Why retiring at 65 could become a thing of the past


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I retired at age 65, with a lifetime pension and hopefully with lifetime social security? Pensions are becoming extinct in the working world now and some companies are dropping existent ones?!! People are working longer now, I worked for 40 years and I am through working!

Raising the retirement age is an emotional issue.

For evidence, just look at proposals to move the full retirement age for Social Security. Even the idea upsets advocates who want to see the program expanded and individuals receiving benefits. Because of that, lawmakers tend to tiptoe around the issue.

Outside the U.S., French citizens have taken to the streets to protest President Emmanuel Macron's plan to overhaul the country's pension system. Among the proposed changes is raising the retirement age to 64 from 62 .

Most workers do not want to be told they have to work longer.

Yet it turns out that in the U.S., many already anticipate extending their working years, according to recent research from the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies.

A majority of workers — 54% — said they expect to stop working sometime after age 65 or never retire at all, the research found.




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Yes, SK. If the Republicans can raise the Retirement Age to 100, the Social Security crisis will be solved. (I can't believe you can't understand this?)
We could also kill all the Boomers. That'd solve the problem. That'd solve a lot of problems.
Tampering with SS doesn't alter whether or not people can afford to retire at 65. It doesn't take into account compensations (like pensions, if available), IRAs, other investments, 401(k)s, other savings, etc.
Tampering with SS doesn't alter whether or not people can afford to retire at 65. It doesn't take into account compensations (like pensions, if available), IRAs, other investments, 401(k)s, other savings, etc.

Many of the Worker Drones don't have all that and will be dependent on Social Security.
Yes, SK. If the Republicans can raise the Retirement Age to 100, the Social Security crisis will be solved. (I can't believe you can't understand this?)

Didn't you prepare well enough to where SS isn't a necessity but a little bit of gravy for you?
Your ass better keep working to pay for my social security! Remember, your ass will be old one day too or maybe not?!!:smile:

I'm not at old as you and will retire more than 10 years younger than you were when you retired. SS, while it will be taken because it was required to put into such a system, won't be a necessity. It will be gravy on top of a well planned retirement income.
I'm not at old as you and will retire more than 10 years younger than you were when you retired. SS, while it will be taken because it was required to put into such a system, won't be a necessity. It will be gravy on top of a well planned retirement income.

The best laid plans of mice and men.
You can only see ever issue on how it relates to you.
Never how it relates to the masses.
It's why you're a fucking asslick!
Look at the average life expectancy when S.S. was created compared to today. It was much shorter. So to keep the system solvent you either have to raise the retirement age to keep it proportionately in line or you have to massively increase taxes.

It's understandable people don't want to be forced to work later in life if they don't want to. The answer to that is live more frugally now and save more for the future.
Look at the average life expectancy when S.S. was created compared to today. It was much shorter. So to keep the system solvent you either have to raise the retirement age to keep it proportionately in line or you have to massively increase taxes.

It's understandable people don't want to be forced to work later in life if they don't want to. The answer to that is live more frugally now and save more for the future.

If millionaires and billionaires had to pay on more then their first $100'000 would help!
I retired at age 65, with a lifetime pension and hopefully with lifetime social security? Pension are becoming extinct in the working world now and some companies are dropping existent ones?!! People are working longer now, I worked for 40 years and I am through working!

Raising the retirement age is an emotional issue.

For evidence, just look at proposals to move the full retirement age for Social Security. Even the idea upsets advocates who want to see the program expanded and individuals receiving benefits. Because of that, lawmakers tend to tiptoe around the issue.

Outside the U.S., French citizens have taken to the streets to protest President Emmanuel Macron's plan to overhaul the country's pension system. Among the proposed changes is raising the retirement age to 64 from 62 .

Most workers do not want to be told they have to work longer.

Yet it turns out that in the U.S., many already anticipate extending their working years, according to recent research from the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies.

A majority of workers — 54% — said they expect to stop working sometime after age 65 or never retire at all, the research found.





French rightwingers are going to learn the hard way that if they kick out all the Muslim immigrants, there will not be enough young people working and paying taxes in France to pay for their lavish Kenyan Marxist retirement benefits