Why Teddy scares GOP on Healthcare reform.

Abortion isn't murder.

Lots of murders committed throughout history, against supposedly non-human subjects, and hence not actual murders, were later reassessed as such, because the victims in question were properly reclassified as actual human beings. Indiginous and slave populations come to mind...

But, good for you, its nice to know that you wouldn't knowingly kill another human being. You are just so damned moral, Christie.
Lots of murders committed throughout history, against supposedly non-human subjects, and hence not actual murders, were later reassessed as such, because the victims in question were properly reclassified as actual human beings. Indiginous and slave populations come to mind...

But, good for you, its nice to know that you wouldn't knowingly kill another human being. You are just so damned moral, Christie.

If people are against abortion because they believe it is immoral, unethical, sinful, reprehensible or any other adjective, I can respect their opinion. I don't believe abortion is a decision to be made without giving much thoughtful consideration of all the facts involved. I don't agree with using abortion as birth control, a way to get rid of an unwanted or inconvenient pregnancy.

IMO, however, inflammatory language comparing abortion to the murder of a living, breathing human being is nothing more than a rhetorical device with the purpose of cutting off dialogue, and ending any possibility of persuading a person to consider another viewpoint. I would never, ever consider an abortion the same as losing a child through accident, illness or violence, nor would I insult a grieving family by suggesting that the two were equal.

Your comment about slaves, the indigenous population or the Holocaust makes my point of individuals living independently outside the womb, and losing their lives due to man's inhumanity to man.

You're right, I'm moral and law-abiding, and the pro-choice position is the law of the land. I presume you, as a moral person against abortion, are also against the state-sanctioned killing of capital punishment, war and torture. I'm also presuming that as a supporter of life, you support Obama's health care plan which won't discriminate against dispensing necessary care because it's not financially worthwhile. I'm guessing you support government programs such as social security or medicare, which make life easier for millions. Finally, I'm concluding you live by the phrase "from the womb to the tomb" and consider all deaths except natural deaths to be immoral.
If people are against abortion because they believe it is immoral, unethical, sinful, reprehensible or any other adjective, I can respect their opinion. I don't believe abortion is a decision to be made without giving much thoughtful consideration of all the facts involved. I don't agree with using abortion as birth control, a way to get rid of an unwanted or inconvenient pregnancy.

IMO, however, inflammatory language comparing abortion to the murder of a living, breathing human being is nothing more than a rhetorical device with the purpose of cutting off dialogue, and ending any possibility of persuading a person to consider another viewpoint. I would never, ever consider an abortion the same as losing a child through accident, illness or violence, nor would I insult a grieving family by suggesting that the two were equal.

Your comment about slaves, the indigenous population or the Holocaust makes my point of individuals living independently outside the womb, and losing their lives due to man's inhumanity to man.

You're right, I'm moral and law-abiding, and the pro-choice position is the law of the land. I presume you, as a moral person against abortion, are also against the state-sanctioned killing of capital punishment, war and torture. I'm also presuming that as a supporter of life, you support Obama's health care plan which won't discriminate against dispensing necessary care because it's not financially worthwhile. I'm guessing you support government programs such as social security or medicare, which make life easier for millions. Finally, I'm concluding you live by the phrase "from the womb to the tomb" and consider all deaths except natural deaths to be immoral.

Your second paragraph is a copout, but, I expected no better. Most people can think of laws that should be changed. Laws shouldn't be a call for complacency.

As for the death penalty, I happen to be against it, but if you are trying to be the one-billionth customer to call its supporters hypocrites, save your breath. They aren't.

Finally, I honestly don't have an opinion on the health care issue. I think both sides suck. I will say that, if you are wrong, and more people wind up sick and dying, then claiming to have stood on the proper side of a life issue will become meaningless in time. Personally, I don't expect anything but the absolute worst from a person who supports abortion. I think you lot would try to kill me if you had the law on your side.
Once again, you condemn the federal gov't on one end, and then you suddenly put faith into the system IF it had the elected officials that you want. You want regulation of a system that you swear does a better job than a proposed federal agency, yet when that system is proven corrupt and inept to a degree, you forbid gov't sponsored alternative, and you seldom acknowledge how the private system fights and lobbies NOT to be regulated by the fed gov't.

You can't have it both ways. C'mon Damo, get your ass in gear!

You have the patience of a saint! It's clear he's satisfied with the status quo and no matter how bad the current system is, or how much we need this health care act to be passed, he'll deny, deny, deny. :(
Your second paragraph is a copout, but, I expected no better. Most people can think of laws that should be changed. Laws shouldn't be a call for complacency.

As for the death penalty, I happen to be against it, but if you are trying to be the one-billionth customer to call its supporters hypocrites, save your breath. They aren't.

