Why the Left Hates America


This past week, one of the greatest differences between the Left and Right — both around the world and in America — once again came to light: how each views America. Every year for the past 67 years, the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner has been the major fundraising event for the Connecticut State Democratic party. Not anymore. The party unanimously voted to drop the two Democratic presidents’ names because they were slaveholders.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421681/why-left-hates-america-dennis-prager
We don't hate America, dipshit. We hate un-American haters that scream for American freedom, but somehow still want conformity to their prides, and prejudices. You could throw most Trumpkins under that definition.
We don't hate America, dipshit. We hate un-American haters that scream for American freedom, but somehow still want conformity to their prides, and prejudices. You could throw most Trumpkins under that definition.

Wasn't it you who said you would move to Canada if you could afford it because you despise this country?
Wasn't it we who said we'd pay for your trip just to get rid of you?
As usual, you're demonstrating your hypocrisy.
The adolescent emotionalism of the racist right is pathetic. Why do they suppose anyone looking at them feels anything but bored contempt and distaste?
We don't hate America, dipshit. We hate un-American haters that scream for American freedom, but somehow still want conformity to their prides, and prejudices. You could throw most Trumpkins under that definition.

So because presidents at a time when slavery was an accepted world wide system leftist condemn them because they owned slaves and didn't conform to todays standards. Pure stupidity the Democrat party has become a joke.
So because presidents at a time when slavery was an accepted world wide system leftist condemn them because they owned slaves and didn't conform to todays standards. Pure stupidity the Democrat party has become a joke.

I love movies from the 1930's,often on Facebook,people will complain a movie wasn't PC,or had perceived racist elements.They were made in a different era.
We can't change the past and to judge others of a by gone era,by today's standards,is wrong.
Learn from the past.
We don't hate America, dipshit. We hate un-American haters that scream for American freedom, but somehow still want conformity to their prides, and prejudices. You could throw most Trumpkins under that definition.

Dear lying liberal dumbass; it is YOUR side that demands conformity and government dependency via the Party of the Jackass.

Liberals are the dumbest people on the planet.
The last distant screams from Raicst Dinosaurs ... the Racist Right knows it’s numbers and days are limited. That’s NOT ALL people on the Right, just the ones who are Racists and the ones who remain silent among the Racist.
The last distant screams from Raicst Dinosaurs ... the Racist Right knows it’s numbers and days are limited. That’s NOT ALL people on the Right, just the ones who are Racists and the ones who remain silent among the Racist.

Spoken like a true lying leftist race hustling dumbfuck. You didn't take long to prove you're an idiot.
Because it's the source of everything that's wrong with the world?
What are you doing to change it, sad sac? You assholes had the majority of power for 8 years, and TOTAL power for 2. What happened?

Also, most, if not all, of what does suck about America can be traced to spiritually stunted, self-serving assholes, just like you. What are you doing to repent and change your ways?
I love movies from the 1930's,often on Facebook,people will complain a movie wasn't PC,or had perceived racist elements.They were made in a different era.
We can't change the past and to judge others of a by gone era,by today's standards,is wrong.
Learn from the past.

Damn is eagles being stupid. Who said anything about condemning presidents back in the slave era? Where does he get this stuff? I'm not going to point the finger at Coca Cola for having cocaine in the old days, or a very old contractor, because he put asbestos in a build back when. It's the point of it being the old days. Maybe the people stuck in the past should adapt, rather than expecting society to cater to their weakness.
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