APP - Why we must limit immigration

Because assimilation only works when the immigrants are the same race as the majority.

That's not the foundation this country was built on. Since the 1700s we've been considered a melting pot.

Yes, but the Jews are an ethnic group, not a religious group. Jewishness is defined by ancestry, not belief.

Jews come from many different ethnic groups and their common link is religion.
That's not the foundation this country was built on. Since the 1700s we've been considered a melting pot.

Actually, America was founded on Nationalist principles. Our immigration laws limited non-white immigration so that America retained a strong white majority, and that didn't change until 1965.
The "melting pot" myth was created, unsurprisingly, by a Jew.

Jews come from many different ethnic groups and their common link is religion.

If a Jew doesn't believe in Judaism, that Jew is still considered a Jew by the Jewish community. Contrast this to other religions. If a Christian stops believing in Christianity, he's no longer Christian. Judaism and Christianity are both religions, but the Jews are an ethnic group, and the Christians are a religious group.

Jews don't come from different ethnic groups. They identify as Jews no matter where they live. Sigmund Freud wasn't a Jewish Austrian, he was a Jew living in Austria. That's how the Jewish community sees itself.