Why Women Destroy Their Men

Here is a tip for all of you guys who keep coming up with "harpie" women.

When you are dating dont just judge them with your pecker.

If you come acrossed a woman and your pecker says go gettum boy and your head says damn this girl is alot of trouble let the head win out(I do mean the Big head).

Men shop for women with their eyes women shop for men with their hearts.

We will dump a really hot piece of ass (well at least us smart ones will) if he is selfish right away, guys will hang arround because they want to "hit that" a few more times.

Then they get to be girlfriend and boyfriend and wonder why all girls are selfhish.

What you do is create a world in which selfish good looking girls can get away with anything.

Go hang with the girl who isnt the hottest one in the room and doesnt wear the Nordstrum clothes.

Then really talk to her for a minute and listen with your head, Dont hang around just to "hit that" bail and move to the next one and find one with REAL Class instead.

LOL Excellent points Desh. I hadn't thought of this. God knows how many great girls these morons passed up because they didn't think she was the hottest girl at the party.
No offense, but your girlfriend sounds like a fucking idiot.

Hey now!

Actually, she is very bright and she knew it was more important but she just didn't want to go. But I sat there trying to explain the logic while she is playing with emotions, works very well to manipulate a man. She found a way to convince me that I need to make my time there short. Felt like a total boner....
Here is a tip for all of you guys who keep coming up with "harpie" women.

When you are dating dont just judge them with your pecker.

If you come acrossed a woman and your pecker says go gettum boy and your head says damn this girl is alot of trouble let the head win out(I do mean the Big head).

Men shop for women with their eyes women shop for men with their hearts.

We will dump a really hot piece of ass (well at least us smart ones will) if he is selfish right away, guys will hang arround because they want to "hit that" a few more times.

Then they get to be girlfriend and boyfriend and wonder why all girls are selfhish.

What you do is create a world in which selfish good looking girls can get away with anything.

Go hang with the girl who isnt the hottest one in the room and doesnt wear the Nordstrum clothes.

Then really talk to her for a minute and listen with your head, Dont hang around just to "hit that" bail and move to the next one and find one with REAL Class instead.

Desh, you don't get near enough credit for being a very insightful person.

I don't hang out with the homer simpson and bonehead crowd, but I think most mature and sane men, after about age 30, start putting a lot more emphasis on chemistry, and not just looks.

If you have chemistry with the right gal, she is the sexiest and most beautiful woman on the planet ;)
Hey now!

Actually, she is very bright and she knew it was more important but she just didn't want to go. But I sat there trying to explain the logic while she is playing with emotions, works very well to manipulate a man. She found a way to convince me that I need to make my time there short. Felt like a total boner....

If a guy even tried to talk me into "limiting" my time at my friend's wedding because he wanted to go see freaking balloons or baseball or whatever, he's out that day. Gone. I know what a future with that mindset looks like. Why prolong it? Bye.

You kept her. She's probably good in bed. Maybe your friends want to do her. Whatever the reason, she's a selfish moron, and you like it.

Don't put that on anybody but you, and her.
Desh, you don't get near enough credit for being a very insightful person.

I don't hang out with the homer simpson and bonehead crowd, but I think most mature and sane men, after about age 30, start putting a lot more emphasis on chemistry, and not just looks.

If you have chemistry with the right gal, she is the sexiest and most beautiful woman on the planet ;)

True, Desh is very insightful especially about human behavior, and she gets no credit for it.
Desh, you don't get near enough credit for being a very insightful person.

I don't hang out with the homer simpson and bonehead crowd, but I think most mature and sane men, after about age 30, start putting a lot more emphasis on chemistry, and not just looks.

If you have chemistry with the right gal, she is the sexiest and most beautiful woman on the planet ;)

gather arround childern and learn, these are the words of a man.
If a guy even tried to talk me into "limiting" my time at my friend's wedding because he wanted to go see freaking balloons or baseball or whatever, he's out that day. Gone. I know what a future with that mindset looks like. Why prolong it? Bye.

You kept her. She's probably good in bed. Maybe your friends want to do her. Whatever the reason, she's a selfish moron, and you like it.

Don't put that on anybody but you, and her.

LOL, well, I was ready to cut her loose that day but after we calmed down, I just couldn't. I would say that she is selfish and that is her biggest flaw, but she rounds that out with some very good qualities that keep me around other than how she is in bed. Also, even her selfishness seems to disappear at times that makes me realize it isn't as selfish as one incident makes her seem.

I had a six year relationship before her and the girl I was with was just plain, how shall I put this, retarded. Literally, she had an IQ of 72, no joke. But she was very hot, and seemed loyal up until I told her to get a job if she wants to do anything with her life, she can't expect to just ride my coat-tails all her life. Barely any fighting, she always listened to what I had to say and hated the fact that I was always the right one. I broke up with her after she started becoming independent and making decisions on her own that were just plain stupid.