Finally, I honestly don't have an opinion on the health care issue. I think both sides suck. I will say that, if you are wrong, and more people wind up sick and dying, then claiming to have stood on the proper side of a life issue will become meaningless in time. Personally, I don't expect anything but the absolute worst from a person who supports abortion. I think you lot would try to kill me if you had the law on your side.

Actually, you've again proved my point with your comment about "cop-out", which is exactly what you've done to try and end any discussion about inflammatory rhetoric.

Since you didn't elaborate, I can only surmise your comment about death-penalty supporters not being hypocrites is because they support the taking of what they consider to be a criminal or "evil" life.

Personally, I expect the worst from those who support war and torture, in addition to capital punishment, because it's not up to any human being to confer the supreme punishment, no matter how deserving we think the person(s). Yet I notice you've offered no opinion on two of those three.

It would be more honest for people like you to call themselves "anti-abortion" rather than "pro-life", because at least you (pl.) would be differentiating about what kind of "life" you consider valuable.
Actually, you've again proved my point with your comment about "cop-out", which is exactly what you've done to try and end any discussion about inflammatory rhetoric.

Since you didn't elaborate, I can only surmise your comment about death-penalty supporters not being hypocrites is because they support the taking of what they consider to be a criminal or "evil" life.

Personally, I expect the worst from those who support war and torture, in addition to capital punishment, because it's not up to any human being to confer the supreme punishment, no matter how deserving we think the person(s). Yet I notice you've offered no opinion on two of those three.

It would be more honest for people like you to call themselves "anti-abortion" rather than "pro-life", because at least you (pl.) would be differentiating about what kind of "life" you consider valuable.

Its a cop-out, because you say you respect someone's opinion, but then call me inflamatory, which is only true if you are correct. If I am correct, there is nothing inflamatory about it at all.

As I said, I oppose the DP, so by your own statements, I should deserve the title, "pro life." Not only is there no hypocracy in that, but there is an unquestionable amount of consistency as well. You, supporting mass murder are a few inches off of the mark, however.

Finally, I tend not to support war. Wars such as WWI helped to create all sorts of devastating conflicts, such as the Cold War, the modern War on Terror, and WWII, which has effectively destroyed Western Civ.

It is, however, the duty of all governments to protect their civilian populations through all means necessary, including through war. In that sense, war can be a pro-life cause. As a non-interventionist, I would like to see the US only engage in wars that are meant to protect its own citizens, and not other citizenrys as well. The Balkans, for example, and perhaps even the 1st Gulf war, although it was certainly in our economic interest.
Its a cop-out, because you say you respect someone's opinion, but then call me inflamatory, which is only true if you are correct. If I am correct, there is nothing inflamatory about it at all.

As I said, I oppose the DP, so by your own statements, I should deserve the title, "pro life." Not only is there no hypocracy in that, but there is an unquestionable amount of consistency as well. You, supporting mass murder are a few inches off of the mark, however.

Finally, I tend not to support war. Wars such as WWI helped to create all sorts of devastating conflicts, such as the Cold War, the modern War on Terror, and WWII, which has effectively destroyed Western Civ.

It is, however, the duty of all governments to protect their civilian populations through all means necessary, including through war. In that sense, war can be a pro-life cause. As a non-interventionist, I would like to see the US only engage in wars that are meant to protect its own citizens, and not other citizenrys as well. The Balkans, for example, and perhaps even the 1st Gulf war, although it was certainly in our economic interest.

If you re-read my original post, I said I respected the opinion of anyone not just you, who didn't use the word "murder" for abortion. If that wasn't clear, I apologize.

I also said that pro-life to me means "the womb to the tomb", not picking and choosing who should die and for what reason.

Our civilian population wasn't threatened in any war I know of except in the earliest days of the republic. Most of the wars we engaged in were morally reprehensible, IMO.

Your calling me a supporter of "mass murder" is inflammatory rhetoric. If anti-abortion people dropped the word "murder" from their lexicon, how else could the argument be framed to persuade people to change their minds?
This is why Teddy Kennedy was such a pain in the ass to the GOP, ultra-conservatives, neocons....and why they are shitting their pants at the prospect of his death being a banner cry for healthcare reform:

YouTube - Ted Kennedy on Health Care

I can't decide which is more ridiculous; your hyperventilating intro or bizillionaire Teddys reliance on NIH and insurance funding for his sons treatment.

So the message is that soon we can all look forward to receiving the same coverage members of Congress get ?

With lower deficits too ala' Obamas promise ?
:rolleyes: Talk about somebody standing in the dark closet and assuming therefore that nobody else can see...

I don't care if it "fights" not to be regulated, it can still be regulated and that is the better way to deal with this than creating a government-owned system that simply will be worse, has been shown to be inadequate elsewhere, and even if it were perfectly run doesn't solve the problem to begin with. All that "awesome" fail with no recourse when it becomes corrupt, bureaucrats are not elected and are rarely held accountable.

