Why won't they do these jobs?


Former Vice President
One of the arguments I hear from the open borders crowd both republican and democrat is that "there are jobs Americans just won't do".

I have always found that to be a specious argument. And it begs the question, why won't they do these jobs? What is about them that is keeping Americans from doing them?

Can anyone explain?

I have loosened thread ban policies because I really want to know. So you have no excuse for not answering and it isn't in APP.
americans wont do them because the pay is so low. But the pay is low due to the plethora of cheap labor. No illegals, the work still has to get done, price goes up. Seems pretty simple to me. Liberals like and enjoy having de-facto slave labor. No different than 150 years ago to be honest.
Americans will do it. But illegals will do it cheaper, so Americans don't have a chance. If the quality of a good is the same, you will always buy the cheaper one.
Most Americans are too soft both physically and mentally to pick fruit and be paid by the piece.

It is really that simple.
Less than one man in ten can make it on commercial fishing boats, which is a similar amount of labor and also performance based pay.
So we have three responses and they speak to the lack of desire to want to do this work or the inability to do this work as the pay is so low.

OK, that gets at part of the issue

However, how is it that economically people are even able to make this decision. For example, if one is unemployed. How can they possibly forgo any work lest they starve or don't have a roof over their head? Doesn't it stand to reason that if someone has no income they really can't afford to not take ANY job that is available?

Can anyone explain further?
What part of incapable do you not understand?


Look at the unemployment rate for those between 20 and 24 years old. It seems to strain common sense that they would be so incapable of manual labor doesn't it?

Where do they get their money from if they can afford to forgo any work? They are obviously unemployed. I don't see dead bodies piled up so they obviously aren't starving to death right?

So doesn't it stand to reason that they are merely making an economical decision that it is more economically beneficial for them to remain unemployed than work?

“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” - Benjamin Franklin

Look at the unemployment rate for those between 20 and 24 years old. It seems to strain common sense that they would be so incapable of manual labor doesn't it?

Where do they get their money from if they can afford to forgo any work? They are obviously unemployed. I don't see dead bodies piled up so they obviously aren't starving to death right?

So doesn't it stand to reason that they are merely making an economical decision that it is more economically beneficial for them to remain unemployed than work?

“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” - Benjamin Franklin

Pretty obvious from the jump that the question was pointed, what "Alice" wants someone to say is that the social welfare system has created a class of people that would rather collect government handouts than work low paying jobs.

Reality is that the pay for these jobs is so low because their is a labor pool available. Always said it was the employers who are a major part of the issue, even the President knows this having employed low paying foreign labor for decades. Besides, the majority of his marriages prove that you need an immigrant to fill some jobs
Pretty obvious from the jump that the question was pointed, what "Alice" wants someone to say is that the social welfare system has created a class of people that would rather collect government handouts than work low paying jobs.

Reality is that the pay for these jobs is so low because their is a labor pool available. Always said it was the employers who are a major part of the issue, even the President knows this having employed low paying foreign labor for decades. Besides, the majority of his marriages prove that you need an immigrant to fill some jobs

Well it is just common sense isn't it Legion? I mean if someone can be better off financially from the social welfare system than actually working they are making a valid economic decision are they not? Of course being on the social welfare system serves two purposes doesn't it? It obviously makes them dependent on gobblement rather than themselves and by being freed from the shackles of work, it gives them more time for the Antifa activities that you have become so enamored with and that fellow JPP liberals have compared to WWII Vets.

What seems odd to me is that lefties like you are more than happy to artificially raise labor costs for certain activities through arbitrary dictates from the federal gobblement, yet you won't let the laws of supply and demand do their natural thing.

It seems odd that your answer to the problem is just freely allowing lowly educated, low skilled individuals to flock here when we have plenty of our own.
So we have three responses and they speak to the lack of desire to want to do this work or the inability to do this work as the pay is so low.

OK, that gets at part of the issue

However, how is it that economically people are even able to make this decision. For example, if one is unemployed. How can they possibly forgo any work lest they starve or don't have a roof over their head? Doesn't it stand to reason that if someone has no income they really can't afford to not take ANY job that is available?

