Why the way things are.

The economy turned around under Obama and continued improving. Trump is falsely taking credit for it.
And Reagan's policies were so bad that we're still recovering from them. I know Fox News has defied Reagan, but he expanded the size of the government, raised taxes, gave illegals amnesty, and increased the debt ceiling. If he was running for president today, you'd call him a RINO.

So how come the rural blue states do better than the rural red states?

:lolup:The reason one cannot argue with dishonest fools.
Reagan used trickle down economics, which are disastrous for the economy and especially the middle-class. If you want details on that, check out the article.
I also think it was a huge mistake that he raised the debt ceiling, gave illegals amnesty, raised taxes, and increased the size of government.

Trickle Down is a word used by dishonest dunces who don't know what they are erupting about. But I am amused by the left's claim that trickle UP makes more sense with tax increases that do nothing to help anyone.

Reagan had to deal with the Tipsy O'Neil House during his eight years. He was promised a LOT of things by the liar Tipsy who declared ALL of his budgets DOA.

Reagan led a huge economic boom and got things done based on his appeal to Americans and the desire of Tipsy to keep his job. You're just as ignorant on history as you are with economics. You'd be smarter to just STFU.
Scary stupid response. The economic trajectory in Trump's economy is exactly what Obama left him. What has Trump enacted that made the economy better, fairer or more equitable? He hammered another Repub tax cut through to benefit the upper 1 percent. He cranked the debt up about 2 trillion. Repugs used to pretend they cared about that. Now they are silent.
Obama was greeted with a near second great depression due to Repub policies. Were you in grade school in 2007 and 8? He solved the mess and put the economy on an upward trajectory that Trump claims credit for. Trump has done nothing with the economy but take credit for what Obama did.


Read number one.

And yes, I know him getting the Nobel Peace Prize was bullshit.

That's hilarious. The "economic stimulus package" was every pet project that any Democrat politician had in the past 20 years that had been rejected. Plus payments to keep public employees employed doing nothing.

In contrast, Trump's tax cut package gave private corporations reasons to invest, and they actually created jobs. Lots of them.
.You're right. You're a Berniebot.

Are you really this congenitally stupid or are you just pushing for prize idiot? Since the ENTIRE article is NOT about Bernie Sanders, but about how things have lead up to Trump being elected and why (his polar opposite happens to be Sanders, not Clinton), only a true Trump Chump would try to pull off in print what those idiots in the current White House do during their press conferences and on the Sunday talk shows. Here, for your education: go back and read the sections on Tyson chicken, Lee Atwater, reaganomics, etc. Sanders gets a mention at the VERY END. If Hillary had said the same, she'd be quoted, but her platform was essentially the SOS.

This time around, it may NOT be Bernie who gets the share of votes in the primary challenging Biden. But at least no one can BS as to why dummies are voting against their interest by voting for Trump.
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