Why So Many American Jews Politically Liberal

She's young and full of vinegar, but there is a lot of truth in what she says.

Ok. It’s a free board and anyone can respond to anything but I’m asking guno, who claims to be Jewish, his opinion of what many consider to be her anti-Semitic remarks.
Talking about duel loyalty and Jews and money is strictly anti Zionism? That’s a side eye if one exists

AIPAC's influence is pretty deep.. Don't you remember Bibi calling Obama a damned J Street Jew? J Street knows the difference between anti-Semitism and not approving the Likkud government.
Well, look at the signatories of the 1998 PNAC letter to Clinton... Its straight out of Bibi's Clean Break Strategy..

Do you remember when Bibi said that Obama was a "damned J Street Jew"?

Netanyahoo was a Trump before Trump thought about running. They are the same. They are also very corrupt.
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Do people not get it? A Palestinian will not agree with what Americans say about Isreal. Their reality is not what you have been told. The abuse and mistreatment is their lives.
Oh that's not true.. Religious people also support social justice. What do you think the Sermon on the Mount was about? Jesus was preaching non-violent resistance to the Romans. Gandhi and Martin Luther King both studies the Sermon on the Mount extensively.

Religious Jews HATED the Roman oppression of the first century..

but the pharisees loved them some roman Cock in the butt.
I abhor what they are doing to her. It isn’t anti-Semitism, it’s anti- Zionism, I wish our legislators would realize this. I wish people were educated on the difference.
Anti-Zionist is a smoke screen for Jew hater. Not everyone is stupid.
They were a tiny minority.. Jesus spent most of his ministry in the north around Galilee and the cities of the Decapolis.

Jesus was NOT an advocate of insurrection.. He was trying to quiet the different Jewish factions that were fighting each other and the Romans... You know the Pharisees, Saducees, Herodians, Zealots, Sicari and Essenes.. Well, to be accurate.. the Essenes simply withdrew to the desert.

Leaders of a temple are a tiny minority relative to the overall population. Jesus himself was an insurrection.
I think it is because when the blacks were being crushed by America, the jews related to the mistreatment of a society. Jews had it horrible in Germany and still had it here. They had some empathy for the blacks mistreatment, When the civil rights marches were first starting, it was Jews who organized them. They were important in the beginning. It was Stokley Charmichael and Malcom X who decided to drive jews and other whites out or the leadership positions. They knew their future could be improved if they were in charge and able to organize. They did not want the appaearance to be, they were following orders and it suggested they were not capable of running it themselves.
Wealthy whites were making profit off the mistreatment of blacks and other minorities. They controlled the police and the courts. That is the birthright of the wealthy.

They still do.

You win the internet today.