Why was the band KISS so successful?

What makes me laugh is Gene Simmons offering bass tutorials but you have to buy one of his signature overpriced G2 Thunderbird basses first.

You gotta give Gene Simmons a prize for monetizing Rock and Roll from what I have heard.

On par with Pelosi monetizing politics.

Or better Gore.
Gene Simmons, the lead singer was not an idiot. He recognized what sold and played to an audience of idiots. Come on, Simmons has advanced degrees, speaks several languages, and is anything but stupid. He was willing to do what it took to sell to a market.

Even the wiki entry shows this.


The guy was another PT Barnum.
Gene Simmons, the lead singer was not an idiot. He recognized what sold and played to an audience of idiots. Come on, Simmons has advanced degrees, speaks several languages, and is anything but stupid. He was willing to do what it took to sell to a market.

Even the wiki entry shows this.


The guy was another PT Barnum.

Never said he was but he knew how to play the suckers.
If people enjoy the music and the show why does that make them suckers?
It's not like they are being sold something they don't want.

...but they all became members of Knights in Satan's Service! I remember the 1970's. Things got scary when the rock 'n' rollers started working for Satan! For only pure evil can rock and roll all night AND party ever-y-day.