Why retiring at 65 could become a thing of the past

What about the parts of the Constitution that establishes the right of government produced services like the Post Office, Public Education and The Military?

I'm not sure how mentioning the military or the police pisses off conservatives. Not a rhetorical question, what does the Constitution say about public education?
What about the parts of the Constitution that establishes the right of government produced services like the Post Office, Public Education and The Military?

The Constitution does not establish public education. That is entirely up to the States. Prolly why your Ohio education was so shitty...
My condolences to your kids having such a selfrightous cocksucker as a parent.

Being personally responsible isn't self righteous.

Being personally responsible doesn't make you a cocksucker.

Your parents, who were/are likely freeloaders raised their POS child to be a freeloader. And lefties say there isn't multi generational leeches.
If you believe that the military is socialist, you're an idiot. Did your fucking minority wife teach you that? If she did, or believes it, she's dumber than you are.

If you don’t comprehend that no US public institution represents socialism better than our military does you’re a mental midget incapable of even the most fundamental level of critical thinking.

The definition of socialism is when the government controls the means of production. Well who the fuck controls that for our military? Wall Street or Santa and his Elf’s you half wit?

The socialist credo is from those according to their ability to those according to their needs? Who the fuck represents that better than the military who will sacrifice your ass in a second if that’s what’s best for the whole.

Now I know you who live propaganda land have troubles with thinking things through or dealing with ugly facts but that’s an ugly fucking fact. The Military is Socialism.

Oh yea...you ugly too.
If you don’t comprehend that no US public institution represents socialism better than our military does you’re a mental midget incapable of even the most fundamental level of critical thinking.

The definition of socialism is when the government controls the means of production. Well who the fuck controls that for our military? Wall Street or Santa and his Elf’s you half wit?

The socialist credo is from those according to their ability to those according to their needs? Who the fuck represents that better than the military who will sacrifice your ass in a second if that’s what’s best for the whole.

Now I know you who live propaganda land have troubles with thinking things through or dealing with ugly facts but that’s an ugly fucking fact. The Military is Socialism.

Oh yea...you ugly too.

I've read a lot of CFM,it all seems to be trolling.
I was pension eligible at age 55 and retired immediately. That was eighteen years ago. In addition to my pension, I got a nice severance package, and I retained medical coverage until medicare kicked in....and I get something toward the supplemental even now. I waited until 62 for Social Security.

The way we're regressing in the standard of living department is shocking and disgusting. Workers rarely get pensions and other adequate benefits anywhere, especially in the private sector. And reprehensible Republicans are the reason. The American Working Class has to get off it's collective ass and demand a better deal--right now. The regressive Republican Party must be relegated to history.

That's why any working class American who doesn't support Bernie or Liz is a hopeless fool.
That’s because most people don’t know what the word means. Want to piss off a conservative? Point out that the fact that the biggest socialist institution in our nation is the military.

I don't think the meaning of the word includes the military. All government agencies/programs do not define socialism. It would be the nationalization of major industries. It is an economic system, not political.
If you don’t comprehend that no US public institution represents socialism better than our military does you’re a mental midget incapable of even the most fundamental level of critical thinking.

The definition of socialism is when the government controls the means of production. Well who the fuck controls that for our military? Wall Street or Santa and his Elf’s you half wit?

The socialist credo is from those according to their ability to those according to their needs? Who the fuck represents that better than the military who will sacrifice your ass in a second if that’s what’s best for the whole.

Now I know you who live propaganda land have troubles with thinking things through or dealing with ugly facts but that’s an ugly fucking fact. The Military is Socialism.

Oh yea...you ugly too.

If you think it is, you're as dumb as the n-ls that thought Obama was qualified due to skin color.

The military is not socialism no matter how many times you make the claim, BOY.
I don't think the meaning of the word includes the military. All government agencies/programs do not define socialism. It would be the nationalization of major industries. It is an economic system, not political.

Mott's viewpoint proves he doesn't understand socialism. Maybe he thinks claiming others don't automatically means he does.