Why Women don't want top jobs

Kamala Trump

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This daily mail place is a real bomb throwing site. They rock.

No, if women aren't racing to the upper echelons of science, government and the corporate world despite decades of efforts to woo them, Pinker argues, then it must be because they are wired to resist the demands at the top of those fields.

Women, she says, care more about intrinsic rewards.

They have broader interests, they are more serviceoriented and are better at gauging the effect they have on others.

They are "wired for empathy".

Crucially, she explains that these aren't learned traits, forced into them by a sexist society; they're the result of genes and hormones.

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Second class: Most FTSE 100 companies have male CEO's

The trends begin in the uterus when men are exposed to higher levels of testosterone, driving them to be more competitive, assertive, vengeful and daring.

Girls, meanwhile, get a regular dose of oestrogen, which helps them read people's emotions.

Then there's prolactin, which, along with oxytocin, surges during pregnancy, breastfeeding and mothering.

Together, these hormones produce a "natural high": tests have shown that female rats experience a greater rush of pleasure from being with their newborns than from cocaine.

What Pinker has done, in fact, is to have proved how and why girls are different from boys right from the womb, when they are pumped full of different hormones.

You can see these differences from very early on - and they cannot be "overridden".

Nature wins over nurture every time.

I've had many feminist friends who have relentlessly presented their tiny daughters with bright-red fire engines to play with, only to be aghast when they throw them aside in favour of a Barbie doll.

The converse is true for boys.

Above all, the hormones women receive in the womb mean that, by nature, they do not want to be manic, one- dimensional workhorses who invest all their energies in one thing: their job (or hobby).

Overall, they are less extreme than men.

The social critic Camille Paglia once wrote: "There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper."

Men are simply more variable - there are more really stupid ones and more very smart ones than women; more extremely lazy ones and more who are willing to halfkill themselves with overwork.

Women, by contrast, are steadier, less risk-taking.

As a consequence, they live longer.

In other words, because of their biological make-up, most women want to limit the amount of time they spend at work and to find "inherent meaning" there, as opposed to domination - a goal which thrills men but leaves most women disenchanted.

As such, women's biological make-up conflicts with making lots of money and rising through the ranks.

These, of course, are the sort of conclusions that used to make my feminist blood boil.

When I set out into the world as a working woman, I believed the quest for equality with men was a quest for the right to have the same life as a man: a full-time job (an obsessive one at that), a fulltime hobby, a partner who really did split the child-care neatly down the middle, plenty of time for "me" to do whatever I wanted.

I didn't think sexual equality could actually mean something completely different - that is, the equality to live your life how you wanted, and to have society respect you equally for it.

The trouble is, of course, that in our money-obsessed society, the jobs and professions we look up to - and that so many envy or seek to emulate - are those that bring in a vast pay cheque (while keeping you chained to your desk).

Our values, Pinker asserts, are based on the simple fact that the world of men (i.e. success and drive) is the correct model.

While society continues primarily to value skills that emphasise money as the only currency of success, the skills that women have will always be seen as second-rate - and women will be seen to be failing.

The tragedy is that it is women who end up paying the price for this misunderstanding.

Too many of us struggle on in jobs we do not like, simply because the fiscal rewards are seen as the marker of achievement.

I realise, of course, that there is a danger here of over-simplifying the debate: affording a home often requires two full-time incomes.

Yet, it is equally undeniable that all of the women whom Pinker spoke to who had decided to step off the career ladder - whether to devote more time to their children or to develop their own businesses - report far greater degrees of satisfaction.

What we need to do, she asserts, is to stop rating women according to men and accept that the sexes truly are different.

As I see it, this is both a relief and a sadness.

A relief because it explains the female drain from the workforce when women are in their 30s; a sadness because too often those women are seen to have failed.

To make men and women genuinely equal, we have to accept and honour difference, not mark everyone's scorecard according to the same set of standards.

I still firmly believe there are measures that Britain could and should take to make the workplace more female-friendly, or rather more family-friendly.

For most working mums I know, it's attempting to juggle their boss's demands with their children's needs (combined with most men's continued reluctance to shoulder an equal share of running a home) that makes their lives so stressful.

