APP - Why people should believe in Liberalism!

Looks like he turned gay after 2001, and his ACU rating fell with him, if he is gay.

Are you actually saying he turned gay in 2002 when he got a 100? And his being gay is why is ratings slipped? lol

So you maintain that he is either a) Not Gay or b) Not Conservative
So you are seriously maintaining that it is impossible to be gay and to be a conservative at the same time.

You are standing by your "there are no gay conservatives".

So tell us why it is impossible?
Not quite the word I used.

Perhaps not the same wording, but the meaning is the same. Given your response to PMP's saying he knew a gay couple that were both fiscal and social conservatives. You said "Except they are gay".

You say the Log Cabin conservatives are not conservative, but give no reason.

You claim Larry Craig and other gays are not social conservatives, and yet you will not define how you know this without knowing them.

Once again, I ask you to explain why gays cannot be conservatives in your eyes.

Zing? YOu dance around the topic and play semantics games, but when I make a mistake and call the Log Cabin Republicans the Log Cabin Conservatives its a zing?

Are you that desperate for a gotcha that you claim this is a zing?

Stick to the topic and answer the question. Once again, I ask you to explain why gays cannot be conservatives in your eyes.
Insisting that the phrase "not so much" is an absolute makes you look foolish...

pretending you didn't say "none" is more to point.....look, I am prepared to concede that the vast majority of gays support the Democratic party.....but I know gays who have spent their lives in celibacy because they accept biblical teachings regarding homosexual relations, who have voted consistently with other conservatives on a variety of fiscal and social pretend they don't exist nullifies the value of their choices.....

I know a lot of gay people.....Saugatuck, Michigan, less than ten miles from here, is a center for people living an openly gay lifestyle......probably because it is known in the community that I was willing to engage in a business partnership with a gay couple, I have a disproportionate percentage of gay clients.....gays are as likely to think conservatively on political issues as argue otherwise is not legitimate......
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Dancing again, SM?

PMP, thats what SM does. He makes comments that are just vague enough for him to deny what he said. And if you ask for him to clarify....well.....