Why Trump MUST win this Nov.

Not Law school, junior high, where everyone learned the Executive Branch enforces the Law, Legislative makes the Law, and the Judicial interprets the Law, I can find you a little SchoolHouse Rock short if you need one

And you seemingly are so drunk on the Kool Aid to comprehend that Trump will eliminate any check he might have on him. Did you think anyone he appointed to the Justice Dept is going to challenge him? The GOP? His SCOTUS? The Democrats he has arrested? Himself, which would be the biggest laugh

Tell us, who is going to serve as all these checks you think are there?
RQAA. Stop mindlessly changing, Sybil.
Dick and Liz Cheney are the war mongers. good riddance to them

why do you have to obsfucate what is being said?
What happens to the Cheneys is irrelevant, the point being that the Trumpism is not the traditional GOP, Reagan Republicans. Trumpism represents little in Republican principles, in fact, it stands in many instances as the exact opposite of Republicanism

If it will make you happy, Trumpkins are today’s RINOs
"Almost certainly guilty of crimes", huh. Trump's view, except he would take out the "almost".

What "crimes", and who are the "some"?
Legina lies a lot. Same goes for anyone who uses multiple socks to push the same message. It's cowardly, but most certainly deceitful. Ergo, never trust such a person to be honest.
What happens to the Cheneys is irrelevant, the point being that the Trumpism is not the traditional GOP
Biden when he first ran for office thought Roe v Wade was a horrible court decision

it seems you are of the belief that only democratic politicians can change on issues?

Liz and Dick Cheney are bad people. I'm not unhappy they are gone.

Biden when he first ran for office thought Roe v Wade was a horrible court decision

it seems you are of the belief that only democratic politicians can change on issues?

Liz and Dick Cheney are bad people. I'm not unhappy they are gone.
Legina on the attack!

Dude, you are definitely slowing down. I doubt it was just because Damo snipped you. LOL
I thought you SAID you back the CONSTITUTION, going on a revenge tour throwing your political opponents in jail possibly without due process is what DICTATORS do and is AGAINST the CONSTITUTION .
And yet YOU back Trump
I never said I was perfect. Probably a good idea not to elect me president. :ROFLMAO:
YOU MUST have me mixed up with yourself;
YOU are the one that hates and despises the CONSTITUTION .\
I took an oath to defend it from all enemies foreign and Domestic and I still stand behind that OATH.
I unlike a lot of you right wingers like McConnell take swearing to an oath as an obligation to keep.
McConnell took an oath to be an impartial juror in Trumps impeachment, and to vote on what the evidence proved then after he saw all the evidence he admitted
There was no evidence, Sybil. You idiots couldn't even define the so-called 'crime'.
Trump did do what it showed but he was not going to vote on it but vote not to remove Trump.
What did 'it' show, Sybil?? No even the Senate could figure it out!
And the prosecution of political opponents as enemies of the state. Trump yesterday named two leading Democrats as such targets for his justice department. Will be interesting to see how he does in Nazifying the nation.
The Nazis were socialists, like DEMOCRATS. Go learn English and history, Sybil.
By that time it might be TOO LATE.
He wants to get rid of the CONSTITUTION and become AMERICAS FIRST DICTATOR.
If he becomes a DICTATOR like he says he wants to there won't be a Congress.
Well some people do and want the 2025 project to be put in place and take away a lot of AMERICANS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AWAY, I DON"T.
And that is what Vance wants.
Project 2025 does not violate any part of the Constitution, and does not take away any rights. Rights do not stem from the Constitution, Sybil.

Project 2025 is not even part of Trump's campaign platform. I happen to agree with it, but it's timetable is too aggressive. Nothing in Project 2025 violates any part of the Constitution of the United States nor the constitution of any State.
Well he did write the foreword for Heritage Foundation project 2025.
And that scares the hell our of me.
The project 2025 will if implemented the end of the United States as we know it.
The United States will continue under Project 2025. There will still be a constitution in each State and the Constitution of the United States.
Project 2025 proposes a massive slimming down or elimination of the numerous bureaucracies that Democrats love...and with good reason:

The EPA is unconstitutional.
The Federal Reserve and fiat money is unconstitutional.
The CPSC is unconstitutional.
The BATF is unconstitutional.
The TSA is unconstitutional.
The Dept of Education is unconstitutional.
Much of the Dept of Agriculture is doing is unconstitutional.
Federal censorship is unconstitutional.
Most of the Dept of Energy is unconstitutional.

ALL of these bureaucracies should be disbanded or severely reduced in function.
The United States will continue under Project 2025. There will still be a constitution in each State and the Constitution of the United States.
Project 2025 proposes a massive slimming down or elimination of the numerous bureaucracies that Democrats love...and with good reason:

The EPA is unconstitutional.
The Federal Reserve and fiat money is unconstitutional.
The CPSC is unconstitutional.
The BATF is unconstitutional.
The TSA is unconstitutional.
The Dept of Education is unconstitutional.
Much of the Dept of Agriculture is doing is unconstitutional.
Federal censorship is unconstitutional.
Most of the Dept of Energy is unconstitutional.

ALL of these bureaucracies should be disbanded or severely reduced in function.
7 posts almost all in a row and still didn't say one GOD damn thing intelligent.