Which again is my point. If we do not decouple insurance from the companies it is the consumer that gets the shaft.
Bull Fucking Shit! If it weren't for insurance through employment, the vast majority of working Americans WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO AFFORD HEALTH INSURANCE....Period. Or did forget (or don't know) how this came about? Because UNIONS fought for it...because without it you couldn't afford health care based on your salary alone. Now, if you're against the concept of unions in general, just say so. Then at least we can all understand just what is the basis for some of the revisionist bullshit you keep trying to pass off as fact based logic.
Why the hell do Choices continue to be limited, and the employee continues to be at the mercy of employers. This, again, IMO is the worst "benefit" ever "won" by unions, it chains you to companies and limits your options creating monstrous unnatural monopolies. All that "benefit" happens while limiting your options for advancement because your insurance becomes your chain.
What planet are you on? The employer and the employee are to varying degrees at the mercy of the insurance companies. As Christie pointed out, the employee is free to opt for their own insurance....problem is that for most folk THEY CAN'T AFFORD THE RATES FOR DECENT HEALTH INSURANCE ON THEIR SALARIES ALONE.
You continue to deliberately build this straw man so you don't have to deal with the fact that this "reform" isn't the best we can do, still leaves us attached to companies and without options, creates a government "option" (that we cannot select....to date you have not given proof that the gov't option would be forced on people any more than any other insurance option.) with an unfair advantage by exempting itself from lawsuits and funding through taxes that they pretend are equal to premiums. Well, federal gov't agencies have been sued in the past, and I don't recall all of the proposals stipulating what you state here. Not only that but the tiers create new insurance levels inadequate to the task of making insurance affordable for those that most need it. Says who? If you create an option designed for affordability, the only a moron would gear his company to NOT be in competition with that option. In other words, perhaps private rates would reduce The main problem remains unsolved while still costing us, according to the CBO, a bit over 1 Trillion in 10 years. An estimate...which will change when the final proposal comes out. And of course, you'll have to compare this to what current HMO costs will be in the next 10 years.
We can, should, and will do better than this so long as we continue to force our representatives to listen, to slow down and do it right. But aren't these the same representatives that are in the federal gov't that you say is grossly incompetent and corrupt? Precisely whom do you want into office that you trust to sternly revamp and oversee the HMO system? But didnt' you say that too much gov't involvment in the private health industry is unwanted by you? A lot of contradictions to your logic. You can't have it both ways.
(And before DNC comes on and says 'we need it now' remember that the plan, if passed, still won't even start for a bit over 5 years hiding the brunt of the cost 5 more years after that...)