Why Women Destroy Their Men

LOL, I know about that and I wasn't the type to just give for that reason. If it was your birthday, I'd but you a shot. If it's ladies night, I'll give you enough for two drinks, you buy me one and we are both drunk and I saved money still.. lol, that' about as far as it went. The one girl I hung out with was very flirtatious and a model, she was always getting free drinks while I would stand with a couple buddies. She would come back with 2-3 drinks that some guys bought for her and I would steal one of them. lol... I took advantage of guy's stupidity just as much as some women do. She told them I was her 'big gay brother' because we hung out so much together that it was suspicious to them, and we didn't want to be considered b/f and g/f.

Oh, I am not talking about material giving.
I agree, I love the challenge. The previous g/f provided none of that and its what I love about this one. It's exactly what I was looking for. We are both young and I don't expect her to be perfect, nor do I think I am.

Well, I'm not so sure about the: helping each other become better people part.

I think by the time you're in your mid-30s, you're basically the person you're always going to be. There's no changing you at that point. Unless that change comes from within.

That's why when you get a little older, you can pretty much figure out quickly if you have chemistry with a person. It shouldn't be a "challenge".

I will say this: while, I don't believe you can change another person fundamentally, you can definetly learn from each other, and the individual strenghts you each have, are sort of a synergistic part of a good relationship.
Well, I'm not so sure about the: helping each other become better people part.

I think by the time you're in your mid-30s, you're basically the person you're always going to be. There's no changing you at that point. Unless that change comes from within.

That's why when you get a little older, you can pretty much figure out quickly if you have chemistry with a person. It shouldn't be a "challenge".

I will say this: while, I don't believe you can change another person fundamentally, you can definetly learn from each other, and the individual strenghts you each have, are sort of a synergistic part of a good relationship.

The challenge is for ourselves, not to change one another, but to make ourselves better people. The change always has to come from within.
Well, I'm not so sure about the: helping each other become better people part.

I think by the time you're in your mid-30s, you're basically the person you're always going to be. There's no changing you at that point. Unless that change comes from within.

That's why when you get a little older, you can pretty much figure out quickly if you have chemistry with a person. It shouldn't be a "challenge".

I will say this: while, I don't believe you can change another person fundamentally, you can definetly learn from each other, and the individual strenghts you have, are sort of a synergistic part of a good relationship.

Agree. A lot of this is way out there, I guess it's the age thing. You are not going to change anyone, and no one is going to change you. Attraction is about chemistry, not hotness. I rememebr being 23, and I can honestly say, you haven't even come close to having the best sex you're goign to have yet. But I also remember this; you're completely convinced you have.
Agree. A lot of this is way out there, I guess it's the age thing. You are not going to change anyone, and no one is going to change you. Attraction is about chemistry, not hotness. I rememebr being 23, and I can honestly say, you haven't even come close to having the best sex you're goign to have yet. But I also remember this; you're completely convinced you have.


A great physical and sexual relationship comes from the mind...not from the bodily anatomy. ;)
You people are gay.

A relationship is not a self improvement regimen.

When they say "let her help you become a better person" that's code for "pleased become a p-whipped and woman-like man."

And here you have it from asshats own mouth!

The idea of marriage as no place to learn to be a better person.

These are the words of someone who has no idea what an adult relationship is.

Imagine the dear moments in life he will miss.

That time you and your spouse had that talk that clairified what you both wanted out of life and you both lay their feeling completely understood for the first time in your life.

He will never have it!

That time when you looked into each others eyes and knew that you were now Blood realitives forever because of this beautiful little bundle of perfectness that wriggled in your arms.

He will never have it!

That time you thought your spouse may be truely hurting inside and you scrambled in your mind to think just what you could do to find a way to make them understand what a truely unbelievably God sent wonder they were to the world.

He will never have it!

That time when you walked away from a Big arguement with you spouse and wished the leaders of the world could learn to be as good negotiators as the two of you.

He will never have it!

Some just see no ground to become a better person.
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I've been with people who are, at their core, selfish. Sometimes they seem to be getting better, but in my experience, they don't. I'd watch out for that, but that's something we all have to learn on our own.

One thing about men, I will say, is that at first, they are all "givers". This is something my friends and I joke about, and men don't know we're in on it. We know. Oh, he's showing that he's a "giver". But the selfish ones will show themselves, pretty early on, after their big show of "Look at me, I'm a giver".

Women, I can't say.

I have been selfish in relationships in the past. Mainly because I never took them seriously and knew it would be temporary. It was only until I knew that I wanted the relationship to actually go somewhere beyonda a few nice dates that I quit that garbage. My advise to you Dave is to be careful. In my experience you shouldn't have to play mind games to commicate your feelings if you care for one another equally. If you really care about someone those childish games don't even come into the picture.
Hey US you are at a great time in your life.

If you want you can find some lady who cracks you up and makes life spicy.

You dont have to negociate all those other things people have to negociate like kids how and when.

If I was in your situation I would hang lose and take some cruises for people my age and go live in towns I have been interested in for like say 3 to 6 months at a time and see who I met.
Hey US you are at a great time in your life.

If you want you can find some lady who cracks you up and makes life spicy.

You dont have to negociate all those other things people have to negociate like kids how and when.

If I was in your situation I would hang lose and take some cruises for people my age and go live in towns I have been interested in for like say 3 to 6 months at a time and see who I met.

Part of wht this long trip I am on is about. But not the mian object. Heck might find some lady in BC or NZ I just can't live without.
I am just keeping my eyes open though and do not need any playboy guides to ambush women like topper or even AARP dating services :D
I am content to live out the rest of my life without a permanent female companion unless I run accross THE one.
I have been selfish in relationships in the past. Mainly because I never took them seriously and knew it would be temporary. It was only until I knew that I wanted the relationship to actually go somewhere beyonda a few nice dates that I quit that garbage. My advise to you Dave is to be careful. In my experience you shouldn't have to play mind games to commicate your feelings if you care for one another equally. If you really care about someone those childish games don't even come into the picture.

Advice well taken.
Thats the way to approach it my friend.

I had always told myself if I did not meet the right guy I would just live on my own , No settling for a lesser option.
Thats the way to approach it my friend.

I had always told myself if I did not meet the right guy I would just live on my own , No settling for a lesser option.

Right I have already been down that road in the past and it sucked.