Why The Right Will Never Allow Solution To Islamic Jihad Problem...

The GC is a treaty signed by nations, to respectfully honor certain treatment conditions for prisoners of war.

No it doesn't. It covers the whole conduct of warfare, from POWs to protecting civilians.

The Fourth Geneva Convention (or GCIV) relates to the protection of civilians during times of war "in the hands" of an enemy and under any occupation by a foreign power.


You really are clueless, which explains why you are part of the problem, not the solution....
If you kill them all then there is no more problem, because they are all dead.

Only if there are a finite number of terrorists to kill...

If, during your killing, you radicalise more people, you create more terrorists.

This is what is happening now, and why we are handing victory after victory to the extremists...
The Geneva Conventions do not apply to countries who aren't signatories, and it has nothing to do with conquest and occupation, after defeat in war.

Yes, it does. Google the forth convention.
Yes, I know, there are four of them, and they all have to do with prisoners of war, and treatment of civilian populations in time of war, and absolutely nothing to do with conquest and occupation after defeat in war.

The Fourth Geneva Convention (or GCIV) relates to the protection of civilians during times of war "in the hands" of an enemy and under any occupation by a foreign power.

Under occupation by a foreign power.....
If they had left Israel alone, they wouldn't have lost the land in battle, and there would be no issue.

If Israel hadn't terrorised their way to statehood on another people's land, there would be no issue...
Oh well, I guess that means the Palestinians need to be held accountable for violating the GC, huh? The Israeli's have NO obligation to abide by the GC, you've not shown where they have violated any one's human rights, and it doesn't matter anyway, the Palestinians are blowing up innocent Israeli's!

And the Israelis are murdering innocent Palestinians.

This is TYPICAL Liberalism in Action! Just throw morality and ethics down the shitter, and attack the holy fuck out of innocent Jews with impunity, and when they respond by kicking ass, curl up in a fetal position and claim you are a fucking VICTIM!

This is typical of Conservatives.... pretend to hold a moral position, yet fail to equivicate that moral stance across all groups, simply because one group doesn't look like you.

It is you that is throwing morality into the shitter, by holding a moral position on one part (Palestinian attacks on civilians), yet turning a blind eye to another. (Israeli attacks on civilians)

You are a supporter of terrorism if it is 'on our side', yet decry terrorism on other sides.

You are a morally hypocritical.

Get your head out of your ass and understand the world don't fucking revolve around Liberalist ideals of holding hands and picking daisies! Israel was attacked, they responded, and now they occupy the land.

Yeah, and after WWII, Palestianians were attacked, by Israelis using terrorism. The Palestinians resist occupation by a state that terrorised their way to statehood.

And besides that, France declared war on Germany in WWII, why doesn't Germany occupy France now?
The people there are still sending suicide bombers into Israel, that hasn't stopped.

Dixie, is it morally better to bomb civilians from aircraft than to bomb civilians with suicide bombers and why?
the allies solved hitler's political/religious/ethnic problem militarily....chamberlin tried to solve it politically

WWII is absolutely nothing like the Islamic insurgency we are fighting today.

During WWII, we weren't fighting extremists for the minds of an entire religious group. We were fighting a conventional war.

WWII has more in common with the Napoleonic wars than our current fight.