Why So Many American Jews Politically Liberal

Leaders of a temple are a tiny minority relative to the overall population. Jesus himself was an insurrection.

There is NO indication in scripture that Jesus was an insurgent. The Sermon on the Mount would prove that he was not.
There is NO indication in scripture that Jesus was an insurgent. The Sermon on the Mount would prove that he was not.

he was totally a rebel against the romans and against the babylonian black magic pharisees.

jesus as obvious rebel is why the new world order hates christianity and love shariah/noahide law.
he was totally a rebel against the romans and against the babylonian black magic pharisees.

jesus as obvious rebel is why the new world order hates christianity and love shariah/noahide law.

Jesus was a Pharisee as was Saul.

There have been many new world orders.. Napoleon, Alexander, Genghis Khan ...
The post-war politics of American Jews were shaped more by Jewish experience than Jewish tradition.

Lawrence Fuchs argued that liberalism emerged ineluctably from Jewish values, which stressed the importance of charity and social justice.

Prior to the late nineteenth century, the Jewish political orientation in Europe and the Arab lands was passive. Jews feared the state and were detached from political involvement. Since the parties of the left in Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries favored Jewish emancipation and opposed anti‑Semitism, Jews naturally supported the political left and distrusted the political establishment, which was often anti‑Semitic. In addition, the growth in Europe of an urban Jewish proletariat in the late nineteenth century encouraged Jews to look to various forms of socialism as panaceas for their economic and social difficulties

These liberal and leftist political impulses were reinforced when Jews migrated to America. The Forward, the most important Yiddish daily paper, was a socialist journal. It had on its masthead the slogan, “Workers of the World Unite.” The political left in America, particularly during the 1930s, identified itself with the interests of what were termed the “urban masses,” which included Jews. In addition, the fact that Franklin D. Roose*velt led America into war against Hitler intensified Jewish support for the liberal wing of the Democratic party. Jews, judge Jonah Goldstein jested, had three velts (worlds): die velt (this world), yene velt (the other world), and Roosevelt.

With good reason, Jews identified anti‑Semitism with the right. This accounted for their interpretation of Nazism as a right‑wing, reactionary movement, despite the fact that the word Nazism stood for National Socialism. In addition, they attributed the rise of Hitler to the economic and social dislocations caused by the Great Depression. A society that provided good housing, jobs, unemployment insurance, health care, and educational opportunities would, they believed, be less immune to anti‑Semitic demagogues. Liberalism was thus a bulwark against anti‑Semitism.


Greed and WELFARE. Its not rocket science. Most people vote for socialism for the General Welfare and liberal social give-a-ways. Some sell their souls for a few coins.....just enough to keep them from starving because they don't want to work at an entry level job....they are owed a living because they are AMERICANS....its a birthright to them not an EARNED benefit (WW2? What have you done for me lately?) Just like Europe....how many times has the US jerked their tits from the fascist wringer only to have them shit on us at every turn?

As far as the Hebrews go? They love people like Hillary and Obama who give the banks and big investment firms BILLIONS OF THE PEOPLE'S TAX DOLLARS. Often they don't even risk their own capital.....with set ups such as (Dodd/Frank) FREDDY AND FANNIE...etc., or Trillion dollar bailouts....only to reboot and start another bubble of some kind. There is nothing wrong with making a buck......some just have more experience and know all the loopholes that a 100 years worth of lobby dollars have wrought. Fact: There are more democrat millionaires in congress than republicans
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