Wikipedia is Marxist Propaganda, Dismissed on Sight

Statist capitalism
There is no such thing. Capitalism has nothing to do with any government.
isn't "Marxism" which calls for the state to control the means of production outright.
WRONG. Marxism is more than communism. It is also fascism, which is government manipulation of markets. Marx described fascism as a stepping stone to communism.
Statist capitalism is a form of socialism, and in a sense, indirect communism.
Capitalism is not communism. Redefinition fallacy.
That is, the state controls what gets produced and who produces it, but the means of production are left in private hands rather than controlled directly by the state.
That is fascism...a form of socialism...and Marxism.
There is no such thing. Capitalism has nothing to do with any government.

WRONG. Marxism is more than communism. It is also fascism, which is government manipulation of markets. Marx described fascism as a stepping stone to communism.

Capitalism is not communism. Redefinition fallacy.

That is fascism...a form of socialism...and Marxism.
You don't get to make up your own definitions. Statist capitalism is a form of socialism where the means of production are privately held but the state controls what you produce, in simplest terms. Much of China's economy is run this way today for example, and yes, the best early examples derive from fascist government in Europe.

You don't get to make up your own definitions.
I'm not.
Statist capitalism
No such thing.
is a form of socialism
Capitalism is not socialism.
where the means of production are privately held but the state controls what you produce, in simplest terms.
That is fascism. Capitalism is not fascism or any form of socialism.
Much of China's economy is run this way today for example, and yes, the best early examples derive from fascist government in Europe.
Capitalism, fascism, and communism are found in every nation on Earth. Many of them have slavery as well (including the United States).
You cannot redefine words using Holy Links. False authority fallacy.
contract /kŏn′trăkt″/


  1. An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law.
2. The writing or document containing such an agreement.
Let's be serious here. I'll begin with "You are a moron who has no clue on this subject."

I made a thread on this topic. You can start by refuting that entire thing. Until then, you are dismissed.
Dude, silly assertions like the OP get the "Nuh-uh" response they deserve.

You want to discuss something start from reality and work from there.
Dude, silly assertions like the OP get the "Nuh-uh" response they deserve.

You want to discuss something start from reality and work from there.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. Buzzword fallacy. You don't get to declare 'reality' for everyone. Omniscience fallacy.