for some meeting

No doubt. Although the dirty hippies can keep their birkenstocks. I dug the Doc Marten craze. And I've never gotten over the Jerry Garcia tie craze. That sh*t looks dope with a charcoal grey business suit when I have to look fly for some meeting

How do you look fly in a charcoal grey business suit?
How do you look fly in a charcoal grey business suit?

I have no idea man! I thought it was supposed to be classy and business-like! But, I'm a hack and I'm open to suggestions! I hate those brown suits Reagan wore (what was Nancy thinking letting him wear that?); navy blue looks tacky; and I've never been down with the retro plaid. But what the f do I know; maybe I should switch it up!


PS - Do you think that ginger head in the retro might be watermark?*

*totally j/k
Here's Apple, explaining why people should believe in liberalism.

The opportunity is not here today. Acquiring a piece of land requires more than a fast horse in a land rush. How many people can take a rifle and go hunt dinner?

When the ideas in the Constitution were put on paper the reality was different. People were a lot more equal in the sense everyone was required to do the same thing the same way. If one wanted a garden they had to dig the soil by hand which changed with the invention of the tractor and other farming instruments. The same applies to almost everything else.

The reality of 1776 is no longer. If one insists on sticking with the same principals we have to ensure other things are as equal as they were in 1776.

There is no "equal opportunity" today unless the government makes it so. For example, survival largely depends on education and acquiring an education is not an equal opportunity for everyone because not everyone can afford an education.

From products to services technology has replaced the idea the average person can earn a living simply by working. What we consider menial tasks today, tasks most anyone can perform, were "trades" and "professions" of yesteryear. Thus, everyone had the same opportunity. With a decent work ethic anyone could earn a living because earning a living did not require specialized knowledge. Most people were capable of doing some required job regardless of their education.

Considering opportunities and circumstances/reality have changed over the last 200+ years wouldn't the Founding Fathers still have wanted each and everyone to have similar opportunities and chances to pursue the benefits of liberty?

You're right. It wasn't about materialism in 1776 because it didn't matter then. The person with no education and no money had just as much a chance to acquire a piece of land and do a job as anyone else.

That has changed. Isn't it time we all adjusted to the reality?
I have no idea man! I thought it was supposed to be classy and business-like! But, I'm a hack and I'm open to suggestions! I hate those brown suits Reagan wore (what was Nancy thinking letting him wear that?); navy blue looks tacky; and I've never been down with the retro plaid. But what the f do I know; maybe I should switch it up!


PS - Do you think that ginger head in the retro might be watermark?*

*totally j/k
The ginger looks more like a young Bill Maher.