Why we need less college and more reality?

When my dad was in high school the votech classes built a modular house every year. When that house was auctioned off every year, it fetched more money than it would cost to buy the same house from the modular people. The high school house had a reputation for being a superior quality build. People whose children had spent their lives in private school would pull their students into that public high school because it too was superior on the academic side. Now people will move just to keep their kids from having to go there.

Our local school system's problem has a clear beginning point for this---it was when consolidation began. It started with eliminating junior high schools by putting 8th graders back in middle school and moving 9th graders into the already crowded HS. To make room, vocational classes were almost completely eliminated across the board. Then came elementary school consolidations, Then came middle school shakeups though I wouldn't call it consolidation---they just started this bizarre shuffle of campuses and toying with the lines, Elementary schools became middle schools and middle schools become elementary schools. No rhyme or reason to it really. We now have schools sitting empty the city won't sell or do anything with but they will occasionally re-open one and close another while doing work to the ones re-opened and nothing to the ones re-closed. Add into all this zero-tolerance and the squeeze of no child left behind and budget pressures, and it seems like the goal now is to drive as many people out of the public school system as possible.

Yes we should promote vocational training, but we also need to promote college prep as well. Schools are just a quagmire of problems that never seem to get better. Most of the problems seem to originate with administrators having lost their fucking minds in pursuit of "change".

Yeah, change is bad, no one wants change. And schools are bad. I mean I like that we turn generations of debt peons out into society for the benefit of the financial services sector? But they might learn to think for themselves and be less manageable.
Yeah, change is bad, no one wants change. And schools are bad. I mean I like that we turn generations of debt peons out into society for the benefit of the financial services sector? But they might learn to think for themselves and be less manageable.

Change for the sake of change is bad. Perhaps you think going to a high school with 4k+ students is change we can believe in, but when that school was originally built for 2K students and expanded for 3K, change not so good.
I dunno. You RW cocksuckers continually shit on the teaching profession. That’s one that actually requires a degree and usually involves advanced degrees.

Professors today don't have any real world experience. And also, they don't teach anymore, they indoctrinate in AntiAmerican Left wing ideology rather than staying with the basics.
Change for the sake of change is bad. Perhaps you think going to a high school with 4k+ students is change we can believe in, but when that school was originally built for 2K students and expanded for 3K, change not so good.

Well you know, our endless generational wars and the global occupation of the planet is more important to us, so that's what we fund. So we're turning education over to corporations/private sector.
Professors today don't have any real world experience. And also, they don't teach anymore, they indoctrinate in AntiAmerican Left wing ideology rather than staying with the basics.

Yeah, that’s the mantra of you RW cocksuckers who never have stepped on a college campus unless it’s for a football game. And I never said “professors”, you illiterate fucktard. I said the teaching profession.

Obviously, literacy skills aren’t necessary for your job. Good thing they use pictures for many roadsigns these days.

Thanks for proving my point with your post.

Fucking bus driver. Ralph Kramden :rofl2:
Well you know, our endless generational wars and the global occupation of the planet is more important to us, so that's what we fund. So we're turning education over to corporations/private sector.

Certainly happening in my city now. Private schools have sprung up all over the place with a clear racial/socio-economic divide. The primary high school is 80% minority and over 90% economically disadvantaged students. The people who haven't white-flighted into the burbs have fled to private schools (which unfortunately are mostly low-bar religious schools run by various Baptist clans).
Certainly happening in my city now. Private schools have sprung up all over the place with a clear racial/socio-economic divide. The primary high school is 80% minority and over 90% economically disadvantaged students. The people who haven't white-flighted into the burbs have fled to private schools (which unfortunately are mostly low-bar religious schools run by various Baptist clans).

Well there ya go. Thank the Betsy DeVos/Robert Mercer/Erik Prince crowd. Feudalism weren't so bad afterall.
Certainly happening in my city now. Private schools have sprung up all over the place with a clear racial/socio-economic divide. The primary high school is 80% minority and over 90% economically disadvantaged students. The people who haven't white-flighted into the burbs have fled to private schools (which unfortunately are mostly low-bar religious schools run by various Baptist clans).

And likely kicking the collective asses of the district schools in terms of results.
And likely kicking the collective asses of the district schools in terms of results.

The Catholic school is pretty top notch but the others I am not so sure about. Ours go to private school across the state line near my better-half's work so I really don't know the ins and outs of how the locals compare. None of them have particular stellar reputations other than the Catholics, but the non-religious private school that did have a great record left the area so I assume the baptist schools picked up their students. We do have a couple high dollar boarding schools about 30 miles away, but I am not dropping that kind of bank on ABC's and 123's. The girls school has a really good reputation. The military school not so much.
And likely kicking the collective asses of the district schools in terms of results.

That’s because they can pick and choose whom they admit, Kramden. However, in my state, the top performing high school is a public high school. In a conservative state, that particular school district is probably the most liberal area in the entire state.

That really fucks with your theory, doesn’t it, Kramden?
That’s because they can pick and choose whom they admit, Kramden. However, in my state, the top performing high school is a public high school. In a conservative state, that particular school district is probably the most liberal area in the entire state.

That really fucks with your theory, doesn’t it, Kramden?

In the context of the local baptist schools that were being discussed, I really don't think their admission standards are based on merit so much as on whether you are a true baptist as they see it. I went to a magnet school that was pretty strong at the time. Its ranking is always a little wonky because it spans middle and high school. Its middle school ranking is a bit stronger than its high school ranking, or was last time I checked.
Certainly happening in my city now. Private schools have sprung up all over the place with a clear racial/socio-economic divide. The primary high school is 80% minority and over 90% economically disadvantaged students. The people who haven't white-flighted into the burbs have fled to private schools (which unfortunately are mostly low-bar religious schools run by various Baptist clans).

Few of these low bar religious schools are accredited.....