Why wouldn't Hillary run for President?

Isn't that interesting? And you start to realize that as you get older...you need a balance and sometimes that means sacrifice. I have been discussing that a lot lately in my own life.
I hear you. I decided in my life that I need more sex and less money.....is that incompatible?
What about sacrifices. A lot of people in public service spend large parts of their own fortunes to obtain those positions which pay a fraction of what those people paid. Not to mention said civic minded individual may be earning far more money for far less work than as a public servant. That would be a sacrifice.

I already stated that in my first example where you claimed I only cared about money.
Isn't that interesting? And you start to realize that as you get older...you need a balance and sometimes that means sacrifice. I have been discussing that a lot lately in my own life.[/QUOTE

These are kind of two different things here. There's a big difference, imo, to say I'm going to "sacrifice" to become one of the most powerful people in the world vs. your regular person saying I think I may work a little less, making less money as a result, but I'll be happier by allowing me to spend more times with my family, or coach my kid's team or pursue a passion or hobby.
I wasn't talking about monetary sacrifice; I was talking about living under the public's scrutiny; the weight of the responsibility; and the traveling they have to do, particularly the secretary of state. Physically both the job of president and the job of secretary of state are draining. And to have that responsibility has GOT to be draining mentally.

If she didn't know that was a part of a national politicians job, then maybe. But she knew going in the scrutiny that goes along with the power. It is not a sacrifice if one chooses to put oneself in said position in order to gain what one wants.

That said, I don't disagree that the jobs you mentioned are time consuming and draining. But if one fights tooth and nail to get into said positions, it is not a sacrifice.
These are kind of two different things here. There's a big difference, imo, to say I'm going to "sacrifice" to become one of the most powerful people in the world vs. your regular person saying I think I may work a little less, making less money as a result, but I'll be happier by allowing me to spend more times with my family, or coach my kid's team or pursue a passion or hobby.

If she didn't know that was a part of a national politicians job, then maybe. But she knew going in the scrutiny that goes along with the power. It is not a sacrifice if one chooses to put oneself in said position in order to gain what one wants.

That said, I don't disagree that the jobs you mentioned are time consuming and draining. But if one fights tooth and nail to get into said positions, it is not a sacrifice.

Well, that's why she might not run - she knows what it means for her and her family ; she knows the scrutiny she'll get; and she needs to decide if the SACRIFICE is worth what she can accomplish in office and, yes, the money and attention she'll get. But my guess is she's more interested in a lasting legacy than money at this point in her life; she and Bill will never go hungry.

Those who choose those offices decide that the rewards are worth more than the SACRIFICES

Doesn't mean they don't SACRIFICE; just means they have decided the rewards are worth it.

I've debated switching companies; I could get more money but I would need to travel more. I have decided so far the sacrifice isn't worth it. Let's say I decide to do it - would you say "because I fought tooth and nail to get into said position it is not a sacrifice to travel"? It would still be a sacrifice; it would just mean I decided the rewards were worth it.
Well, that's why she might not run - she knows what it means for her and her family ; she knows the scrutiny she'll get; and she needs to decide if the SACRIFICE is worth what she can accomplish in office and, yes, the money and attention she'll get. But my guess is she's more interested in a lasting legacy than money at this point in her life; she and Bill will never go hungry.

Those who choose those offices decide that the rewards are worth more than the SACRIFICES

Doesn't mean they don't SACRIFICE; just means they have decided the rewards are worth it.

I've debated switching companies; I could get more money but I would need to travel more. I have decided so far the sacrifice isn't worth it. Let's say I decide to do it - would you say "because I fought tooth and nail to get into said position it is not a sacrifice to travel"? It would still be a sacrifice; it would just mean I decided the rewards were worth it.

You stated she sacrificed years to the country. She did not. She chose to go after the positions she wanted. She may have had personal sacrifices, but she did not sacrifice for the sake of the country, she sacrificed for the sake of the power for herself (as do all national politicians).
I agree with most of what you stated. the exception being the kids. They do sacrifice. They did not choose to be there. This doesn't mean they have a rough life, but if you think they are able to behave like normal kids while always having a secret service detail in tow, then you are mistaken.

Chelsea certainly came out ok and I would bet the Obama kids will as well, but there is some sacrifice (as well as benefits) to the house they live in.
of course, to put it in simplistic terms / there is no "yin without yang" / nothing is all one way. everything is a duality.
You stated she sacrificed years to the country. She did not. She chose to go after the positions she wanted. She may have had personal sacrifices, but she did not sacrifice for the sake of the country, she sacrificed for the sake of the power for herself (as do all national politicians).

We don't know since neither of us can read her mind. But my feeling is she did all her jobs - first lady, senator, secretary of state - for the good of the country as well as for her own promotion.

But I'm not as cynical as you, I guess. Being a politician is HARD. Unless you're McClintock...
She was here in SF last week speaking to the American Bar Association so there's been a lot of local write-up on her political future. I know it's not a fait accompli until she makes her announcement in a couple of years but other than a health issue or something unforeseen does anyone here not see her running for President?

is the sky blue? she's running.
We don't know since neither of us can read her mind. But my feeling is she did all her jobs - first lady, senator, secretary of state - for the good of the country as well as for her own promotion.

But I'm not as cynical as you, I guess. Being a politician is HARD. Unless you're McClintock...

lol... yeah, I don't have much faith in any national politician (nor our local ones). Back in the 80's I think there were many who put good of country in the mix. Reagan and O'Neal butted heads continuously, but could still be civil with each other and did compromise with each other. I think that is gone. It began fading in the 90's and all but disappeared in the Bush and Obama era. Now the term compromise means 'do what my party wants or we will call you obstructionists/communist/etc...'
anyone that thinks hilary isn't running is just a flat out idiot that doesn't know anything about politics. I am sorry, but it just is as simple as that. You seriously have to have no brains to think there is even the slightest possibility she wont run.
anyone that thinks hilary isn't running is just a flat out idiot that doesn't know anything about politics. I am sorry, but it just is as simple as that. You seriously have to have no brains to think there is even the slightest possibility she wont run.

You're being a little rough on Cawacko no? He's just asking a question, making a little conversation.
anyone that thinks hilary isn't running is just a flat out idiot that doesn't know anything about politics. I am sorry, but it just is as simple as that. You seriously have to have no brains to think there is even the slightest possibility she wont run.

she could pass away, thus a slight possibility does exist... other than that, you are correct.
she could pass away, thus a slight possibility does exist... other than that, you are correct.

yes, if she dies or gets paralyzed or something, MAYBE she wont run. I think she might think the wheelchair would give her a lot of sympathy points though so I wouldn't even count her out in that situation.
She might even find a way to run if she dies before then!

She is a monster after all.

look it's just the most obvious thing in the world she is running. I don't know why we start threads like this. She's played the game too long to give up now. I mean it just makes my eyes bleed when I see there are people that think she wont actually run for president. Blows my mind.
look it's just the most obvious thing in the world she is running. I don't know why we start threads like this. She's played the game too long to give up now. I mean it just makes my eyes bleed when I see there are people that think she wont actually run for president. Blows my mind.

I am going to kill that fucking Cawacko for this!