Why we should politicize the Newtown shooting, starting right now

Obviously you ARE intimidated as you are defensive and unreasonable on this particular topic. My safety and security will trump any claims to the safety and well being of any gun toter in any court of law. You can bet on it.

It is not obvious at all. You have talked about confronting and attacking someone who is simply carrying a firearm. You have no legal right to do that. The fact that they, by simply carrying a firearm, cause you such fear and panic that you feel justified in attacking them shows your own paranoia.
It is not obvious at all. You have talked about confronting and attacking someone who is simply carrying a firearm. You have no legal right to do that. The fact that they, by simply carrying a firearm, cause you such fear and panic that you feel justified in attacking them shows your own paranoia.

My objective is to deny them the intimidation factor they have planned for me. That is a perceived threat that will stand up for me in any fair minded court of law. That's life, cowgirl.
My objective is to deny them the intimidation factor they have planned for me. That is a perceived threat that will stand up for me in any fair minded court of law. That's life, cowgirl.

So all you are actually planning to do is to not be intimidated? That sounds fine to me. It also sounds quite different from your previous statements.

I would suggest you stick with the idea that you will deny them the intimidation factor. Don't be intimidated. That solves the problem.
So all you are actually planning to do is to not be intimidated? That sounds fine to me. It also sounds quite different from your previous statements.

I would suggest you stick with the idea that you will deny them the intimidation factor. Don't be intimidated. That solves the problem.

You play your little games and I'll play mine but don't be surprised if you happen to walk up on me or someone like me and you're toting that you get the shit slapped out of you as you should. Intimidation begets intimidation, girlyman.
You play your little games and I'll play mine but don't be surprised if you happen to walk up on me or someone like me and you're toting that you get the shit slapped out of you as you should. Intimidation begets intimidation, girlyman.

First of all, your violent reaction to a law abiding citizen carrying a weapon shows the depth of your issues. You might take your own advice and seek help.

Second of all, as you play your games you might rethink whether or not I ever said I actually carry a firearm openly.

And lastly, that you think it acceptable to launch a surprise attack on someone is rather pitiful. But I suppose it is the safest way. Otherwise I might put you in the hospital without ever drawing a weapon.
First of all, your violent reaction to a law abiding citizen carrying a weapon shows the depth of your issues. You might take your own advice and seek help.

Second of all, as you play your games you might rethink whether or not I ever said I actually carry a firearm openly.

And lastly, that you think it acceptable to launch a surprise attack on someone is rather pitiful. But I suppose it is the safest way. Otherwise I might put you in the hospital without ever drawing a weapon.

You're a mighty weak one, WB. Mighty weak.
He's said he'd do a better job than the police in a crisis shoot-out.

Don't you believe him?

I think a rodeo clown more appropriate to detract the raging bulls might be a better use for him. Police work? Not on your life and sure as hell not "better"!!!!!!!! Maybe a Mid Town Apartment security guard but he'd walk into a gunfight and get himself killed pretty quickly. The cowboys don't last long in that kind of work.
This was certainly a galvanizing event. Feinstein said tonight that it was the straw the broke the camel's back, and I think a lot of people feel that way.
good. I hope she puts the 'turn em all in' theory she wanted in the 90s in to full effect. come and take them.
My objective is to deny them the intimidation factor they have planned for me. That is a perceived threat that will stand up for me in any fair minded court of law. That's life, cowgirl.
you really think that any judge or jury is going to buy your 'preserving my peace' defense for you assaulting another person who wasn't breaking the law????
you really think that any judge or jury is going to buy your 'preserving my peace' defense for you assaulting another person who wasn't breaking the law????

First off, I won't be asking any judge or jury to do anything like you say. I believe that the girlyman entering into an otherwise peaceful and non-threatening environment and packing heat will be the one answering the questions and pleading for mercy.

