Will Homophobia Be Acceptable, In 2020?

LibTards don't think there is any proof of a God

Where's your proof dumbfuck? Is this it?

"The Bible is the word of God"
"How can you be sure it's the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so"
"Why believe the Bible?
"The Bible is infallible"
"How do you know it's infallible?"
(return to top)
Irony; LibTards don't think there is any proof of a God but stupidly believe that man can change earths climate because a man says so.

That's correct, Goober......a man who represents the folks who are tasked with financing the (ultimate) clean-ups.....

August 29, 2016 - "Climate change in particular represents the mother of all risks—to business and to society as a whole. And that risk is magnified by the way in which fossil fuel $ub$idie$ distort the energy market," said Aviva CEO Mark Wilson. "These $ub$idie$ are simply unsustainable."

Especially when your opponents are a herd, comprised o' science challenged Teabaggers

What was a sin 2000 years ago....will still be a sin come 2020. Truth does not evolve...its the only constant in a world of deviant Chaos. Homophobia is just another buzz term made up by those who would declare "deviation" to the norms of all that is natural NORMAL. Calling a lying dog...a lying dog is not a sin, just ask the hand picked apostles of the Christ.

1 Cor. 6:9-10, 1 Tim. 1:9-11, Rom. 1:26-27

Thus....clearly, anyone that supports the continued sin of homosexuality is Godless. Its not Rocket Science. :) There has been anti-Christs around for over 2000 years....they will remain until until the final judgement.....God does not interfere with the greatest gift given to mankind. FREEWILL. Each is to work out his/her own salvation with fear and trembling. -- Phil. 2:12

God inspired me to write a book and in this book it says what you are saying is bullshit and nonsense. Yeah I don't believe God talked to me, it was a joke but there are people who actually believe God talked to them and said homosexuality is fine and you are bigot. There plenty of other people who said God has talked to them and He told them the bible is fictional. You quoting scripture will not convince us of anything.
God inspired me to write a book and in this book it says what you are saying is bullshit and nonsense. Yeah I don't believe God talked to me, it was a joke but there are people who actually believe God talked to them and said homosexuality is fine and you are bigot. There plenty of other people who said God has talked to them and He told them the bible is fictional. You quoting scripture will not convince us of anything.

you don't believe science remember

Remember....I don't believe in science? Really? I have a degree in APPLIED SCIENCE...but I don't believe in such? Again its simple. Besides making false accusations and running with them like the lying liberal you are...simply go to the archives and present the proof of where I declared that I don't believe in science...you will not because you cannot. I have stated more than once that I don't accept the Philosophy that is called Theroretical Science today as any kind of objective testable truth based upon facts...why? Because that type of supposed science exits only in one place....between the ears of those who make up theories based upon an assumption that the Universe has remained constant since the begging....a false premise to begin with as Applied Science proves that the Universe has been changing and expanding since the beginning of time that potential is observed as truth and is demonstrated in the laws of thermodynamics. :palm:

Caught in yet another lie. Yep that's some moral code you live by......LMAO
Well it certainly wasn't some brain dead clueless liberal retard on an internet forum that is for sure.


You didn't answer the question, asshole. Who decided the sins? Bronze Age goatherders? I do see, however, that you could relate to such a backward and primitive group.
Irony; LibTards don't think there is any proof of a God but stupidly believe that man can change earths climate because a man says so.

That's correct, Goober......a man who represents the folks who are tasked with financing the (ultimate) clean-ups.....

August 29, 2016 - "Climate change in particular represents the mother of all risks—to business and to society as a whole. And that risk is magnified by the way in which fossil fuel $ub$idie$ distort the energy market," said Aviva CEO Mark Wilson. "These $ub$idie$ are simply unsustainable."


Still having problems with those big-words, huh, Goober??
God inspired me to write a book and in this book it says what you are saying is bullshit and nonsense. Yeah I don't believe God talked to me, it was a joke but there are people who actually believe God talked to them and said homosexuality is fine and you are bigot. There plenty of other people who said God has talked to them and He told them the bible is fictional. You quoting scripture will not convince us of anything.

Right....GOD INSPIRED YOU? If such is true, all you have to do is demonstrate that such inspiration came from God as did the Apostles of Christ....all you need do is raise the dead, make the blind from birth see, heal the lame...etc.,

As I said.....the words in the Bible are quite unambiguous, if you are a true profit of God then anything you have written should be backed by signs and wonders....and a new book recorded in the Holy Scriptures, Call it the Book of Lunacy. LMAO.

