Why retiring at 65 could become a thing of the past

You forgot to consider the fact that there are many people living paycheck to paycheck, because of the GOP's plutocratic economical policies.

Ok, I'm game. What economic policies should be implemented that would prevent people in America from having to live paycheck to paycheck (or severely reduce the number).

(This question also assumes that people choose to live within their means which we know often doesn't happen but we'll assume it for the sake of discussion)
Look at the average life expectancy when S.S. was created compared to today. It was much shorter. So to keep the system solvent you either have to raise the retirement age to keep it proportionately in line or you have to massively increase taxes.

It's understandable people don't want to be forced to work later in life if they don't want to. The answer to that is live more frugally now and save more for the future.

This. When SS began the life expectancy was 65.
Look at the average life expectancy when S.S. was created compared to today. It was much shorter. So to keep the system solvent you either have to raise the retirement age to keep it proportionately in line or you have to massively increase taxes.

It's understandable people don't want to be forced to work later in life if they don't want to. The answer to that is live more frugally now and save more for the future.

You're trying to use math on liberals. That's not going to work usually.
If millionaires and billionaires had to pay on more then their first $100'000 would help!

Actually, if the richest paid more into the system, that would mean they would be owed more by the system as well. On the whole, it would probably either end up being a net zero or a net negative (since rich people do tend to live longer).
French rightwingers are going to learn the hard way that if they kick out all the Muslim immigrants, there will not be enough young people working and paying taxes in France to pay for their lavish Kenyan Marxist retirement benefits

Not really. The average migrant costs more than they contribute.
It's nice that it is there. It's also nice that the threat of Social Security 'going away', forced Congress to come up with the 'Individual Retirement Arrangement', a gold standard 'Trust Fund' for the Working Class that had only existed for the Wealthy up until then.

Switching to superannuation like Australia uses would be the best approach.
Most of us used a good part of our savings as a down payment on a house long before 30. I also had a respectable investment in antique firearms. I am retired. I am 59.

It's a good plan. I'm doing something similar. I probably won't retire that young, but I'm on a good financial path.
You forgot to consider the fact that there are many people living paycheck to paycheck, because of the GOP's plutocratic economical policies.

Not really. Economic policies that harm the working class are bipartisan. Every time we bail out Wall Street, for example, that leads to inflation.

If we want to assign a party to it, however, working class people have largely been moving out of blue states and into red states.
The best laid plans of mice and men.
You can only see ever issue on how it relates to you.
Never how it relates to the masses.
It's why you're a fucking asslick!

Those best laid plans have worked out just fine.

I don't need to see an issue from your viewpoint. You aren't my concern nor do I give a shit about your well-being. It's your responsibility to plan for yourself. If you don't, do without.
Those best laid plans have worked out just fine.

I don't need to see an issue from your viewpoint. You aren't my concern nor do I give a shit about your well-being. It's your responsibility to plan for yourself. If you don't, do without.

Democrats like Mason and Kenneth hate the thought of having to provide for themselves. That's why they want a Nanny State.
Democrats like Mason and Kenneth hate the thought of having to provide for themselves. That's why they want a Nanny State.

Is it that they know they're unable to do so? Those that can't or won't typically are the kind that expect others to be, as Mason put it, concerned about the masses.

MY concern is about MY retirement.