why would he?.....


fully immersed in faith..
moon started a thread about...
‘God help us’ if Trump wins re-election, Palestinian PM says

and the question becomes, why would God help the Muslim paleo-simians?.......that's Allah's job......
Mohammadans dont care about palestinians, no one does really.
Loads of euros and other leftists hate jews though.
Thats what its about.
moon started a thread about...

and the question becomes, why would God help the Muslim paleo-simians?.......that's Allah's job......

Arabs call God Allah, Jews call him Yahweh, Spanish speakers call him Dios, Russians call him Bog.

It is all the same deity

Muslims believe Abraham, Jesus, and Muhammad were all important prophets of God. Muhammad was just the last, and most important of the great prophets.
Arabs call God Allah, Jews call him Yahweh, Spanish speakers call him Dios, Russians call him Bog.

It is all the same deity

Muslims believe Abraham, Jesus, and Muhammad were all important prophets of God. Muhammad was just the last, and most important of the great prophets.

all atheists believe that to be true.....
Arabs call God Allah, Jews call him Yahweh, Spanish speakers call him Dios, Russians call him Bog.

It is all the same deity

Muslims believe Abraham, Jesus, and Muhammad were all important prophets of God. Muhammad was just the last, and most important of the great prophets.
all atheists believe that to be true.....
No, that is what college educated people who have taken world religions classes know to be true

The Koran uses the name "Isa" for Jesus. As stone noted, that is a result of linguistic differences. It is not because Isa and Jesus are two different people.
No, that is what college educated people who have taken world religions classes know to be true

The Koran uses the name "Isa" for Jesus. As stone noted, that is a result of linguistic differences. It is not because Isa and Jesus are two different people.

Islam does not accept that Jesus IS God.......The Allah that they revere has a significant difference from the God of Christianity.......if Islam refuses to believe that it is ridiculous to pretend they are the same.....any "college educated" person who thinks otherwise should demand a refund, because their education sucks ass.......
Islam does not accept that Jesus IS God.......The Allah that they revere has a significant difference from the God of Christianity.......if Islam refuses to believe that it is ridiculous to pretend they are the same.....any "college educated" person who thinks otherwise should demand a refund, because their education sucks ass.......

I never made that claim. Neither Jews nor Muslims believe in the divinity of Jesus. For that matter, there are historic Christian traditions which emphasis the humanity of Jesus, rather than his divinity, aka the Nestorian Christians

Muslims consider Jesus a great prophet of God.

As an antidote to your ignorance, the facts are these:
All three of the monotheistic traditions are all talking about the God of Abraham and Moses, whether their language uses the word Allah, Yahweh, or God.

For that matter" the English language did not even exist in antiquity, so back then no one was using the word God.
Yes. They have fictional characters in other languages.

so that which you made up and call Allah is identical to that which you made up and call God........meanwhile Islam believes in an Allah completely different from what you imagine and Christians believe in a God who is completely different from what you imagine.......in summary, what you believe is irrelevant to the conversation......
so that which you made up and call Allah is identical to that which you made up and call God........meanwhile Islam believes in an Allah completely different from what you imagine and Christians believe in a God who is completely different from what you imagine.......in summary, what you believe is irrelevant to the conversation......

I don't think you understand the concept of language.
sure you did......right here....

stop being a fuckwit.....

I will spell it out for you......

do Christians believe Jesus is God?
do Muslims believe Jesus is God?
do Christians and Muslims believe in the same God?.....
The Trinity is an invention that did not come into existence until a hundred years or more after Jesus. The Trinity would be considered by Muslims to be polytheism.

Yep, the God of Abraham, Moses, and Adam are all the same deity revered by Christians, Jews, Muslims.

Jesus was not even a Christian. He was a Jew who worshipped the god of Abraham and Moses, same as the Muslims.
The Trinity is an invention that did not come into existence until a hundred years or more after Jesus. The Trinity would be considered by Muslims to be polytheism.

Jesus was not even a Christian. He was a Jew who worshipped the god of Abraham and Moses, same as the Muslims.

so in summary, the deities worshipped by Jews, Muslims and Christians are all significantly different.......

Yep, the God of Abraham, Moses, and Adam are all the same deity revered by Christians, Jews, Muslims.

sure, except for the differences you admit above.......
so in summary, the deities worshipped by Jews, Muslims and Christians are all significantly different.......

sure, except for the differences you admit above.......
I agree that Muslims and Jews do not agree with the concept of the Trinity, which strikes Muslims in particular as vaguely polytheistic.

It even took Christians hundreds of years before they claimed the full divinity of Jesus. That was not even settled until the 5th century. And afterward Christian sects who emphasized Jesus' humanity over his divinity were harrassed and driven to the far reaches of Africa and Central Asia.

The bottom line is that historically, and to the present day, all Jews, Christians, and Muslims revere the God of Abraham, Moses, and Adam.
I agree that Muslims and Jews do not agree with the concept of the Trinity, which strikes Muslims in particular as vaguely polytheistic.

It even took Christians hundreds of years before they claimed the full divinity of Jesus. That was not even settled until the 5th century. And afterward Christian sects who emphasized Jesus' humanity over his divinity were harrassed and driven to the far reaches of Africa and Central Asia.

The bottom line is that historically, and to the present day, all Jews, Christians, and Muslims revere the God of Abraham, Moses, and Adam.

no.....that is NOT the bottom line........the bottom line is that Christianity believes in a Triune God and Islam and Judaism do not........therefore it is ridiculous to claim they all believe in the same God......