Wikipedia is Marxist Propaganda, Dismissed on Sight

to be a member of the Federal Reserve system, commercial banks must own shares of stock in the 12 regional Federal Reserve banks. But owning Federal Reserve bank stock is nothing like owning stock in a private company. It can't be traded and doesn't give the member banks voting rights. These pay out dividends, mandated by law to be 6%.8 But the banks must return all profits, after paying expenses, to the U.S. Treasury.
This banks are not the Federal Reserve. They are controlled by the Federal Reserve.
Money isn't a bank. Redefinition fallacy.
This banks are not the Federal Reserve. They are controlled by the Federal Reserve.
Money isn't a bank. Redefinition fallacy.
the are member banks of the federal reserve system.


the member banks are owners of the fed system.
Wikipedia is not an authoritative source. It is a leftist disinformation site posing as a neutral, unbaised, dispassionate, exhaustively researched, truthful, wholesome family information center. Wikipedia simply tows the leftist partisan line and should be ignored or dismissed on sight.

Please use this thread to cite your own examples.

Gun Control:

Wikipedia does not include any specific arguments about why gun control is bad and how it leads to tyranny, or why a country such as the US would have a 2nd Amendment and merely asserts that there are "some" who hold this position. Only the following content is offered, none of which is honest and most of which involves major inaccuracies:

I am including here only one-third of the leftist propaganda for stronger gun control that, once again, makes no mention of any of the cornucopia of arguments for eliminating all gun control. Suffice to say that anyone referring to Wikipedia as a "good starting point" is doing himself a grave disservice.

Illegal Immigration:

According to Wikipedia's stated rules about neutrality, this term should merely be defined and should offer relevant statistics without getting into opinions, and especially should not be glorifying those who break the law. Instead, Wikipedia starts by explaining how dehumanizing US and Canadian law is by using the term "alien" and offers these stats:

Remember, this is supposed to be the article on illegal immigration ... not immigrants.

Once we get past the touching empathy for poor, illegal immigrants, we finally get to some effects of illegal immigration. Parts in red are simply false, and are nonetheless locked down by Wikipedia admin:

Then we get into the plight of the illegal alien:

Then the reasons for illegal immigration are listed: poverty, asylum, overpopulation and family reunification. Then we delve further into the plight of illegal immigrants: lack of access to services, slavery, kidnapping and ransoms, sexual exploitation, exploitation of labor, injury and illness, and death. Then the methods employed to achieve illegal immigration are listed: border crossing, human smuggling, overstaying visas, sham marriages. Then we get to numbers of illegal immigrants for some countries, and the US is not one of them, and Canada apparently has no useful documentation.

Suffice to say that anyone referring to Wikipedia as a "good starting point" is doing himself a grave disservice.

This is all for which I have time at the moment. I will add more later.
You do know anyone and everyone can edit a wikipedia page, right?

Why would it only be "Marxists" (a blatantly silly thing to accuse any American of) and not folks from across the spectrum?
NIce idiot circle, fucktard.
It's your idiot circle ... or pehaps I should say that it's your fascism.

Is a fucktard also fascism?

fascism is still the union of state and corporate power.
... which you absurdly insist includes a civil servant purchasing a magenta toner cartridge. You keep running me around in your fucktard circle. Have you never considered maybe reading Gentile's work and actually learning what fascism is?

a law you must use a certain good or service is fascism.
Nope. You are identifying merely one symptom of a manifestation of fascism. You have never actually defined "fascism" in any way that delimits fascism in any way. Fascism is still everything. You would think that it would be too easy identify something that is not fascism according to your definition, but even peanut butter is fascism if it can find its way into the "union of government and corporate power" ... whatever the fucktard-circle that's supposed to mean.

corporations exerting undue influence for favorable / profitable laws is fascism.
Of course, we see you defining "undue influence" every day. If the peanut-butter industry were to lobby to have a "junk food" classification removed from peanut butter, you would declare that to be fascism. Your position is stupid.

demonizing tariffs is actually fascism too.
Fiscal policy is not fascism. ... but you say that it is, yes?
It's your idiot circle ... or pehaps I should say that it's your fascism.

Is a fucktard also fascism?

... which you absurdly insist includes a civil servant purchasing a magenta toner cartridge. You keep running me around in your fucktard circle. Have you never considered maybe reading Gentile's work and actually learning what fascism is?

Nope. You are identifying merely one symptom of a manifestation of fascism. You have never actually defined "fascism" in any way that delimits fascism in any way. Fascism is still everything. You would think that it would be too easy identify something that is not fascism according to your definition, but even peanut butter is fascism if it can find its way into the "union of government and corporate power" ... whatever the fucktard-circle that's supposed to mean.

Of course, we see you defining "undue influence" every day. If the peanut-butter industry were to lobby to have a "junk food" classification removed from peanut butter, you would declare that to be fascism. Your position is stupid.

Fiscal policy is not fascism. ... but you say that it is, yes?
You suck.
It's your idiot circle ... or pehaps I should say that it's your fascism.

Is a fucktard also fascism?

... which you absurdly insist includes a civil servant purchasing a magenta toner cartridge. You keep running me around in your fucktard circle. Have you never considered maybe reading Gentile's work and actually learning what fascism is?

Nope. You are identifying merely one symptom of a manifestation of fascism. You have never actually defined "fascism" in any way that delimits fascism in any way. Fascism is still everything. You would think that it would be too easy identify something that is not fascism according to your definition, but even peanut butter is fascism if it can find its way into the "union of government and corporate power" ... whatever the fucktard-circle that's supposed to mean.

Of course, we see you defining "undue influence" every day. If the peanut-butter industry were to lobby to have a "junk food" classification removed from peanut butter, you would declare that to be fascism. Your position is stupid.

Fiscal policy is not fascism. ... but you say that it is, yes?
fascism is the union of state and corporate power.

like a law you must buy a product or use a service is fascism.

big businesses controlling policy makers is fascism.

you exude fascist coping smells of frustration.
This banks are not the Federal Reserve. They are controlled by the Federal Reserve.
Money isn't a bank. Redefinition fallacy.
they kind of are.

they are member banks and own shares in the regional fed banks.

they are very much part of and owners of the system.

you're just ignorant of how it all works.

you should shut the fuck up more considering how ignorant you are.
You do know anyone and everyone can edit a wikipedia page, right?

Why would it only be "Marxists" (a blatantly silly thing to accuse any American of) and not folks from across the spectrum?
No, they can't. Once it's locked down by the Marxists administration, only administration can edit it.
fascism is the union of state and corporate power.

like a law you must buy a product or use a service is fascism.

big businesses controlling policy makers is fascism.

you exude fascist coping smells of frustration.
Corporations are not fascism.
Big businesses are not fascism.
Bad smells are not fascism.
Redefinition fallacies.
they kind of are.

they are member banks and own shares in the regional fed banks.

they are very much part of and owners of the system.

you're just ignorant of how it all works.

you should shut the fuck up more considering how ignorant you are.
The government created the Federal Reserve. They OWN the Federal Reserve. They CONTROL the Federal Reserve.
In Wikipedia's entry on capitalism:

You are absolutely correct. This is Marxism under the entry of 'Capitalism'.
Statist capitalism isn't "Marxism" which calls for the state to control the means of production outright. Statist capitalism is a form of socialism, and in a sense, indirect communism. That is, the state controls what gets produced and who produces it, but the means of production are left in private hands rather than controlled directly by the state.