APP - Why people should believe in Liberalism!

Based on your history of stalking and calling me a bigot, my return insult is more than justified. You get what you give out.
Based on your history of stalking and calling me a bigot, my return insult is more than justified. You get what you give out.

I don't stalk, I call you on your bullshit or argue the points you try to make.

My calling you a bigot is not an insult, since there is ample evidence that it is the truth.
Its already been determined that you won't come down to the mighty Yadkin to call me a bigot to my face. :)

From Merriam-Webster's dictionary.

"Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot
Date: 1660
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance"

Now tell me exactly what part of that does not fit you? In this thread you have tried to deny that gays can be conservatives, due solely to their sexual orientation.

As I recall, when someone called you a name you issued the challenge to come to you. Now, since you have called me a wuss, I am doing the same. If someone is less than a man for not answering your challenge, you are the same for doing the same.

My words are not insults, they are the truth. That you are insulted is not my problem.
You're a wuss because you won't come down to the mighty Yadkin to call me a bigot to my face. :)

:rofl: Still trying to live up to the "Internet Badass" badge you won? lol

Idle threats and bullshit don't change the facts in the debate. Try and stick to the topic for once?
You have ample evidence I am a wuss? I bet you won't come to Tuscaloosa and say that to my face. :rofl:

She has ample breasts...

MMMMMMM... Tennis...
Now lets get back to the topic, shall we?

What are the criteria for being a conservative according to your standards?