Can anyone explain further?

they're sucking on the governments tit and getting handouts because they are takers

Look at the unemployment rate for those between 20 and 24 years old. It seems to strain common sense that they would be so incapable of manual labor doesn't it?

Where do they get their money from if they can afford to forgo any work? They are obviously unemployed. I don't see dead bodies piled up so they obviously aren't starving to death right?

So doesn't it stand to reason that they are merely making an economical decision that it is more economically beneficial for them to remain unemployed than work?

“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” - Benjamin Franklin

They were not raised on farms.
Ever seen the muscles on a farmer?

Put an average non athletic American in the field trying to keep up with seasoned workers and 9 out of ten of them will not half a day.

I know what I am talking about.
That appears to be the ultimate answer. Maybe a policy if nobody on welfare makes more than someone who works would be a sound policy?

i heard that close 2 1/3 of the population of california getz some form of government assistance

if the able bodied ones hadda work 2 eat i bet they could & would

muscles r developed by exercise
americans wont do them because the pay is so low. But the pay is low due to the plethora of cheap labor. No illegals, the work still has to get done, price goes up. Seems pretty simple to me. Liberals like and enjoy having de-facto slave labor. No different than 150 years ago to be honest.

Americans will do it. But illegals will do it cheaper, so Americans don't have a chance. If the quality of a good is the same, you will always buy the cheaper one.

Simple supply & demand.........

In a way, that is true. But lets say we find workers who are willing to put in hard labor for good pay. Can you imagine the uproar at our grocery stores? This talk is all fine, until it comes to the individual pocketbook. When prices go up, liberals and conservatives alike will be very unhappy.
Changing what is going on for decades can't happen over night, it will be a painful process if even possible.

i heard that close 2 1/3 of the population of california getz some form of government assistance

if the able bodied ones hadda work 2 eat i bet they could & would

muscles r developed by exercise

That appears to be the ultimate answer. Maybe a policy if nobody on welfare makes more than someone who works would be a sound policy?
Some don't have a choice, so lets not forget those who simply can't find work or can't work. Passing judgement is easy, but it is just not that simple. I think it is that mentality that is so appalling to liberals. Sorry, but call BS when I see it.
In a way, that is true. But lets say we find workers who are willing to put in hard labor for good pay. Can you imagine the uproar at our grocery stores? This talk is all fine, until it comes to the individual pocketbook. When prices go up, liberals and conservatives alike will be very unhappy.
Changing what is going on for decades can't happen over night, it will be a painful process if even possible.

Some don't have a choice, so lets not forget those who simply can't find work or can't work. Passing judgement is easy, but it is just not that simple. I think it is that mentality that is so appalling to liberals. Sorry, but call BS when I see it.

Oh, I don't doubt that there are people who actually truly, can't find work due to a real disability. I just don't think that number is very large. I see many able bodied people not working.

All I am saying is that someone on welfare should not make more money than someone who works 40 hours a week. That doesn't seem unreasonable to me. That is how you reward work and you would see how many actually couldn't vs those who have found it easier to just not
The argument being made by the JPP wingnuts that Americans simply want more pay is bullshit.

Anyone who wants to find out why, can Google the topic and find article after article relating story after story by farmers who've tried to hire American workers at well over minimum wage, even over $12 an hour to pick their crops, to no avail. One farmer talked about how many American hirees only lasted until lunchtime on their first day, leaving without even collecting the half days pay they were owed.

When I was very young, my high school buddy and I wanted to make some money one summer, so we took jobs harvesting sod at a large ranch near our town. Toughest job I ever tried to do in my life!!! I lasted a few days then just said fuck it. My friend really needed the money, so he hung in there awhile longer. But you have to be reeeeaaalllly desperate for money and used to hard ass work to last out in the fields all day everyday.

Most Americans are not.
When I was very young, my high school buddy and I wanted to make some money one summer, so we took jobs harvesting sod at a large ranch near our town. Toughest job I ever tried to do in my life!!! I lasted a few days then just said fuck it. My friend really needed the money, so he hung in there awhile longer. But you have to be reeeeaaalllly desperate for money and used to hard ass work to last out in the fields all day everyday. Most Americans are not.

so u were a pussy even then

r u on govt assistance now?
