Why Women Destroy Their Men

There is a reason women sytematically destroy their men over the course of a long term relationship.

Women seek out superior genes to father superior offspring. A woman can also increase the survivability of her offspring if she can she can stop her man from siring offspring with OTHER women, who will be competitors with her offspring. hence, once your daddied up, your woman, more likely than not, will begin an all out assault on your self esteem, health, well-being etc, so you will be too insecure and unhealthy to appeal to other women. As long as you can still get to and from work to earn her money, that's all she's cares about you. She will sabotage everything else.

Sad but true.

Ah, alcohol, the solution to every problem...
I told you guys he doesn't like women.

You have to understand that he's just angry because he feels like he has to put on this charade of being attracted to women, when as we've seen, in reality he wants to pound.......how did he put it.....doniston's brown star? This along with his mother's shortcomings throughout his childhood has made him misogynist.
I told you guys he doesn't like women.

You have to understand that he's just angry because he feels like he has to put on this charade of being attracted to women, when as we've seen in reality he wan't to pound.......how did he put it.....doniston's brown star? This along with his mother's shortcomings throughout his childhood has made him misogynist.

I like some women, most are lost and hopeless, however.
You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

Can't keep ass off the brain huh. Assmunch you really should let loose and surrender to your inhibitions. I think you should call up your local male escort service and just get the pounding over with and out of your system. I'm sure this obsession spills over into your real life. Let me be the first to tell you: its highly likely all two of your friends already know.
Hmmm.. I have seen no evidence of this.

A strong woman will push you to be what you can be, and will be right there with you when you make it.
Iv'e been avoiding this thread...

However I will add that there are good women and bad women...good men and bad men...one can only be destroyed by the opposite sex if they are weak...I suppose this also applies to same sex partners as well...ya would have to ask one..this is out of my expertise..thank God!
There is a reason women sytematically destroy their men over the course of a long term relationship.

Women seek out superior genes to father superior offspring. A woman can also increase the survivability of her offspring if she can she can stop her man from siring offspring with OTHER women, who will be competitors with her offspring. hence, once your daddied up, your woman, more likely than not, will begin an all out assault on your self esteem, health, well-being etc, so you will be too insecure and unhealthy to appeal to other women. As long as you can still get to and from work to earn her money, that's all she's cares about you. She will sabotage everything else.

Sad but true.

this is the best thing ever.
Why is it conservative men dont like women, does it have to do wht that liking dick thing?

Seriously I know some conservative men that are outstanding, this site with the exception of Damo seems lacking. Then again, what I mostly see here is a liberal jerk chain, this thread exempted.
this is the best thing ever.

Its only true for the jaded. And it seems to be true for people in this country, the land of superficiality, moreso than other places. This country is going to hell in a handbasket. Join it if you wish. Not me.
Its only true for the jaded. And it seems to be true for people in this country, the land of superficiality, moreso than other places. This country is going to hell in a handbasket. Join it if you wish. Not me.

beefy, my last girlfriend was a mormon. She banned me from drinking and playing poker.

beefy, my last girlfriend was a mormon. She banned me from drinking and playing poker.


You allowed this to happen. Relationships are give and take. The last girl that banned me from being me ceased to be my girlfriend at that very moment.