Why the Left Hates America

This past week, one of the greatest differences between the Left and Right — both around the world and in America — once again came to light: how each views America. Every year for the past 67 years, the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner has been the major fundraising event for the Connecticut State Democratic party. Not anymore. The party unanimously voted to drop the two Democratic presidents’ names because they were slaveholders.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421681/why-left-hates-america-dennis-prager

Oh, so what you call your fundraising event determines how much you like America, kinda like those that think if you listen to talk radio it makes you a "patriot," got it
I hate America. The world would be a better place if America were replaced with a large pit.

be patient. you are indeed a prophet of the near future. you are on the losing side, but you do know the future. according to your current testimonies, you likely will be an inhabitant of the pit. I also contempt the us gov. and the direction of the entire world [cosmos].
Oh, so what you call your fundraising event determines how much you like America, kinda like those that think if you listen to talk radio it makes you a "patriot," got it
You and I both know that is not what it's about shithead. Why are you perverts so fucking dishonest?

If it's not granola crunching scumbags, like Jarod, depicting Republicans as pedophiles, it's screaming manginas, like you, trying to run interference. How do you degenerates sleep at night?
This past week, one of the greatest differences between the Left and Right — both around the world and in America — once again came to light: how each views America. Every year for the past 67 years, the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner has been the major fundraising event for the Connecticut State Democratic party. Not anymore. The party unanimously voted to drop the two Democratic presidents’ names because they were slaveholders.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421681/why-left-hates-america-dennis-prager
PC gone amok.
We don't hate America, dipshit. We hate un-American haters that scream for American freedom, but somehow still want conformity to their prides, and prejudices. You could throw most Trumpkins under that definition.
Sure you do, fuckface. Every single fucking thing that oozes from your foul mouths is a negative shot at something, or someone, American.

Here, take a look at some of your idiot posts. You'll soon see how much you really do hate this country. ;)
This past week, one of the greatest differences between the Left and Right — both around the world and in America — once again came to light: how each views America. Every year for the past 67 years, the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner has been the major fundraising event for the Connecticut State Democratic party. Not anymore. The party unanimously voted to drop the two Democratic presidents’ names because they were slaveholders.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421681/why-left-hates-america-dennis-prager

Jackson was also an atrocious president, and a complete POS. Davey Crockett discovered this when he went to Congress.
Still, I love how the GOP was founded in Wisconsin by Northern Whigs and Free Soilers, while the Democratic Party had its origins in the south, and was formally organized by Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Ruin.

We can still have Lincoln Day Dinners, but you motherfuckers can't have any dinners in honor of your shitty founders.
Jackson was also an atrocious president, and a complete POS. Davey Crockett discovered this when he went to Congress.
Oh, is that why the perverts erased his name from the event? I thought it was because they're just a bunch of fucking race hustlers.
We don't hate America, dipshit. We hate un-American haters that scream for American freedom, but somehow still want conformity to their prides, and prejudices. You could throw most Trumpkins under that definition.

You just described the Party of the Jackass you ignorant dunce.