Why The U.S. Hates Roundabouts

I'll be the roundabout
The words will make you out 'n' out
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving thru the sound and in and out the valley.
I don’t mind roundabouts at all. I like them actually. But when I’m in them with drivers who have no clue how to use them, I get a lot nervous.
OMG...they are sprouting up like mushrooms around here....slowing down trip times.

I am not a fan, though there are a few that were a good idea in my estimation.

I got stuck in one once where everyone was driving too fast and too close and I was on the inside lane- Had to go around the circle 3 times just to get the exit I wanted! Every man, woman, and child was at their own risk!

I was getting dizzy and cussing like a sailor! :laugh:
I got stuck in one once where everyone was driving too fast and too close and I was on the inside lane- Had to go around the circle 3 times just to get the exit I wanted! Every man, woman, and child was at their own risk!

I was getting dizzy and cussing like a sailor! :laugh:

First one I ever encountered was in N.J. pulling a 48' van. Took the wrong turn and wound up miles from where I wanted to go. I hate the damn things!
I've seen that episode of Mythbusters as well. The French used to be indifferent to roundabouts in the past but they have more than the UK now, 30,000 compared to 20,000.

Well, they have more landmass to cover. It would be surprising if they hadn't overtaken the UK.
Yea, right. Go drive in the Middle East some time. They have lots of roundabouts there too. In Saudi, the direction of flow appears to be optional with some drivers going clockwise, others counterclockwise depending on the shortest distance to where they are exiting is...

They are also something of a demolition derby in trying to avoid being in an accident. Pedestrians? don't even think about crossing where one is, you'll probably get hit.

Try driving in Europe with those roundabouts some time. You won't be a happy camper PDQ.

This is the worst one in Bahrain, the Pearl Roundabout...


This is one of the big reasons: It's a focal point for protests, assemblies, and other crap.

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Yea, right. Go drive in the Middle East some time. They have lots of roundabouts there too. In Saudi, the direction of flow appears to be optional with some drivers going clockwise, others counterclockwise depending on the shortest distance to where they are exiting is...

They are also something of a demolition derby in trying to avoid being in an accident. Pedestrians? don't even think about crossing where one is, you'll probably get hit.

Try driving in Europe with those roundabouts some time. You won't be a happy camper PDQ.

This is the worst one in Bahrain, the Pearl Roundabout...


That looks like a dump inside...