Why The U.S. Hates Roundabouts

The main purpose of a roundabout is to save money. It doesn't require expensive equipment with timers or lights.

[These 10 Michigan Roundabouts Cause The Most Accidents

The Other Side of Roundabouts: More Crashes
Traffic circles are great at preventing fatal wrecks. But what can be done about the crashes they do provoke?

Aftermath of one of the many protests (riots) that take place there. When it's cleaned up, it looks really nice and is one of the only spots on the whole island with grass...

Doesn't look as bad as Portland, I'll give it that., though. Never been there. It probably does look nice cleaned up.
The main purpose of a roundabout is to save money. It doesn't require expensive equipment with timers or lights.

The left (many of who don't own cars or drive) only loves roundabouts because they're "European" and they "reduce carbon".

Then they should all sign up for the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. It would be a commitment to reduce their carbon...


Somad already has, apparently. I'm waiting on him to follow through.

I stopped giving a shit about what happens to humans some time ago.

People are assholes and deserve whatever they get.

Fuck everybody.

I hope the Earth becomes uninhabitable for humans causing them to all die off, but the animals adapt and thrive.

Give it back to them.

They'll take better care of it than we ever did.
First one I ever encountered was in N.J. pulling a 48' van. Took the wrong turn and wound up miles from where I wanted to go. I hate the damn things!

Yes, I had to learn how to drive all over again in New Jersey because I wasn't familiar with Cup-Handle exits off of Freeways and byways.

Also, with all the turnpikes, you have to know if it has exits to the other highways you see that intersect with it on the MAPS.

Just because they intersect on a map- does not mean there is an exit.

So driving in New Jersey can be challenging and a whole new driving experience in that pretty state!
Yes, I had to learn how to drive all over again in New Jersey because I wasn't familiar with Cup-Handle exits off of Freeways and byways.

Also, with all the turnpikes, you have to know if it has exits to the other highways you see that intersect with it on the MAPS.

Just because they intersect on a map- does not mean there is an exit.

So driving in New Jersey can be challenging and a whole new driving experience in that pretty state!

We didn't have GPS then, it was all maps. Can't say I didn't get lost, I got lost in DC and that really sucks too. Their streets are all fucked up. Yes, parts of both Jersey and DC are beautiful.
Yes, I had to learn how to drive all over again in New Jersey because I wasn't familiar with Cup-Handle exits off of Freeways and byways. Also, with all the turnpikes, you have to know if it has exits to the other highways you see that intersect with it on the MAPS. Just because they intersect on a map- does not mean there is an exit. So driving in New Jersey can be challenging and a whole new driving experience in that pretty state!

We didn't have GPS then, it was all maps. Can't say I didn't get lost, I got lost in DC and that really sucks too. Their streets are all fucked up. Yes, parts of both Jersey and DC are beautiful.

New Jersey gets a bad rap.

In DC, Rock Creek Park is lovely. That's about it.
We didn't have GPS then, it was all maps. Can't say I didn't get lost, I got lost in DC and that really sucks too. Their streets are all fucked up. Yes, parts of both Jersey and DC are beautiful.

I think Cup handle exits are great for keeping the though traffic flowing without redlights at every junction for them and just for the people who want to exit. They also can help keep the Highways and By-ways more Beautiful the way they are landscaped, tree-lined, or left in their natural state. But they took some getting used to for me. When I first experienced them, they looked like to me to be roads to nowhere, and I suppose I passed them by- by accident and confusion on my part.

And I suppose we could say the same thing about round-abouts!

Now that I know how to navigate them safely- I suppose I am OK with them now!
I think Cup handle exits are great for keeping the traffic flowing without redlights at every junction. They also can help keep the Highways and By-ways more Beatiful the way they are landscaped, tree-lined, or left in their natural state. But they took some getting used to!

And I suppose we could say the same thing about round-abouts!

Now that I know how to navigate them safely- I suppose I am OK with them now!

I still avoid them at all costs! I'll take the back roads, even if it's a little further. And, the scenery is nice there too (but I tend to prefer small towns and farmlands).
I dont so much mind them as much as other but yes occasionally they are annoying. They've been popping up all over the place in my city and I've seen kids flying through them without a care in the world and not even looking around.