Keep on "Gardening" there T.A. Maybe you can unearth some missing tRump votes that were
If you don't know go find out.
Hardly. Responding to you takes little in the way of effort.
Now, let me know when you can back up any of your ridiculous theories......wink....wink.
If you don't know go find out.
It was so those who supported slavery could legally murder those who objected or escaped.
The original wording of the 2nd Amendment, as written by Madison, included a conscientious objector clause. There is only one reason for that. Because it was written in the context of military (militia) service. Some of the reference to militia service is still there.
When the phrasing of all the Amendments was considered and modified, for some reason the Senate committee removed that portion. At that time, the Senate did not retain records of their proceedings like the House did, so nobody knows why.
It was so those who supported slavery could legally murder those who objected or escaped.
The intent of the second amendment was that all able bodied and "free" (today this could be taken to mean those of sound mind and not having a violent criminal record) adult Americans should have, own, and know how to use military grade individual weapons like assault rifles, pistols, or a machinegun. The intent was that in time of national crisis or war such Americans would organize themselves into local "militias" without the government's need to interfere in that happening and they would then defend their communities.
In realistic terms, the Swiss model is very similar to this where every able bodied adult male is issued an assault rifle to keep at home and is additionally issued ammunition annually by the government to practice with. Shooting clubs, and other quasi-military activities are encouraged as well. If the nation is invaded, then everyone takes up arms to defend the country.
Possession of arms outside this are for practical purposes like self-defense, defense of one's home, or hunting. That's an extension of "the militia" idea.
Fledgling America was under constant threat from European powers. We had no money or tax base to train an army.
Do you think the 2nd amendment should be negated or altered or made irrelevant by the fact that the USA has an enormous government Military?
Was the intent of the amendment to provide legal means for an easily assembled local militia if necessary because there weren't the means for a "federal" or government funded overarching Militia? And if so, now that the US has that federal militia is the intent of the amendment now moot?
the founders knew that a large standing army was a bane to liberty, so it makes you look like a huge moron to believe that since we now have a large standing army, the 2nd isn't necessary
the founders knew that a large standing army was a bane to liberty, so it makes you look like a huge moron to believe that since we now have a large standing army, the 2nd isn't necessary
Do you think the 2nd amendment should be negated or altered or made irrelevant by the fact that the USA has an enormous government Military?
Was the intent of the amendment to provide legal means for an easily assembled local militia if necessary because there weren't the means for a "federal" or government funded overarching Militia? And if so, now that the US has that federal militia is the intent of the amendment now moot?
It was likely written in anticipation of citizens needing to protect themselves from trumptards in the future.