If you think differently, go for it.
I think a rodeo clown more appropriate to detract the raging bulls might be a better use for him. Police work? Not on your life and sure as hell not "better"!!!!!!!! Maybe a Mid Town Apartment security guard but he'd walk into a gunfight and get himself killed pretty quickly. The cowboys don't last long in that kind of work.

Its funny that you pretend to know that I am some sort of cowboy. I would love to hear the basis for that assumption.
First off, I won't be asking any judge or jury to do anything like you say. I believe that the girlyman entering into an otherwise peaceful and non-threatening environment and packing heat will be the one answering the questions and pleading for mercy.

If you think differently, go for it.

Apparently it isn't a "peaceful and non-threatening environment" if a law abiding citizen can be assaulted for no reason other than his attacker's unfounded fears.
Many Americans are too afraid of their shadow to think seriously about gun control, the gun huggers need something to keep them safe. Cowards need walls to protect them.


"In the 18 years before the law, Australia suffered 13 mass shootings — but not one in the 14 years after the law took full effect. The murder rate with firearms has dropped by more than 40 percent, according to data compiled by the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, and the suicide rate with firearms has dropped by more than half.

Or we can look north to Canada. It now requires a 28-day waiting period to buy a handgun, and it imposes a clever safeguard: gun buyers should have the support of two people vouching for them." http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/16/opinion/sunday/kristof-do-we-have-the-courage-to-stop-this.html


"In 1991, Warren E. Burger, the conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court, was interviewed on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour about the meaning of the Second Amendment's "right to keep and bear arms." Burger answered that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud--I repeat the word 'fraud'--on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In a speech in 1992, Burger declared that "the Second Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to have firearms at all. "In his view, the purpose of the Second Amendment was "to ensure that the 'state armies'--'the militia'--would be maintained for the defense of the state." Cass R. Sunstein, “The Most Mysterious Right,” National Review
I'll tell you what Gatorman, we have a serious crime problem in Oakland. Lots of young kids walking the streets with illegally owned guns. Now I know you're a Mississippi boy but if you want to start kicking the ass of people who carry guns on them feel free to come to the West Coast and clean up the streets of Oakland. They'll be plenty of gun toting individuals you can feel free to lay out.
I'll tell you what Gatorman, we have a serious crime problem in Oakland. Lots of young kids walking the streets with illegally owned guns. Now I know you're a Mississippi boy but if you want to start kicking the ass of people who carry guns on them feel free to come to the West Coast and clean up the streets of Oakland. They'll be plenty of gun toting individuals you can feel free to lay out.

LMAO!! Now THAT makes for a funny mental image.
This time we cannot be desensitized to the issues of gun nuts, gun violence, gun availability and new, good gun legislation. You are correct, ken, not tomorrow or next week or whatever. NOW is the perfect time for loud, vociferous and positive demands for political accountability and legislation in these regards. We can and must change. Status quo just ain't cutting it. Our local police department is now being asked to stop anyone openly carrying and ask for their license. I hope they get to them before I do. They are intentionally threatening me with their cowboy hip-slung bullshit and I'm not going to allow them to take away my comfort zone any longer. I'm going to confront those cowards face to face. Choices will have to be made.


tell us which paper to watch for your obituary
I have every right to a "comfort zone" and it has been protected and upheld repeatedly in various trials and courts of law. And, you'll never get that opportunity, dumbass. And I ain't kidding a bit about that.

Yet you don't get to say that someone who is obeying the law violates your comfort zone just because you don't like the law they are following.
I don't think I'll be charged with anything at all. Possibly the carrier for no license, inciting violence, disturbing the peace, or whatever else. I will be standing my ground and exercising my right to feel safe and not intimidated in an otherwise peaceful and non-threatening environment. Maybe a gamble but probably not. Gunslingers go out looking for trouble and I am him. It ain't no laughing matter.

Walking up to someone who is obeying the law and committing battery is going to either get you dead via the gun owner or in jail via the police.