Why retiring at 65 could become a thing of the past

My retirement is quite adequate and my benefits are excellent. It's called good personal planning not expecting someone else to plan for me.

If what you call the "working class" would spend 1/4 the time taking personal responsibility for their future as they did whining about someone else not doing it for them, imagine where they'd be.

Anyone that supports Bernie or Liz is a fucking dumbass that should be relegated to history.

Who the fuck are you kidding, banjofuck?

You live in a run-down trailer park.
You have maybe five teeth.
You have a seventh grade education. Maybe.
Your mother is also your sister, aunt, and cousin.
And you've been wearing the same underwear for twelve days.

If you couldn't convince yourself that minorities, foreigners, homosexuals, educated atheists, and women were well below you on the totem pole of society,
you'd kill yourself with one of your six rusty guns.

Fuck you, cretin. Reality is, there's nobody BELOW you.
We met with our adviser last week and, because of the awesome Trumpeconomy, bumped up our retirement date by 18 months. #KAG2020