Why the Left Hates America

The last distant screams from Raicst Dinosaurs ... the Racist Right knows it’s numbers and days are limited. That’s NOT ALL people on the Right, just the ones who are Racists and the ones who remain silent among the Racist.

There you go again with that moronic race hustling. That's about all one can expect from brain dead loser liberals these days; race hustling and lying.
Egads one righty put up a photo of Ted Nugent, a real American draft dodger just like Donnie. Funny how righties love America until it comes to doing something for America. Cowards and emasculated men all, thus their cheering Donnie john, talk is all they have, words only. You flunkies and sycophants keep cheering Donnie, he must laugh at you fools as he golfs and cahoots with his rich buddies who laugh at you guys too. Too funny, righties are so easily played by dark money. You guys follow Donnie I'm sure he loves your kind words.

"Nugent has proudly claimed that he avoided Vietnam by taking drugs, defecating in his pants, and acting crazy during his physical examination. In 1977, he explained to High Times magazine how he prepared for his induction physical"


Egads one righty put up a photo of Ted Nugent, a real American draft dodger just like Donnie. Funny how righties love America until it comes to doing something for America. Cowards and emasculated men all, thus their cheering Donnie john, talk is all they have, words only. You flunkies and sycophants keep cheering Donnie, he must laugh at you fools as he golfs and cahoots with his rich buddies who laugh at you guys too. Too funny, righties are so easily played by dark money. You guys follow Donnie I'm sure he loves your kind words.

"Nugent has proudly claimed that he avoided Vietnam by taking drugs, defecating in his pants, and acting crazy during his physical examination. In 1977, he explained to High Times magazine how he prepared for his induction physical"


Things change, comrade.
Still, I love how the GOP was founded in Wisconsin by Northern Whigs and Free Soilers, while the Democratic Party had its origins in the south, and was formally organized by Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Ruin.

We can still have Lincoln Day Dinners, but you motherfuckers can't have any dinners in honor of your shitty founders.

Isn't it amazing how the party labels have changed philosophies?
John Quincy Adams. He expanded suffrage during his presidency to non-landowners, which is a pretty good contribution, even if it ensured his defeat in 1828.

I have not heard that. How did he change voting qualifications which is a state power?
I have not heard that. How did he change voting qualifications which is a state power?

By supporting it, even though it didn't benefit him. Of interest to Trumptards, Adams had a huge infrastructure initiative, despite his opponent being Douchebag Donald's beloved Andrew Jackson. He even signed a big trade tariff, and had a hostile Congress attempting to derail his presidency. Adams also remains America's greatest diplomat who revolutionized our foreign policy - something else Trump is attempting to do.

But on the matters of personal character, basic human decency, and support of human rights - that is where John Quincy Adams runs circles around Jackson. He began the project of paying down the national debt, which became one of Jackson's only positive accomplishments (Jackson's other accomplishment was prevailing in the Nullification Crisis), while not leaving the economy in a massive depression, like the Panic of 1837.
John Quincy Adams. He expanded suffrage during his presidency to non-landowners, which is a pretty good contribution, even if it ensured his defeat in 1828.
I'd be fine with Adams. But my question is, why make a change at all? How bored does some asshole have to be to even consider such a change?
I'd be fine with Adams. But my question is, why make a change at all? How bored does some asshole have to be to even consider such a change?

Because Jackson was a horrible president and the founder of the Democratic Party. You're advocating pure laziness for its own sake.
Because Jackson was a horrible president and the founder of the Democratic Party. You're advocating pure laziness for its own sake.
It took democrats THIS long to decide that Jackson was a horrible president? Horrible enough to take his face of the $20.00 bill? I still don't see the point. Why now?

And you're wrong. I'm advocating pure not giving a shit for its own sake.

Seriously. How bored does some asshole have to be?
It took democrats THIS long to decide that Jackson was a horrible president? Horrible enough to take his face of the $20.00 bill? I still don't see the point. Why now?

And you're wrong. I'm advocating pure not giving a shit for its own sake.

Seriously. How bored does some asshole have to be?

Why should we keep mindlessly printing the jackass' face on our currency? You are advocating the worst forms of laziness and ignorance, which are the only defenses of keeping national disgraces such as Jackson on our currency, or foreign enemies like Jefferson Davis on our soil.

Your position is basically the equivalent of kneeling during the National Anthem, except lazier.