Why won't they do these jobs?

americans wont do them because the pay is so low. But the pay is low due to the plethora of cheap labor. No illegals, the work still has to get done, price goes up. Seems pretty simple to me. Liberals like and enjoy having de-facto slave labor. No different than 150 years ago to be honest.
The work doesn't have to get done. Over here the insane tory policies just mean farmers can't get enough foreign labour, so the crops aren't all picked already.
One of the arguments I hear from the open borders crowd both republican and democrat is that "there are jobs Americans just won't do".

I have always found that to be a specious argument. And it begs the question, why won't they do these jobs? What is about them that is keeping Americans from doing them?

Can anyone explain?

I have loosened thread ban policies because I really want to know. So you have no excuse for not answering and it isn't in APP.

I think often it is more about the conditions than the actual work that grounds the argument. Also, some of the work is so temporary that few people will give up a year round job just to harvest for a limited amount of time and won't migrate with the crops. I am sure there are some who would/will/do, but the numbers cannot be huge in comparison to the demand. I recall reading once about a place in North Carolina where a bunch of immigrants died that basically involved them being inside a windowless building scalding feathers off chickens all day. Now under different conditions perhaps a lot of Americans would be chicken scalders, but I doubt many would under those ones.

Personally. I would like to see more job-related immigration and fewer family related immigrations, but I am not sure where to draw the line.
I think often it is more about the conditions than the actual work that grounds the argument. Also, some of the work is so temporary that few people will give up a year round job just to harvest for a limited amount of time and won't migrate with the crops. I am sure there are some who would/will/do, but the numbers cannot be huge in comparison to the demand. I recall reading once about a place in North Carolina where a bunch of immigrants died that basically involved them being inside a windowless building scalding feathers off chickens all day. Now under different conditions perhaps a lot of Americans would be chicken scalders, but I doubt many would under those ones.

Personally. I would like to see more job-related immigration and fewer family related immigrations, but I am not sure where to draw the line.

i am sure where 2 draw the line

@ the borders

if people want 2 come here legally therez a process

can u name another nation on erf that letz peeps come & go az they pleeze w/out border or immigration control?

sorry, cheep labor iz not a valid argument 4 law breaking

i nailed it



You nailed "it" alright.


Now we can see why you post the childish, idiotic gibberish you're so known for.
americans wont do them because the pay is so low. But the pay is low due to the plethora of cheap labor. No illegals, the work still has to get done, price goes up. Seems pretty simple to me. Liberals like and enjoy having de-facto slave labor. No different than 150 years ago to be honest.
I picked grapes in the south of France many moons ago, there were also Spanish workers who were much quicker than us. It is incredibly hard, back breaking work and I doubt that many could or would do it today. I have also planted rice in Thailand and that's even harder.
Well it is just common sense isn't it Legion? I mean if someone can be better off financially from the social welfare system than actually working they are making a valid economic decision are they not? Of course being on the social welfare system serves two purposes doesn't it? It obviously makes them dependent on gobblement rather than themselves and by being freed from the shackles of work, it gives them more time for the Antifa activities that you have become so enamored with and that fellow JPP liberals have compared to WWII Vets.

What seems odd to me is that lefties like you are more than happy to artificially raise labor costs for certain activities through arbitrary dictates from the federal gobblement, yet you won't let the laws of supply and demand do their natural thing.

It seems odd that your answer to the problem is just freely allowing lowly educated, low skilled individuals to flock here when we have plenty of our own.
If you want to blame anyone then blame the supermarkets that want to undercut their competition.
I picked grapes in the south of France many moons ago, there were also Spanish workers who were much quicker than us. It is incredibly hard, back breaking work and I doubt that many could or would do it today. I have also planted rice in Thailand and that's even harder.

i planted seed in gonads mom once

it wuz hard work and took 4ever becuz she wuz so loose
Americans will do it. But illegals will do it cheaper, so Americans don't have a chance. If the quality of a good is the same, you will always buy the cheaper one.

You cannot hire illegals to do the work Americans refuse to do. You can hire people with a valid work permit. No business, legitimate that is, will risk it to hire someone that does not provide the required and necessary paperwork the Federal Government requires.

Can the required paperwork be faked? Yes it can; which is why we need immigration reform that includes an on-line document forum with a photo of the legal alien who has the permit and proper authorization to work here.

As to the question why Americans won't do that work; because they can find other work that pays better and is not back breaking and hard.
The argument being made by the JPP wingnuts that Americans simply want more pay is bullshit.

Anyone who wants to find out why, can Google the topic and find article after article relating story after story by farmers who've tried to hire American workers at well over minimum wage, even over $12 an hour to pick their crops, to no avail. One farmer talked about how many American hirees only lasted until lunchtime on their first day, leaving without even collecting the half days pay they were owed.

When I was very young, my high school buddy and I wanted to make some money one summer, so we took jobs harvesting sod at a large ranch near our town. Toughest job I ever tried to do in my life!!! I lasted a few days then just said fuck it. My friend really needed the money, so he hung in there awhile longer. But you have to be reeeeaaalllly desperate for money and used to hard ass work to last out in the fields all day everyday.

Most Americans are not.

Translation. Nomad is a soft pussy
I picked grapes in the south of France many moons ago, there were also Spanish workers who were much quicker than us. It is incredibly hard, back breaking work and I doubt that many could or would do it today. I have also planted rice in Thailand and that's even harder.

Been there, done that. Try picking strawberries in a California field with the sun beating down on you!!