Why would Trump do this?

During his campaign, President Donald Trump made several statements about reducing grocery prices, including specific mentions of eggs. However, there's no direct evidence that he explicitly promised to reduce the price of eggs to "$2 a dozen." Here's what we can gather from the related web results:

  • Trump campaigned on lowering grocery prices in general, with eggs being one of the items he often referenced. He spoke about how prices had doubled or tripled under the previous administration, promising to bring them down. In one instance, he was quoted saying, "A vote for Trump means your groceries will be cheaper," but without specifying a particular price for eggs.
  • He did mention in various speeches the high cost of eggs under Kamala Harris's tenure, once claiming eggs were $5 under her policies, but this was more about critiquing the current situation rather than setting a specific target price.
  • Trump admitted that "it's hard to bring things down once they're up," suggesting a more realistic view on price reduction rather than committing to a specific price like $2 per dozen.
  • Posts on social media reflect public sentiment and expectations around Trump's campaign promises, mentioning that he should lower egg prices to below $2/dozen, but these are interpretations or expectations rather than direct promises from Trump.

In summary, while Trump did promise to lower grocery prices, including eggs, there's no specific evidence that he committed to reducing the price of eggs to exactly $2 a dozen. His comments were more generally aimed at reducing food prices overall.


Posting facts doesn't mater to these left wing parrots, they're just here to post whatever their masters tell them to.
Is that the best you’ve got?

You're the one who demonstrates in your posts the inability to understand simple concepts. The “idiot” comment was a kindness🥳
Why would I give you my best, Crafty?

Then why pay attention to me, son, if you think I'm an idiot?
No, I didn't and feel free to try and find some of my posts to the contrary.
Terry, you regularly harped about inflation and rising costs. That includes eggs which your Orange Jesus regularly harped about until November 6th.

Grocery prices are still the same, if not higher. Inflation came down to 2%, the norm, under Biden as the rest of the world coped with the post-pandemic economy. What I find most fascinating about you and your fellow MAGAts is that you are blind to the economic impact the pandemic had on the global economy and, therefore, the US economy. You see the US economy in a vacuum and blame Biden for every time inflation went up.

What is Trump doing for the economy? He's deporting all the workers. :rofl2: Care to make a gentleman's wager that over the next six months prices will rise under Trump's economy?

So good that inflation is up 20%+ total since Biden took office.The price of nearly everything is higher, and not by a little bit. That Biden has reduced spending from drunken sailor level to teenager with daddy's credit cards, means nothing. Biden and Harris drove the us economy into a ditch.
Fixing the economy she and Biden wrecked!
No, I don't. Even for women, abortion is not a top issue. The economy and inflation hold that position. Abortion is a once, twice, in a lifetime thing for a woman at most. Not being able to afford rent, groceries, or gas is an everyday, right now, thing. Illegal immigration is an issue particularly if you live in a state where there's a lot of it.
1. The economy
2. Illegal immigration
3. DEI
On the economy, inflation, shortages, people having to work two jobs to make ends meet--resulting in the false narrative that unemployment was low, and people maxing their credit cards out at 25 to 30% interest, all fed into a vote against Harris.
So good that inflation is up 20%+ total since Biden took office. The price of nearly everything is higher, and not by a little bit. That Biden has reduced spending from drunken sailor level to teenager with daddy's credit cards, means nothing. Biden and Harris drove the us economy into a ditch.
When your posts begin with things like "I didn’t realize I was speaking to an idiot" then I know I'm talking to an irrational, overly emotional dimwit.

MAGAts only do what their Orange Jesus tells his sheeple to do. Before the election, egg prices mattered, now they don't.

Why would I give you my best, Crafty?

Then why pay attention to me, son, if you think I'm an idiot?

Terry, you regularly harped about inflation and rising costs. That includes eggs which your Orange Jesus regularly harped about until November 6th.

Grocery prices are still the same, if not higher. Inflation came down to 2%, the norm, under Biden as the rest of the world coped with the post-pandemic economy. What I find most fascinating about you and your fellow MAGAts is that you are blind to the economic impact the pandemic had on the global economy and, therefore, the US economy. You see the US economy in a vacuum and blame Biden for every time inflation went up.

What is Trump doing for the economy? He's deporting all the workers. :rofl2: Care to make a gentleman's wager that over the next six months prices will rise under Trump's economy?
Putin's attack on Ukraine caused inflation. It took food and oil off the world market. Trump will end the war in 24 hours ending the inflation. All is well.
Putin's attack on Ukraine caused inflation. It took food and oil off the world market. Trump will end the war in 24 hours ending the inflation. All is well.
...and it's all Biden's fault for not ending the war sooner by cutting off supplies to the Ukrainian freedom fighters.
Sorry, I should have included a "/sarcasm" to my last post.

Anyone who is stupid enough to think the Ukranians will accept Putins rule any more than traditional Americans would accept a King or Dictator is clearly a fucking moron.

The Ukrainians will fight just like Americans would do to defend their freedoms even if it's not conventional opposition.

IMO, Sheeple attacking American rights and the ideals of our Founders are anti-American assets working for a hostile power. Americans should form a Resistance to fight them.

Here's my recommendation for a starting point:

IMO, Sheeple attacking American rights and the ideals of our Founders are anti-American assets working for a hostile power. Americans should form a Resistance to fight them.
Here's my recommendation for a starting point:

Dead cokeheads? Yeah, there's a lot of those.