I will be awaiting your objective testable proof of your signs and wonders. How many dead have you brought back from the grave....how many blind have you healed....lame? I will never see that proof as did the peoples of the 1st century...because you are a lying false prophet. If you can demonstrate through evidence that you have been backed by such supernatural signs and wonders...I will stand corrected and worship right along side you and your church of LUNACY. :) Proceed....make me a believer.
You didn't answer the question, asshole. Who decided the sins? Bronze Age goatherders? I do see, however, that you could relate to such a backward and primitive group.

Nope...no hatred or bigotry here folks. LMAO You must be a child, as you think and reason as a child. :) Typical liberal mentality. You espouse equality with your mouth and act in a most bigoted and hate filled manner. You don't act...YOU REACT. You are a simple minded person that can be easily manipulated through PRIDE.

Its most entertaining to wind a liberal up like a top and manipulate he/she into anger...and watch as they come spinning out of the corner their own words have painted them into...all the while shouting over their left shoulder with personal insults. As I said....nothing bigoted or hate filled going on here folks....there is real tolerance here. LMAO

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Odd how the "age of miracles" faded as science came into the picture.

No more guys being swallowed by big fish. No more walking on water. No more raising the dead. Resurrections. No more big boats with all the animals on it. Virgin births. Go figure, huh?

Did you know that a rainbow is actually the refraction and reflection of light through water droplets and actually existed before Noah's flood?

"The Bible is the word of God"
"How can you be sure it's the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so"
"Why believe the Bible?
"The Bible is infallible"
"How do you know it's infallible?"
(return to top)

Right.....about 1000 years after the Christ walked the earth.....the pseudo philosophers calling themselves scientists held a consensus opinion that the earth was flat and the center of the solar system with the sun revolving around the earth. Kind'a reminds us of the supposed consensus today....about (wink, wink) Global warming being controlled by mankind. I believe in one kind of science....APPLIED SCIENCE....where facts are demonstrable and reproducible through consistent experimentation with at least a potential observed as truth. Yep....about the time that science came into the picture...LAMO

FYI: The last scriptures were drafted by the last living apostle.....John, when he died, the age of miracles died with him.
Nope...no hatred or bigotry here folks. LMAO You must be a child, as you think and reason as a child. :) Typical liberal mentality. You espouse equality with your mouth and act in a most bigoted and hate filled manner. You don't act...YOU REACT. You are a simple minded person that can be easily manipulated through PRIDE.

Its most entertaining to wind a liberal up like a top and manipulate he/she into anger...and watch as they come spinning out of the corner their own words have painted them into...all the while shouting over their left shoulder with personal insults. As I said....nothing bigoted or hate filled going on here folks....there is real tolerance here. LMAO


Laughably, this is the best you can do:

"The Bible is the word of God"
"How can you be sure it's the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so"
"Why believe the Bible?
"The Bible is infallible"
"How do you know it's infallible?"
(return to top)

Where's your proof that any if those miracles occurred? The word of superstitious Bronze Age goatfuckers? lol
Right.....about 1000 years after the Christ walked the earth.....the pseudo philosophers calling themselves scientists held a consensus opinion that the earth was flat and the center of the solar system with the sun revolving around the earth. Kind'a reminds us of the supposed consensus today....about (wink, wink) Global warming being controlled by mankind. I believe in one kind of science....APPLIED SCIENCE....where facts are demonstrable and reproducible through consistent experimentation with at least a potential observed as truth. Yep....about the time that science came into the picture...LAMO

FYI: The last scriptures were drafted by the last living apostle.....John, when he died, the age of miracles died with him.

(laughing) Applied Science? What the fuck is that? An AA degree, right?

Why did the Age of Miracles die with John? Who made that decision? What was the problem? Nobody good enough to cook up a bunch of superstitious bullshit?

Tell me how koala bears and kangaroos got all the way from Turkey to Australia after the flood. Alive and no evidence of mating until they crossed that 9100 miles of mountains, rivers and oceans. Apply your science to THAT! lol
You didn't answer the question, asshole. Who decided the sins? Bronze Age goatherders? I do see, however, that you could relate to such a backward and primitive group.

There is no answer to the unadulterated massive pile of bovine drivel you erupt with shit-for-brains. One can only point at retards like you and laugh.