APP - Why people should believe in Liberalism!

I thought you said "conservative". Now you change your tune. :)

The reference was to Larry Craig? Republican senator? Reagan supporter? Bush supporter? NRA lifetime member? Pushed to extend the Patriot Act?

There are plenty of gay conservatives, SM. Despite your protests that being gay automatically makes you a liberal.

Larry Craig is one.

But are you telling me that you do not believe any gays are for fiscal responsibility? Do you mean to try and claim that no gays embrace conservative values?

Even you can't be that dense.

Quoting yourself does not change the subject. Before Larry Craig did his toe tapping, you would have happily called him a conservative. He was one of the republicans calling for more severe punishment for Barney Frank. He was part of Reagan's administration and backed him in almost everything. He has been a staunch conservative.

What was it you said? "One indiscretion does not change a man's life work"? (or something to that effect)
I also said that taking an extreme example does not represent the complete package. Obviously the man is not socially conservative. He could be a Libertarian.
I also said that taking an extreme example does not represent the complete package. Obviously the man is not socially conservative. He could be a Libertarian.

I didn't mention a political party. I said gay conservatives. He is a conservative and he is gay.
Again, based purely on his social exploits, his social views are libertarian, not conservative.

So a person can spend his life as a conservative politician, working on conservative causes, and backing conservative administrations, but one known incident of gay sex (or attempted gay sex) and he is no longer a conservative?

Like social conservatism.

But you only disagree with a single facet of social conservatism where gays are concerned. The rest of the social conservatism agenda may be perfectly compatible with them.

And you still maintain they are not conservatives?
Prove it.

Prove it? WTF? We are talking about the political views of a group of people.

It is a matter of you trying to reject them based on a single facet of social conservatism. That is pure bigotry.

Without knowing their views on any other facet of social conservatism (to say nothing of fiscal conservatism) you will reject them?