The reality is, there is recourse with private entities that you do not have with government programs that have been specifically exempted from lawsuit (all from the same group that argues that tort reform wouldn't save money in the current system yet are willing to give their own mess this advantage in the artificial market), and they can still be regulated even if they lobby not to be. Your excuse seems to be, "Well they can't be regulated because they pay our Ds money!"

You can't have it both ways, either you can pass huge systemic changes that create government-owned systems that fail at their assigned task at inception (poor people still won't be able to afford care) or you can't even pass actual reform in legislation because your politicians are paid off... Which is it?

We can do better than this mess. And if this mess is forced on people it will seriously be reflected in 2010....

Here's a portion of your statement and Tais' the reply that wasn't quoted. I'm still working out the mechanics of this forum...

"Obama has initiated nothing, he has delegated all to the Congress who have come up with plan craptacular that the public is rejecting so soundly that he has decided that he needs to call a joint session early in his Presidency in order to try to revive what he once assumed would (and pressured Congress to) pass in July without debate."

"Man, Hannity/Levin/Beck/Limbaugh/Crowley/Maulkin/O'Reilly/the WND/Newsmax/etc., couldn't have written that better....you should apply for a job with them. The level of half truths, pure supposition and conjecture and just plain long disproven BS is just what they're looking for."

I don't see anything resembling a factual rebuttal... ; )

Here's a portion of your statement and Tais' the reply that wasn't quoted. I'm still working out the mechanics of this forum...

"Obama has initiated nothing, he has delegated all to the Congress who have come up with plan craptacular that the public is rejecting so soundly that he has decided that he needs to call a joint session early in his Presidency in order to try to revive what he once assumed would (and pressured Congress to) pass in July without debate."

"Man, Hannity/Levin/Beck/Limbaugh/Crowley/Maulkin/O'Reilly/the WND/Newsmax/etc., couldn't have written that better....you should apply for a job with them. The level of half truths, pure supposition and conjecture and just plain long disproven BS is just what they're looking for."

I don't see anything resembling a factual rebuttal... ; )
A case of mistaken identity...
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Well...I was referring to Tais non-rebuttal of your points. Sorry if I didn't make that clear...
Ah, yes... well it wouldn't contain a rebuttal then would it? I wasted good sarcasm, now I'm sad. Forgive me, I don't know you well enough yet to know where you stand on issues, it makes me "jumpy"...

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Once again, you condemn the federal gov't on one end, and then you suddenly put faith into the system IF it had the elected officials that you want. You want regulation of a system that you swear does a better job than a proposed federal agency, yet when that system is proven corrupt and inept to a degree, you forbid gov't sponsored alternative, and you seldom acknowledge how the private system fights and lobbies NOT to be regulated by the fed gov't.

You can't have it both ways. C'mon Damo, get your ass in gear!

:rolleyes: Talk about somebody standing in the dark closet and assuming therefore that nobody else can see...

Yeah, yeah, yeah...we all know you think you're the resident genius and your mental meanderings are the word from the mount on high. Pity the recorded exchanges kind of poke a hole in that gasbag.

I don't care And THAT is your problem, Damo. What you don't like you just deny/discount without logical cause. History has proven your stubborn assertion to be at best, unrealistic. if it "fights" not to be regulated, it can still be regulated and that is the better way to deal with this than creating a government-owned system that simply will be worse, has been shown to be inadequate elsewhere, and even if it were perfectly run doesn't solve the problem to begin with. Your regurgitating what you previously stated, and as I pointed out, you're contradicting yourself. All that "awesome" fail with no recourse when it becomes corrupt, bureaucrats are not elected and are rarely held accountable.

Pardon me, but when a gov't program fails, the people through their representatives/Party and legal advocacy/action groups go after them to set things right. That's the way it's been since I was born, and WAY before. Once again, it behooves the PEOPLE to get more involved in the system. Once again, YOU keep condemning a system that you want to regulate a private industry that has SUCCESSFULLY lobbied against regulation beyond a certain point. At best your stance is contradictory. What it all boils down to is that you are AGAINST the current administration...but you have YET to enlighten us as to WHOM YOU FEEl should be in office to perform the dual political miracles you keep asserting.

The reality is, there is recourse with private entities that you do not have with government programs that have been specifically exempted from lawsuit (all from the same group that argues that tort reform wouldn't save money in the current system yet are willing to give their own mess this advantage in the artificial market), and they can still be regulated even if they lobby not to be. Your excuse seems to be, "Well they can't be regulated because they pay our Ds money!"

