Why Women don't want top jobs

Good Lord sean....

Do you think Ass knows any women? He comes on here screaming like a fish wife…he sounds like Battleborne’s mother. Have mercy.

He is one of those sad cases who, having failed in every other attempt, tries to get some pussy by belittling the owners of the world’s entire supply of it! And there will be some sad sac, some poor fat girl with thin hair and buck teeth, (picture Mrs. Mike Huckabee here), who will eventually bite.

Just because I told you I only date women...here you go all around the board dishing my poor dead mom...hey epi still loves ya and his momma desh will give him away on your June wedding!:eek:
It is irrelevant to try and show that Feminists are a bit more varied than you percieve them to be ?

Ohh you meant irreverant to the great AH ?
Just because I told you I only date women...here you go all around the board dishing my poor dead mom...hey epi still loves ya and his momma desh will give him away on your June wedding!:eek:

Go cry to someone else about your dead mama. Just because Sean helped you out with your wardrobe doesn’t mean I am your personal fucking crying towel.

Go cry to someone else about your dead mama. Just because Sean helped you out with your wardrobe doesn’t mean I am your personal fucking crying towel.

My bad...your wardrobe sucks by the way...ask Rudy for some tips! Would you please go back to the porter personna for a moment or two...all this drag queen posturing is getting b o r i n g!
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And then my mama got the idea, when I was seven, that I should go with her for her grooming. She made me go to the beauty parlor with her, and have my hair curled professionally. And she would trill out “doesn’t Fredricka look pretty!”. Of course all of the girls knew that I was really a boy. They weren’t fooled. Oh I was so humiliated.


Are you going to follow me around the board telling me your life story forever?
Glad You Asked!

And then came high school. And the winter formal. Mother asked me if a boy had asked me yet. I had had it that day. I screamed out at her “Mother don’t you know you are the only one who thinks that I’m a girl? You haven’t fooled anybody. No boy will ask me to the dance because they know I’m not a girl!”

That night she took me to her spa and had me exfoliated.

Have Mercy.
Some women I've been with have preferred the top, others the bottom, others standing up and bent over... You have to learn to be versatile to get along and be able to compromise! :cool:
Some women I've been with have preferred the top, others the bottom, others standing up and bent over... You have to learn to be versatile to get along and be able to compromise! :cool:

Who knew sock puppets were so versatile?
God us cit....

Thanks Sean, I have BB on ignore and would not have seen those fab posts if you had not quoted them :clink:

You are such a moron...right you have me on IA in making the comment only...just like the love of your life darla...however If you really did that would be nice...and by the way sean is a super troll...he was just trolling and I went along...until I got bored...like I did with you!:readit:
Men and women are different. Feminism should not be about turning women into men. That's saying men are better. Feminism should be about celebrating feminine qualities, not ridiculing them and stamping them out.


You sound like an idiotic lib. GO check this article, it was written by a recovering "feminist". I can lecture anyone about anything. It is my place. I claim it for myself. Now stop being a pussy.


I own the mall, bitch. Bow down.

Hat trick.
I think Women control more money in this country than men do.
Hey AH, She owns the Mall. And Malls would likely not exist if not for women.
Thanks beefy for having the personal integrity to acknowledge my greatness. You will be rewarded, not by me, but through the intrinsic power of honest living.
I both agree and disagree.

I can only go by my own experience.

I got married very young and 2.5 years in to this marriage it was over, no children. At that time, I realized that IF I was to own a home and if I was going to own a halfway decent trustworthy car, Or if I was going to have some nice vacations once in a while, or if I was going to have a middle class life in general and not be struggling, I was going to have to do it for myself...there would be no "we" to do it with... or to provide it for me.

So for me personally, that is all it took for me to find my next goal in life, and marriage wasn't it, failing at it and also being a Catholic at the time, I thought I would never remarry again, so child bearing really had not come to mind at the time! A Career was it!

Long story short, busted my butt, MORESO than any man that worked with me, EARNED many promotions over the 11 years working for this corporation and with no children or husband(remarried 6 years in to the career) or family in general to get in the way of my career, I managed to succeed and keep up with any man that I worked with, mostly through long hours and total dedication to the company I worked for....a true work -a -holic...man like....

soooooooo, I disagree that it is our wiring from birth to not want to succeed to the top....why else would I? Why else would my best friend who was the VP for both Keds and Ecco and now a small business owner of her own shoe stores, who also NEVER was able to have children due to cancer she had gotten young.

What I do agree with is what Asshat said and beefy agreed with....that true equality is a woman finding what is best for her and not being ridiculed for her decision or women not being put down for their jobs verses the jobs that men hold that pay much more money, or for choosing to be a housewife, or choosing to be a stay at home mom!

We are GOOD at all of these jobs, INCLUDING the CEO, if we WANT to do this job....so wiring at birth....blah....

It is the family life that keeps women from getting these jobs in the first place...they usually hold more of the children responsibilities, when they are sick, the mom's have to leave work to go pick them up, the mom's stay home if they can't get a sitter when their kids are sick at home, the moms usually take the kids to extra curricular activities too and go to the PTA meetings and crap like that which HURTS THEM in the work place....I had several women that have worked for me who were just as smart as me or even smarter....but they had children and could not always be at work when work needed them....thus, they worked for me or other Directors or Managers who could be there on a dime or when in need...

These women had NO HELP from their husbands when it came to their children, during their husband's work hours....they never had to leave their jobs for a sick child. And you know what? That's FINE....this is what these married couples have worked out for themselves...they chose for the man's career to be the "more important" one....BUT PLEASE NOTE I have known couples where it is the wife that has the designated job of bread winner and the husband has taken on home/children duties, JUST NOT as often as the wife that does such....THAT'S FINE also.....

I chose to end my career, this is true, like many other women have chosen to do, and am a home maker now....

This wasn't because I didn't LOVE what I was doing though...I just came to the conclusion that "money" wasn't everything, that life had more to offer outside of the workplace, a life I never knew...I made this decision with my(New and Only as far as I am concerned :) ) husband, not all on my own, and he is feeling the same way...only really working partime now himself... soooooooo, it is not just a girl thing that all women are born with...not knocking that motherhood may have something to do with it though, because of the huge responsibility of it!

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