I wanted a challenge, went through a period of time that both Rob and Tiana here probably remember where I was just plain out a man slut. So I spent a lot of time just mingleing not looking for a relationship, then bam... I fell for this girl that I'm with now. We just connected, it wasn't a physical attraction but more that we had great conversations and they could last all night. It took me 6-months to establish the feelings, and we never had sex until after we decided to be together. Everything felt right about it, and still does to this day. Every day, I see he improving her life, and that is what I love about her. She knows she can be a B sometimes, and she actually has done some things to correct that without my coaxing. Things are constantly getting better.
LOL, well, I was ready to cut her loose that day but after we calmed down, I just couldn't. I would say that she is selfish and that is her biggest flaw, but she rounds that out with some very good qualities that keep me around other than how she is in bed. Also, even her selfishness seems to disappear at times that makes me realize it isn't as selfish as one incident makes her seem.

I had a six year relationship before her and the girl I was with was just plain, how shall I put this, retarded. Literally, she had an IQ of 72, no joke. But she was very hot, and seemed loyal up until I told her to get a job if she wants to do anything with her life, she can't expect to just ride my coat-tails all her life. Barely any fighting, she always listened to what I had to say and hated the fact that I was always the right one. I broke up with her after she started becoming independent and making decisions on her own that were just plain stupid.

I wanted a challenge, went through a period of time that both Rob and Tiana here probably remember where I was just plain out a man slut. So I spent a lot of time just mingleing not looking for a relationship, then bam... I fell for this girl that I'm with now. We just connected, it wasn't a physical attraction but more that we had great conversations and they could last all night. It took me 6-months to establish the feelings, and we never had sex until after we decided to be together. Everything felt right about it, and still does to this day. Every day, I see he improving her life, and that is what I love about her. She knows she can be a B sometimes, and she actually has done some things to correct that without my coaxing. Things are constantly getting better.

Sounds like you are on the right track, remember to let her help you become a better person while you help her become a better person.

This part of an adult relationship is actually one of my favorite aspects.

Helping each other become better people is the most rewarding part.
LOL, well, I was ready to cut her loose that day but after we calmed down, I just couldn't. I would say that she is selfish and that is her biggest flaw, but she rounds that out with some very good qualities that keep me around other than how she is in bed. Also, even her selfishness seems to disappear at times that makes me realize it isn't as selfish as one incident makes her seem.

I had a six year relationship before her and the girl I was with was just plain, how shall I put this, retarded. Literally, she had an IQ of 72, no joke. But she was very hot, and seemed loyal up until I told her to get a job if she wants to do anything with her life, she can't expect to just ride my coat-tails all her life. Barely any fighting, she always listened to what I had to say and hated the fact that I was always the right one. I broke up with her after she started becoming independent and making decisions on her own that were just plain stupid.

I wanted a challenge, went through a period of time that both Rob and Tiana here probably remember where I was just plain out a man slut. So I spent a lot of time just mingleing not looking for a relationship, then bam... I fell for this girl that I'm with now. We just connected, it wasn't a physical attraction but more that we had great conversations and they could last all night. It took me 6-months to establish the feelings, and we never had sex until after we decided to be together. Everything felt right about it, and still does to this day. Every day, I see he improving her life, and that is what I love about her. She knows she can be a B sometimes, and she actually has done some things to correct that without my coaxing. Things are constantly getting better.

I've been with people who are, at their core, selfish. Sometimes they seem to be getting better, but in my experience, they don't. I'd watch out for that, but that's something we all have to learn on our own.

One thing about men, I will say, is that at first, they are all "givers". This is something my friends and I joke about, and men don't know we're in on it. We know. Oh, he's showing that he's a "giver". But the selfish ones will show themselves, pretty early on, after their big show of "Look at me, I'm a giver".

Women, I can't say.
Sounds like you are on the right track, remember to let her help you become a better person while you help her become a better person.

This part of an adult relationship is actually one of my favorite aspects.

Helping each other become better people is the most rewarding part.

I agree, I love the challenge. The previous g/f provided none of that and its what I love about this one. It's exactly what I was looking for. We are both young and I don't expect her to be perfect, nor do I think I am.
You people are gay.

A relationship is not a self improvement regimen.

When they say "let her help you become a better person" that's code for "pleased become a p-whipped and woman-like man."
I've been with people who are, at their core, selfish. Sometimes they seem to be getting better, but in my experience, they don't. I'd watch out for that, but that's something we all have to learn on our own.

One thing about men, I will say, is that at first, they are all "givers". This is something my friends and I joke about, and men don't know we're in on it. We know. Oh, he's showing that he's a "giver". But the selfish ones will show themselves, pretty early on, after their big show of "Look at me, I'm a giver".

Women, I can't say.

LOL, I know about that and I wasn't the type to just give for that reason. If it was your birthday, I'd but you a shot. If it's ladies night, I'll give you enough for two drinks, you buy me one and we are both drunk and I saved money still.. lol, that' about as far as it went. The one girl I hung out with was very flirtatious and a model, she was always getting free drinks while I would stand with a couple buddies. She would come back with 2-3 drinks that some guys bought for her and I would steal one of them. lol... I took advantage of guy's stupidity just as much as some women do. She told them I was her 'big gay brother' because we hung out so much together that it was suspicious to them, and we didn't want to be considered b/f and g/f.