There is still no escaping the fact that, as a society, Britain lags far behind the rest of Europe in providing good, reliable childcare, which covers school holidays as well as those tricky hours between the end of the school day and the time that most offices close.

But I also believe that Pinker's book should mark a watershed.

Sexual equality is all very well.

But real equality comes from making your own choices, not just following the well-trodden path towards careerism, simply because it has been signposted by society as the only path to success.

Liberation must always be about being yourself, not simply a clone.

The battle of the sexes is over.

Let the fight for women to be women commence.
A friend sent me an e-mail yesterday that included an article from 1943 outlining how female workers should be supervised on the job and why.

This POS is even worse. What year is this really from, anyway?
A friend sent me an e-mail yesterday that included an article from 1943 outlining how female workers should be supervised on the job and why.

This POS is even worse. What year is this really from, anyway?

Men and women are different. Feminism should not be about turning women into men. That's saying men are better. Feminism should be about celebrating feminine qualities, not ridiculing them and stamping them out.
Men and women are different. Feminism should not be about turning women into men. That's saying men are better. Feminism should be about celebrating feminine qualities, not ridiculing them and stamping them out.

I agree with you, but it is not our place to lecture women about what feminism "should be".

Each woman will and should be the one who defines it for herself.
I agree with you, but it is not our place to lecture women about what feminism "should be".

Each woman will and should be the one who defines it for herself.

You sound like an idiotic lib. GO check this article, it was written by a recovering "feminist". I can lecture anyone about anything. It is my place. I claim it for myself. Now stop being a pussy.
Isn’t it always the case that a few pieces will be walked into the store, and with only a glance, you know they will be on the markdown table? The same is true here, Sean declares.

Asshat you have been marked down! No no no, all the begging and scraping in the world won’t put you back in the front of the store. You are headed for clearance girl!
Isn’t it always the case that a few pieces will be walked into the store, and with only a glance, you know they will be on the markdown table? The same is true here, Sean declares.

Asshat you have been marked down! No no no, all the begging and scraping in the world won’t put you back in the front of the store. You are headed for clearance girl!

I own the mall, bitch. Bow down.
You sound like an idiotic lib. GO check this article, it was written by a recovering "feminist". I can lecture anyone about anything. It is my place. I claim it for myself. Now stop being a pussy.

I read the article. This woman has created her own definition of feminism.

Unless you have a pussy I'm unaware of, you are not a woman and have no need for a personal definition of feminism.

And just because you do choose to lecture someone doesn't mean you have the intelligence, the perspective, or the ability to do so.
I read the article. This woman has created her own definition of feminism.
It's a competing definition. Many share it.
Unless you have a pussy I'm unaware of, you are not a woman and have no need for a personal definition of feminism.
Ideas are the same regardless of the person thinking them. The assertion that some people may not hold certain thought or opinions is the lowest, most debased form of identity politics.
And just because you do choose to lecture someone doesn't mean you have the intelligence, the perspective, or the ability to do so.

Oh, but I do, shitknob, now go somewhere and screw yourself.
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I love the last three lines of the article. I will repost them.

Liberation must always be about being yourself, not simply a clone.

The battle of the sexes is over.

Let the fight for women to be women commence.
Lordy women don’t have to fight to be women. Women just is women. Haven’t you ever been with a woman? You poor thang.

Now Sean, Sean has had to fight to be a woman. And now I have been so successful, everybody wants a piece of this. Even you Ass.
Lordy women don’t have to fight to be women. Women just is women. Haven’t you ever been with a woman? You poor thang.

Now Sean, Sean has had to fight to be a woman. And now I have been so successful, everybody wants a piece of this. Even you Ass.

The truth is feminists try to make women who want to be moms feel guilty about it.
Most women I know are not moms only.

Do you think Ass knows any women? He comes on here screaming like a fish wife…he sounds like Battleborne’s mother. Have mercy.

He is one of those sad cases who, having failed in every other attempt, tries to get some pussy by belittling the owners of the world’s entire supply of it! And there will be some sad sac, some poor fat girl with thin hair and buck teeth, (picture Mrs. Mike Huckabee here), who will eventually bite.