Why won't they do these jobs?

democartz think the govt should let them have indentured servantz again since the gop forced them 2 give up slavez

all democratz want iz 2 exploit poor people 4 profit

Been there, done that. Try picking strawberries in a California field with the sun beating down on you!!
Yes well try planting rice when the temperature is 35C and 85% humidity. Added to which you are up to your knees in muddy water and there is always the chance of snakes around as well.
I picked grapes in the south of France many moons ago, there were also Spanish workers who were much quicker than us. It is incredibly hard, back breaking work and I doubt that many could or would do it today. I have also planted rice in Thailand and that's even harder.

why do you act like a poor person every time you go on vacation?
i am sure where 2 draw the line

@ the borders

if people want 2 come here legally therez a process

can u name another nation on erf that letz peeps come & go az they pleeze w/out border or immigration control?

sorry, cheep labor iz not a valid argument 4 law breaking

I don't speak cat meme. Perhaps in English next time.
why do you act like a poor person every time you go on vacation?
I picked grapes when backpacking around Europe immediately after leaving university. I planted rice some years back just to see what it was like, it is bloody awful work and backbreaking to boot. You might not be so precious and up your arse if you did the same some time.
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Well then, piss off out of our country with your shitty stormtroopoers and your ranting diplomats. Get back to shitville with your pigs!

