Why was the band KISS so successful?

Gene Simmons, the lead singer was not an idiot. He recognized what sold and played to an audience of idiots. Come on, Simmons has advanced degrees, speaks several languages, and is anything but stupid. He was willing to do what it took to sell to a market.

Even the wiki entry shows this.


The guy was another PT Barnum.

They set the standard for live performance.

While the Grateful Dead and Steppenwolf just stood around on the stage in bell-bottoms and jeans, Kiss put on a visual and audio performance that was unprecedented in it's day and still is.

I saw The Who, Rush, Grateful Dead, Kinks, Police, Bad Company, and I have to admit that Kiss were better performers and showmen than any of them.

They were competent rock musicians and rock singers and had just enough catchy tunes to rank them in the upper pantheon of rock acts. I used to want to believe they were just a joke and write them off, but eventually I couldn't deny the mountain of evidence.
You gots a Satan complex!

Jeezly pete you people are humorless drudges. It was a joke. It was a big thing back in the 70's when people saw evil in all the rock and roll. All the backmasking stuff and the Knights in Satans' Service was quite the fear-mongering thing in the Midwest.

I wish you weren't such a drudge. Maybe if you lightened up a bit and maybe actually paid more attention you wouldn't seem so dull.
Jeezly pete you people are humorless drudges. It was a joke. It was a big thing back in the 70's when people saw evil in all the rock and roll. All the backmasking stuff and the Knights in Satans' Service was quite the fear-mongering thing in the Midwest.

I wish you weren't such a drudge. Maybe if you lightened up a bit and maybe actually paid more attention you wouldn't seem so dull.

Soda is Pop in the Midwest
They only have a few good songs, but "Rock & Roll All Night..." is one of the top rock anthems of all time.

And they upped the game on theatricality in the genre, and really putting on a show. They inspired a lot of good & great bands that followed. Their place in rock history is secure, despite the lack of great material.