Once again, you give a new version to the same old clap trap of yours...then you try to misrepresent what I am saying. AGAIN, for the cheap seats: you are IGNORING THE FACTS that the private health insurance industry has lobbied successfully to keep the fed gov't from 100% oversight and regulatory action.....which is why the HMO's are screwing the public with skyrocketing rates and denial of services. That is the "reality" you can't handle.

You can't have it both ways, Projecting? either you can pass huge systemic changes that create government-owned systems that fail at their assigned task at inception (poor people still won't be able to afford care) or you can't even pass actual reform in legislation because your politicians are paid off... Which is it? Only if one accepts your pure supposition and conjecture (with a dose of misrepresentation) as what is the ONLY reality and conclusion of the reform proposals. As I've demonstrated time and again, in order to accept your claptrap, you have to IGNORE recent history as to how and why we have a "crisis" in this area, and then one has unconditionally accept your double standard regarding the gov't ability to regulate and create. Sorry to inform you, but no matter how many ways or times you try, that dog of yours just won't fly.

We can do better than this mess. And if this mess is forced on people it will seriously be reflected in 2010....

Given your convoluted logic on the subject, any proposal akin to your assertions won't help matters much.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Once again, you condemn the federal gov't on one end, and then you suddenly put faith into the system IF it had the elected officials that you want. You want regulation of a system that you swear does a better job than a proposed federal agency, yet when that system is proven corrupt and inept to a degree, you forbid gov't sponsored alternative, and you seldom acknowledge how the private system fights and lobbies NOT to be regulated by the fed gov't.

You can't have it both ways. C'mon Damo, get your ass in gear!

You have the patience of a saint! It's clear he's satisfied with the status quo and no matter how bad the current system is, or how much we need this health care act to be passed, he'll deny, deny, deny. :(

Damo is not the first person I've come across who shovels all type of BS to try and mask the fact that they're just as bad as the neocon punditry spewing anti-Obama nonsense. They agree with the bottom line, they just don't want to be associated with the yahoos showing up at town hall meetings.
Ah, yes... well it wouldn't contain a rebuttal then would it? I wasted good sarcasm, now I'm sad. Forgive me, I don't know you well enough yet to know where you stand on issues, it makes me "jumpy"...


Now the message I'm replying to has changed (again) in the time it's taken my to hit the "quote" button ! That makes me "jumpy" !

Well, nobody expects perfect understanding on Friday night. Simple coherence is achievement enough !

I'm from the old AOL WOT Boards "community". There's a link here that will show you the rest of our happy little group. Sarcasm was dispensed there too... ; )
Given your convoluted logic on the subject, any proposal akin to your assertions won't help matters much.
Mine? Your posts have contained enough straw men to warm my barn for years. You refuse to see anything but what you want and are largely a waste to debate as you constantly miss the main point, repeat the same inanities, rebuild the same straw man, then sing your own praises.

And yes, my post did point out your projection in that area, the first thing you've seem capable of understanding more than minimally.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Given your convoluted logic on the subject, any proposal akin to your assertions won't help matters much.

Mine? I ain't talking about Alan Greenspan! Your posts have contained enough straw men (Ahhh, the new neocon catch phrase that's falsely trotted out whenever they can't defend their statements.) to warm my barn for years. You refuse to see anything but what you want and are largely a waste to debate as you constantly miss the main point, repeat the same inanities, rebuild the same straw man, then sing your own praises.
Damn, you sound more like Southie and the other neocon peanut gallery with each post. :( Bottom line: I logically and factually pointed out the key error of your assertions and statements....YOU insist upon trying to build on that false premise, and subsequently throw a hissy fit every time I pull out the cornerstone. The chronological post bear witness to this, so all your deluded clap trap is pointless.

And yes, my post did point out your projection in that area, the first thing you've seem capable of understanding more than minimally.
Once again, you display a condescending attitude based on your own delusions...as I said or alluded to nothing as you state in this last sentence. My previous responses stand valid, and your insipid stubborness and denial of your neocon mindset ring clear to all. You've got nothing else, so I'd say we're done here. You may have the last word, if it makes you feell better.
Once again, you display a condescending attitude based on your own delusions...as I said or alluded to nothing as you state in this last sentence. My previous responses stand valid, and your insipid stubborness and denial of your neocon mindset ring clear to all. You've got nothing else, so I'd say we're done here. You may have the last word, if it makes you feell better.
What is this some sort of rap singer "I'm cooler" BS?

Your responses were repetition, were based on something you thought I believe rather than what I actually do believe, were almost invariably straw men, and bereft of thought.

Suddenly when you had no more points you decided to start posting on how you "won".

You've won nothing other than your own continued ignorance. At some point one needs to recognize they've made their points, that the "opponent" tried to make theirs and there is really nothing more. When it starts sounding like Disturbed "Dropping Plates" or Twisted Sister's "Me And The Boys" with all the self aggrandizement and sad "insults" there is no point to really continue a thread.