Why retiring at 65 could become a thing of the past

Honestly, I'm not seeing your point. Short of anarchists I don't see anyone arguing government provide no services, such as the military.

Actually now that I looked it up public education is in the US Constitution as are the US Postal Service and the Military....all of which the means to production are the government...that is by definition socialism. Which is my point.

Like I said the term has become such a propaganda bugaboo that people react hostile towards it without giving a thought that socialism is very much present in our daily lives in the form of public education, public health services, the military, public utilities, our public transportation systems, including our roads and highways, etc, etc,.

As you and I have debated before. Socialism becomes practical and useful to us when the free market is unable to provide needed good and services at a reasonable cost.

To which a rhetorical question I ask is "Would you really want a free market military (aka a mercenary military)?"
I was pension eligible at age 55 and retired immediately. That was eighteen years ago. In addition to my pension, I got a nice severance package, and I retained medical coverage until medicare kicked in....and I get something toward the supplemental even now. I waited until 62 for Social Security.

The way we're regressing in the standard of living department is shocking and disgusting. Workers rarely get pensions and other adequate benefits anywhere, especially in the private sector. And reprehensible Republicans are the reason. The American Working Class has to get off it's collective ass and demand a better deal--right now. The regressive Republican Party must be relegated to history.

That's why any working class American who doesn't support Bernie or Liz is a hopeless fool.

My retirement is quite adequate and my benefits are excellent. It's called good personal planning not expecting someone else to plan for me.

If what you call the "working class" would spend 1/4 the time taking personal responsibility for their future as they did whining about someone else not doing it for them, imagine where they'd be.

Anyone that supports Bernie or Liz is a fucking dumbass that should be relegated to history.
Roof,food,clothes,healthcare,guaranteed basics of life

Since when does anyone owe someone that refuses to do for themselves anything other than a good kick in the ass?

Handing someone something they didn't earn thinking it will cause them to suddenly do better is a fool. It only enables those that have shown they are nothing but a drain on society to continue to be a drain.
Actually now that I looked it up public education is in the US Constitution as are the US Postal Service and the Military....all of which the means to production are the government...that is by definition socialism. Which is my point.

Like I said the term has become such a propaganda bugaboo that people react hostile towards it without giving a thought that socialism is very much present in our daily lives in the form of public education, public health services, the military, public utilities, our public transportation systems, including our roads and highways, etc, etc,.

As you and I have debated before. Socialism becomes practical and useful to us when the free market is unable to provide needed good and services at a reasonable cost.

To which a rhetorical question I ask is "Would you really want a free market military (aka a mercenary military)?"

Where are the word "public education" in the Constitution? Anyone that thinks the Constitution included anything socialist is fool enough to believe public education is in there.
Like I said the term has become such a propaganda bugaboo that people react hostile towards it without giving a thought that socialism is very much present in our daily lives in the form of public education, public health services, the military, public utilities, our public transportation systems, including our roads and highways, etc, etc,.

These are functions performed by all governments. Describing those functions as socialist does not distinguish a nation with a socialist economic system from one with a capitalist system.
There is nothing in the U. S. Constitution about public education. That is why it is a function reserved to the states.

There is something the Constitution that supports what you said.

Funny how lefties see things in the Constitution that aren't there (i.e. - public education, food stamps, healthcare, abortion, etc.) and ignore things that are specifically protected (specifically protected right to bear arms).

What I find interesting is that none of those that agree with Mott can show the Article, Section, or Clause where they claim it exists.
Why Many Americans Will Never Be Able to Retire

I feel sorry for people who will never be able to retire?!!

Traditionally, Americans could look forward to a comfortable retirement. After four decades in an office or a factory, sometime in their 60s they would lay down their burdens and enjoy a final couple of decades with time to relax, spend time with family and friends, and reflect on their life. But since the financial crisis, older Americans have been increasingly staying in the workplace.

Some see this as a positive trend, because it adds to the economy. But others rightfully view it with trepidation, because there’s the distinct possibility that many of these elderly people just can’t afford to retire. Whether their nest eggs were wiped out in the housing crash, or they just didn’t save enough, or whether their kids don’t make enough money to support them, the decline of retirement seems like an ominous development.


I feel sorry for people who will never be able to retire?!!

Traditionally, Americans could look forward to a comfortable retirement. After four decades in an office or a factory, sometime in their 60s they would lay down their burdens and enjoy a final couple of decades with time to relax, spend time with family and friends, and reflect on their life. But since the financial crisis, older Americans have been increasingly staying in the workplace.

Some see this as a positive trend, because it adds to the economy. But others rightfully view it with trepidation, because there’s the distinct possibility that many of these elderly people just can’t afford to retire. Whether their nest eggs were wiped out in the housing crash, or they just didn’t save enough, or whether their kids don’t make enough money to support them, the decline of retirement seems like an ominous development.



What's funny is you didn't retired until 65.