Why the right rebels need arms from us

Before they bought these new weapons from Russia.

Heres a clue they had aready done the contract and were awaiting delivery.

You just pretend its not true
You are a prowar as any republican .. and you would have supported the invasion of Iraq had Obama been in the chair.

dude just hating on me is not bringing facts to bare.

There are threats in the world you have to face.

I was pro afgan war.

I was NOT pro Iraq war because it was based on lies.

your claims are all false and hate filled.

So tell us how your claim that it was all for oil now looks?
I backed the inforcement of the world wide ban on chemical weapons use.

thqat dose not make me evil.

You have just lost all perspective because you were proven wrong and now hate Obama
I backed the inforcement of the world wide ban on chemical weapons use.

thqat dose not make me evil.

You have just lost all perspective because you were proven wrong and now hate Obama

Can you please learn to spell "enforcement" correctly? WTF is wrong with you that you can't spell simple words (5th grade vocabulary)?
It makes your arguments look retarded. Learn to spell so people can take you serious.
fuck you very much

facts are far more important than fucking spelling and typing.

funny you prefer to attack me on the one thing that means not a fucking thing in the face of reality
Now do you want the AQ faction BETTER armed than the REAL people of Syria who want to rid themselves of a dictator so bad hesbombs people in bread lines and gasses babies in their beds?
Naw you would rather make a fucking hero out of another dictator who sold them the fucking weapons to kill with
Can you please learn to spell "enforcement" correctly? WTF is wrong with you that you can't spell simple words (5th grade vocabulary)? It makes your arguments look retarded. Learn to spell so people can take you serious.

Spelling is the least of her issues....
I cannot imagine a more incredibly stupid argument. It's almost as dumb as Kerry's claim that a very targeted teeny tiny strike no one will barely notice is going to remove Syria's cache of chemical weapons we know has been widely disbursed and which their Government claims doesn't exist.

The dumbest thing this Government could do is send more weapons into a very fluid and unstable situation where the good guys are indistinghuishable from the bad guys. One only need look at Libya today to comprehend these obvious realities. But then, this President defines what is dumb and takes simple to the pinnacle of foreign policy.

It is ironic that the same people who were anti-war only a few short years ago are now war hawks determined to save innocent Arabs; as long as they are not Iraqi and Afghani's.

Irony and hypocrisy abounds when it comes to Liberal leftist ideologues who are fanatical in their support of what will be one of the greatest failures of a Presidency in the history of this nation. It was predictable, but only if one used their brains and kept their eyes open.

Al-Qaida-affiliated rebels battled more moderate Syrian opposition fighters in a town along the Iraqi border on Saturday, killing at least five people in the latest outbreak of infighting among the forces opposed to President Bashar Assad's regime.

Clashes between rebel groups, particularly pitting al-Qaida-linked extremist factions against more moderate units, have grown increasingly common in recent months, undermining the opposition's primary goal of overthrowing Assad.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Saturday's fighting took place in the town of Boukamal between the al-Qaida-linked Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant against more mainstream rebel groups.

how do you know who the "right" rebel is?

dear fucking idiots ,

your party armed Aq in afganistan

Dear fucking asshat; no "our" party did not. But then, youre a low information fanatical partisan asshat who has a history of disregarding facts, reality and the truth and cluelessly parroting leftist DNC talking points.

Reagan ruled over the CIA's biggest ever operation, the funding and arming of the jihad against Soviet troops who had invaded Afghanistan in 1979 and were driven out by US-armed Islamic militants 10 years later.

The Central Intelligence Agency spent billions of dollars arming and funding Islamic warriors to slip into Afghanistan from western Pakistan to fight the Soviets.

How do you know you will be arming the right people? Or is it like food stamp fraud? You just gotta accept a few fuckups?

Funny how tolerant you libtard asshat fuckfaces are with gobblement fuckups.

Is your OBOMBA propaganda shift over yet?